Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 10 : ardor, n. eagerness, zeal, heartiness, impetuosity, fervor, vehemence, empress.e.m.e.nt

ardor, n. eagerness, zeal, heartiness, impetuosity, fervor, vehemence, empress.e.m.e.nt, intensity, warmth. Antonyms: indifference, apathy.

arduous, a. onerous, difficult, laborious, wearisome.

arena, n. amphitheater, ring, field.

arguable, a. debatable, disputable, moot, contestable.

argue, v. reason, plead, remonstrate, expostulate; contend, dispute, controvert, moot, discuss; prove, evince, betoken, indicate, imply, denote.

arguer n. reasoner, disputant, debater, controversialist.

argument, n. reasoning, controversy, argumentation, discussion, debate, dispute, disputation, polemic.

argumentative, a. ratiocinative; disputatious, polemical, controversial, dialectical.

arid, a. dry, barren, unproductive, parched, sterile; uninteresting, dull, unsuggestive.

aridity, n. dryness, drought, unproductiveness, sterility; dullness, unsuggestiveness.

arise, v. mount, ascend, rise; proceed, issue, spring, originate.

aristocracy, n. peerage, patriciate, n.o.bility, patrician order.

Antonyms: commonalty, yeomanry, proletariate, _bourgeoisie_, peasantry, rabble.

aristrocrat, n. patrician, n.o.ble, peer, grandee, lord.

aristocratic, a. patrician, n.o.ble, t.i.tled. Antonyms: plebeian, proletarian.

arm, n. brachium (upper arm), antibrachium (forearm); (bones of the arm) humerus, radius, ulna, epipodiale. a.s.sociated Words: akimbo, solen, cradle, triceps, chevron, bra.s.sard, pinion, discriminal, gesticulate, gesticulation, gesture, brachial, chelidon, elbow, biceps.

arm, n. branch; inlet (of the sea), fiord, firth, frith, cove, estuary; projection.

arm, v. equip (with weapons), fortify, strengthen.

armhole, n. scye (Cutter's term).

armor, n. mail, panoply, armature, armory, cuira.s.s, jambeaux, corselet, hauberk.

armor-bearer, n. armiger.

armory, n. a.r.s.enal.

armpit, n. axilla.

arms, n. pl. weapons, armor, artillery, accoutrements, guns, ordnance; escutcheon, scutcheon, ensigns armorial, coat-of-arms.

army, n. troops, force, armament; host, legions, throng. a.s.sociated words: militia, military, strategy, logistics, generals.h.i.+p, tactics, regiment, squad, company, stratography, flank, barracks, bivouac, muster, caisson, ploy, ployment, deploy, deployment, van, mobilize, mobilization demobilize, demobilization, etat major, impedimenta, munitions.

army peddler. sutler.

aromatic, a. fragrant, redolent, balmy, spicy, savory.

arouse, v. excite, rouse, animate, stimulate, awaken, revive, inspirit.

arrange, v. dispose, range, cla.s.sify, marshal, methodize; prearrange, devise, contrive, premeditate; adjust, settle, determine.

arrangement, n. disposition, distribution, collocation, cla.s.sification; preparation, preconcertion, settlement, adjustment, agreement; economy, management, regulation. Antonyms: disarrangement, confusion, chaos.

arrest, v. apprehend; stop, check, restrain; stunt, dwarf.

arrest, n. apprehension, capture, detention; custody, duress; stoppage, restraint, interruption, hindrance, prevention. a.s.sociated words: capias, warrant.

arrogance, n. hauteur, superciliousness, insolence, haughtiness, lordliness, contumely.

arrogant, a. See haughty.

arrow, n. dart; matras. a.s.sociated Words: barb, ouabain, sagittal, sagittary, quiver, sheaf, belomancy.

arrowhead, n. a.s.sociated Words: cuneiform, sagittate.

a.r.s.enal, n. armory, magazine.

art, n. (fine arts) music, painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, engraving; (liberal arts) grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy, the sciences, philosophy, history; craft, dexterity, clevernes, ingenuity, cunning, artifice. a.s.sociated Words: technical, paleotechnics, technics, technic, intransigeant, intransigeance, artist, artistic, artistry.

artful, a. designing, crafty, diplomatic, disingenuous, ingenious, dexterous, politic.

article, n. thing, commodity; portion, clause, stipulation, detail, item; contribution, piece, essay, feature.

articulation, n. joint; utterance, p.r.o.nunciation, enunciation.

artifice, n. stratagem, finesse, craft, guile, subtlety, wile, machination, ruse, diplomacy.

artificial, a. fact.i.tious; feigned, affected, a.s.sumed, fict.i.tious, counterfeit, spurious.

artisan, n. artificer, craftsman, mechanic, handcraftsman.

artist's workshop. studio, atelier.

artless, a. ingenuous, nave, guileless, simple, sincere, unaffected, undesigning.

artlessness, n. ingenuousness, navete, guilelessness, sincerity, candor, innocence.

ascent, n. rising, ascension; elevation, height.

ascetic, n. hermit, recluse, eremite, anch.o.r.et, solitary. Antonyms: voluptuary, sensualist, sybarite, worldling, epicure, gormand.

ascribable, a. attributable, a.s.signable, chargeable, imputable, referrible.

ascribe, v. attribute, a.s.sign, impute.

Chapter 10 : ardor, n. eagerness, zeal, heartiness, impetuosity, fervor, vehemence, empress.e.m.e.nt
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