Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 7 : amenable, a. answerable, accountable, responsible; submissive, tractable, responsive. An

amenable, a. answerable, accountable, responsible; submissive, tractable, responsive. Antonyms: unamenable, unaccountable, disobedient, insubmissive.

amends, n. pl. reparation, indemnification, rest.i.tution, atonement, redress, indemnity.

amenity, n. agreeableness, amiability, pleasantness, graciousness.

amiable, a. gracious, good-natured, benign, obliging, benignant, affable. Antonyms: See unamiable.

amicable, a. friendly, peaceable, harmonious.

amiss, adv. improperly, incorrectly, wrongly.

amity, n. friends.h.i.+p, harmony, comity, good will.

amount, n. total, sum.

ample, a. s.p.a.cious, extensive, roomy; abundant, copious, plentiful; diffusive, prolix, protracted.

amuse, v. entertain, divert, beguile, recreate, please.

amus.e.m.e.nt, n. diversion, entertainment, beguilement, recreation, relaxation, pastime, merriment, fun, sport, pleasure.

amusing, a. pleasing, diverting, laughable, entertaining, farcical, droll, divertive.

a.n.a.logy, n. resemblance, similarity, parallelism, agreement, correspondence.

a.n.a.lyze, v. decompound, decompose.

anathema, n. denunciation, malediction, curse, execration, condemnation.

anathematize, v. curse, denounce, comminate, maledict.

anatomy, n. dissection; body, structure, skeleton; somatology.

ancestor, n. forefather, progenitor, primogenitor, forbear.

a.s.sociated Words: atavic, atavism, lineal, collateral, hereditary, heredity, genealogy, genealogist.

ancestral, a. patrimonial, hereditary.

ancestry, n. lineage, descent, pedigree, stock, family: ancestors, progenitors.

anchor, n. (small) kedge, grapnel, grapline, killock.

anchorage, n. mooring.

ancient, a. old, antiquated, archaic, antique, pristine, primitive, archaean.

ancient writings. a.s.sociated Words: diplomatics, paleography, paleographer, paleographist, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic.

angel, n. seraph, cherub, eudemon, archangel, spirit. a.s.sociated words: angelology, angelophany, dulia, angelhood, angelize, angelolatry, domination.

angelic, a. seraphic, cherubic, celestial, angelical, heavenly, divine.

anger, n. indignation, fury, rage, wrath, exasperation, dudgeon, ire, animosity, umbrage, resentment, pa.s.sion, choler, displeasure, vexation, grudge, pique, flare-up, spleen, tiff, fume, offense, frenzy, tantrum, temper.

anger, v. enrage, incense, irritate, displease, ruffle, offend, exasperate, infuriate, madden, inflame, vex, provoke.

angle, v. fish; intrigue, scheme.

angle-worm, n. earthworm, dewworm, _lumbricus_.

angry, a. enraged, wroth, furious, pa.s.sionate, incensed, exasperated, raging, infuriated, piqued, choleric, wrathful, hot, irate, indignant, provoked, resentful, ireful, in high dudgeon.

anguish, n. agony, distress, torture, misery, pang, remorse.

animal, a. brute, beastly, brutal, brutish, b.e.s.t.i.a.l; carnal, physical, fleshly.

animal, n. being, creature; brute, beast. a.s.sociated Words: zoology, zoologist, zoography, zoopathology, zoolatry, zoophilist, zoophily, zootomy, zoiatrics, zoological, zoo, warren, taxidermy, taxidermist, veterinarian, veterinarianism, menagerie, pound, animalism, animalize, animalization.

animals, n. pl. (of an area or epoch) fauna.

animals, n. pl. (invisible or nearly so) animalcules.

animals, n. pl. vermin (noxious little animals).

animal spirits. health and energy, frolicsomeness, sportiveness, vivacity, life.

animate, v. vitalize, vivify, quicken, inspirit, stimulate, rouse.

animated, a. lively, spirited, vigorous, vivacious, gay, brisk.

animation, n. vitalization, spiritedness, vivacity, life, gayety, buoyancy.

animosity, n. malignity, rancor, hatred, virulence.

animus, n. spirit, mind, temper.

ankle, n. tarsus. a.s.sociated Word: tarsal.

ankle bone. astragalus, tarsale.

annals, n. pl. records (historical), archives, chronicles, rolls, history, registers.

announce, v. proclaim, publish, blazon, advertise, trumpet, noise abroad, promulgate, herald. Antonyms: suppress, reserve, withhold, secrete, hush up.

announcement, n. proclamation, publication, advertis.e.m.e.nt, promulgation, manifesto, notice, p.r.o.nunciamento annunciation. Antonyms: suppression, reservation, secretion.

announcer, n. proclaimer, herald.

annoy, v. molest, trouble, plague, hector, bother, vex, pester, aggravate, chafe.

Chapter 7 : amenable, a. answerable, accountable, responsible; submissive, tractable, responsive. An
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