Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 8 : annoyance, n. molestation, vexation, irritation, hara.s.sment; plague, nuisance, bore, t

annoyance, n. molestation, vexation, irritation, hara.s.sment; plague, nuisance, bore, torment, infliction, trouble, thorn.

annoying, a. troublesome, vexatious, carking.

annul, v. abrogate, nullify, rescind, invalidate, abolish, reverse, disannul, revoke.

annulment, n. abrogation, nullification, abolition, invalidation, revocation.

anointment, n. anointing, embrocation, unction; ointment, unguent.

anomalous, a. abnormal, irregular, aberrant, unnatural, exceptional.

anomaly, n. irregularity, abnormity, deviation.

another, n. a.s.sociated Words: vicarious, deputy, subst.i.tute, delegate, proxy, delegation.

answer, n. reply, response, rescript, repartee, rescription, rejoinder, retort; refutation, defense; solution.

answer, v. reply, respond, rejoin, retort.

answerable, a. liable, amenable, accountable, responsible; refutable.

Antonyms: unanswerable, unaccountable, irrefutable.

answering, a. responsive, responsory, redditive (Gram.).

ant, n. emmet, pismire, formican; termite (white ant).

antagonist, n. opponent, foe, adversary, a.s.sailant, rival, foeman.

antagonistic, a. contradictory, repugnant, conflicting, renitent, adverse.

antecedence, n. priority, precedence, anteriority. Antonym: posteriority.

antecedent, a. anterior, preceding, prior, previous. Antonym: posterior.

anterior, a. prior, before, antecedent, previous.

antetype, n. prototype.

antic, n. caper, dido, trick, gambol, prank; clown, zany, harlequin, buffoon.

antic.i.p.ate, v. expect, forestall, preclude, obviate.

antic.i.p.ation, n. expectation, preclusion, preoccupation, foretaste, antepast, forethought.

antidote, n. counterpoison, alexipharmic, alexiteric; corrective, remedy, cure.

antipathy, n. aversion, enmity, dislike, hatred; contrariety, repugnancy.

antiquarian, n. antiquary, archaeologist.

antiquated, a. archaic, antique, obsolete, ancient, old-fas.h.i.+oned.

antique, a. archaic, old, antiquated, ancient.

antiquity, n. a.s.sociated Words: archaeology, paleography, paleology, paleontology.

antler, n. a.s.sociated Words: deciduous, troching, croche, burr, fraying, tyne, velvet.

antonym, n. counterterm.

anxiety, n. solicitude, apprehension, disquietude, foreboding.

Antonyms: a.s.surance, indifference, calmness, satisfaction, unconcern.

anxious, a. solicitous, apprehensive, concerned, worried. Antonyms: unconcerned, a.s.sured, indifferent.

apathetic, a. pa.s.sionless, unfeeling, unconcerned, indifferent.

apathy, n. dispa.s.sion, indifference, unconcern, insensibility.

ape, n. simian, pongo; gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-outang, baboon, troglodyte. a.s.sociated Words: simian, simial, pithecoid, pithecan.

ape, v. imitate, mimic.

aphis, n. puceron, aphidian, plant louse; pl. aphides, aphidae.

a.s.sociated Words: aphidian, aphidivorous, aphidophagous.

aplomb, n. self-possession, a.s.surance.

apologizer, n. apologist, vindicator, defender, advocate.

apology, n. justification, extenuation, defense, vindication, _amende honorable_; makes.h.i.+ft, subst.i.tute, excuse.

apostasy, n. defection, unfaithfulness, renunciation, desertion (traitorous).

apostate, n. deserter, pervert, renegade, turncoat, backslider, runagate.

apparent, a. visible, perceptible; palpable, manifest, obvious, evident; seeming, ostensible, specious.

apparition, n. specter, ghost, phantom, wraith, phantasm, illusion, chimera, shade.

appeal, n. entreaty, application, pet.i.tion; resort, recourse.

a.s.sociated Words: appellant, appellate, appellancy, appellatory, appellee, appellor.

appealing, a. imploring, beseeching, entreating, supplicating.

appear, v. emerge; seem, look, loom, resemble.

appearance, n. emersion, emergence; phenomenon, phase, aspect, presence, look, air, semblance.

Chapter 8 : annoyance, n. molestation, vexation, irritation, hara.s.sment; plague, nuisance, bore, t
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