Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 12 : astonis.h.i.+ng, a. amazing, astounding.astonishment, n. amazement, surprise, wonder, f

astonis.h.i.+ng, a. amazing, astounding.

astonishment, n. amazement, surprise, wonder, flabbergastation (Jocular).

astraddle, adv. astride.

asylum, n. retreat, sanctuary.

Athanasian Creed. Quicunque, Quicunque vult.

athlete, n. gymnast, pancratist.

athletic, a. gymnastic, agonistic, pancratic; stalwart, muscular, able-bodied, brawny, l.u.s.ty.

athletics, n. pl. gymnastics, athletism. a.s.sociated Words: agonistics, stadium.

atom, n. monad, molecule, particle, bit, iota, grain, sc.r.a.p, scintilla.

atomic, a. molecular.

atonable, a. expiable. Antonyms: unatonable, inexpiable.

atone, v. expiate.

atonement, n. expiation, amends, reparation, propitiation.

atoning, a. expiatory, propitiatory.

at short notice. summarily, promptly.

atrocious, a. heinous, flagitious, nefarious, felonious, infamous, outrageous.

atrocity, n. heinousness, enormity, nefariousness, flagrancy, crime, outrage.

attach, v. affix, annex, append, subjoin; distress, distrain, seize.

attachment, n. devotedness, devotion, adherence; adjunct appendage, appurtenance; seizure, distress.

attack, n. a.s.sault, onset, aggression, onslaught, invasion, escalade, siege, descent, charge, bombardment, fusillade, allonge, oppugnancy; access, fit.

attack, v. a.s.sault, a.s.sail, invade, charge, beset, storm, besiege, bombard, waylay; impugn, censure.

attain, v. achieve, compa.s.s, gain.

attainable, a. achievable, compa.s.sable, practicable, obtainable.

attainment, n. achievement, culmination, acquisition, accomplishment, acquirement.

attend, v. guard, look after; accompany, escort; pay regard, heed, listen.

attendant, a. consequent, accompanying, concomitant, attending.

attention, n. heed, regard, advertence, vigilance, circ.u.mspection, consideration, alertness, watchfulness, notice; civility, courtesy, deference, _devoirs_, addresses. Antonyms: inattention, inadvertence, slight, disregard.

attentive, a. heedful, observant, intent, mindful, wary, alert, circ.u.mspect, watchful; courteous, deferential, considerate. Antonyms: See inattentive.

attest, v. corroborate, confirm, authenticate, certify, indorse, ratify.

attestation, n. corroboration, witness, authentication, ratification, confirmation.

at the same time. simultaneous.--adv. simultaneously.

attic, n. garret, loft, c.o.c.kloft.

att.i.tude, n. posture, position, pose.

attract, v. allure, entice, draw, decoy, interest, engage, induce.

Antonyms: repel, repulse, alienate, deter.

attraction, n. allurement, fascination, charm, inducement, witchery, magnetism, enticement, lure. Antonyms: repulsion, repellence, repugnance, antipathy.

attraction, n. chemism, affinity (chemical attraction).

attractive, a. alluring, engaging, enticing, magnetic, prepossessing, personable, winning, mesmeric, taking, seductive, bewitching. Antonyms: unattractive, repellent, repulsive, forbidding, repugnant.

attributable, a. ascribable, imputable, referrible, a.s.signable, traceable.

attribute, v. ascribe, impute, a.s.sign, refer, trace.

attribute, n. characteristic, peculiarity, predicate; symbol.

at variance. bickering, contending, at loggerheads, dissenting.

auction, n. vendue.

audacious, a. presumptuous, impudent, insolent, brazen, unabashed.

See bold.

augur, v. portend, forebode, presage, indicate, betoken.

augury, n. divination, prophecy; omen, portent, auspice, sign.

august a. majestic, sublime, imposing, impressive, grand, pompous.

auspices, n. pl. protection, favor, guidance, patronage, charge.

auspicious, a. propitious. Antonym: inauspicious.

Austrian Parliament. Reichsrath.

Chapter 12 : astonis.h.i.+ng, a. amazing, astounding.astonishment, n. amazement, surprise, wonder, f
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