Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 6 : all-creating, a. omnific.all-devouring, a. omnivorous.allegiance, n. fealty, loyalty, de

all-creating, a. omnific.

all-devouring, a. omnivorous.

allegiance, n. fealty, loyalty, devotion, fidelity.

alleviate, v. mitigate, mollify, lessen, allay, a.s.suage moderate, relieve.

alleviation, n. mitigation, palliation, a.s.suagement, relief, moderation.

alleviative, a. palliative, mitigative, a.s.suasive.

alley, n. pa.s.sage; lane, byway; cul-de-sac (blind alley).

all hollow. (Slang) completely, entirely.

alliance, n. union, coalition, federation, confederacy, league; affinity, affiliation, connection, relations.h.i.+p.

all-knowing, a. omniscient.

allot, v. apportion, mete out, a.s.sign.

allotment, n. apportionment, a.s.signment.

allow, v. permit, consent to; tolerate, suffer, endure.

allowable, a. permissible, admissible.

allowance, n. permission, concession, admittance, authorization, sanction, tolerance, sufferance, connivance, leave, a.s.sent; extenuation; discount, rebate, deduction, annuity, tontine; stipend; alimony.

Antonyms: disallowance, prohibition, refusal, injunction, embargo.

alloy, n. amalgam, alloyage; adulteration.

all-powerful, a. omnipotent, almighty.

all-producing, a. omniferous, omniparient, omniparous.

all-seeing, a. omnispective.

allspice, n. pimento.

allude, v. refer, advert, suggest.

allure, v. entice, lure, tempt, decoy, seduce, tweedle.

allurement, n. enticement, lure, temptation, seduction, decoy, inducement.

alluring, a. charming, tempting, seductive, attractive, fascinating.

Antonyms: repellent, repugnant, unattractive.

ally, n. confederate, co-worker, auxiliary, abettor, a.s.sistant.

ally, v. a.s.sociate, confederate, join.

almanac, n. ephemeris (Astron.).

almightiness, n. omnipotence.

almighty, a. omnipotent.

alms, n. dole, charity. a.s.sociated Words: eleemosynary, almoner, almonry, corban.

alone, a. (Used after the noun) single, solitary, isolated, unaccompanied, companionless; unique, unmatched, incomparable. Antonyms: accompanied, in company.

aloud, adv. audibly. Antonyms: inaudibly, _sotto voce_.

alphabet, n. symbols, letters, crossrow; rudiments, elements, a b c.

a.s.sociated Words: abecedary, alphabetic, alphabetism, alphabetize, primer, abecedarian.

Alps, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: Alpine, cisalpine, trans-alpine, alpenstock, alpestrine.

also, adv. besides, too, further, in addition, furthermore, moreover.

altar, n. a.s.sociated Words: reredos, altarage, mensa, retable, chancel, ciborium, pyx, dorsal, dossal, piscina, antependium, baldachin, hagioscope, predella, frontal.

alter, v. See change; (Colloq.) geld, castrate.

altogether, adv. wholly, completely, unconditionally, thoroughly, utterly, entirely, totally, _in toto_; in the aggregate, _en ma.s.se_, _ensemble_.

always, adv. perpetually, continually, forever, everlastingly, evermore, unceasingly, for aye; invariably, constantly, uniformly.

Antonyms: intermittently, occasionally, periodically.

amanuensis, n. secretary.

ama.s.s, v. acc.u.mulate, collect, gather, heap up.

amaze, v. astonish, astound, surprise, stagger, dumfound, flabbergast.

amazement, n. astonishment, confusion, surprise, flabbergastation.

amazing, a. astonis.h.i.+ng, striking, astounding, marvelous, wonderful.

amba.s.sador, n. plenipotentiary, legate, envoy, minister (of the highest rank).

ambiguous, a. indefinite, delphic, equivocal, vague, doubtful.

ambition, n. aspiration, emulation.

ambitious, a. aspiring, emulous, desirous; showy, pretentious, ostentatious. Antonyms: unambitious, indifferent.

Chapter 6 : all-creating, a. omnific.all-devouring, a. omnivorous.allegiance, n. fealty, loyalty, de
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