Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 13 : authentic, a. genuine, trustworthy, authoritative, credible.authenticate, v. verify, at

authentic, a. genuine, trustworthy, authoritative, credible.

authenticate, v. verify, attest, confirm.

authentication, n. verification, attestation, confirmation.

author, n. creator, originator, father; _litterateur_, writer.

authority, n. dominion, jurisdiction, authorization, right; prestige, influence, ascendency, supremacy; precedent; justification, warrant; permission, sanction, permit, license, warranty; credibility, reliability, trustworthiness. a.s.sociated Word: purview.

authorize, v. empower, commission; sanction, warrant, justify, confirm.

authorless, a. anonymous.

autocracy, n. absolutism, despotism, dictators.h.i.+p; self government, autonomy.

autocratic, a. absolute, despotic, arbitrary.

automatic, a. self-propelling, self-moving; involuntary, mechanical.

autopsy, n. necropsy, post-mortem examination.

auxiliary, n. a.s.sistant, coadjutor, helper.

avarice, n. cupidity.

avaricious, a. covetous, greedy.

average, a. medium, ordinary, mediocre, middling.

averse, a. disinclined, indisposed, reluctant, loath.

aversion, n. dislike, antipathy, disinclination, loathing, abhorrence.

avid, a. eager, greedy, desirous.

avidity, n. eagerness, greediness, intense desire.

avoid, v. evade, shun, elude, eschew, s.h.i.+rk, parry.

avoidance, n. evasion, eluding, eschewing, parrying.

awaken, v. wake, awake, rouse, arouse, excite.

aware, a. cognizant, conscious, apprised, mindful.

away, adv. hence, absent, gone, aside, off; (Colloq.) on, uninterruptedly.

awe, n. veneration, reverence.--v. overawe, intimidate.

awful, a. appalling, terrible, dreadful, frightful, grewsome, horrible, shocking, heinous, flagrant; awe-inspiring, majestic; (Slang) immoderate, great, serious, flagrant, egregious, excessive.

awfully, adv. fearfully, dreadfully; (Slang) very, excessively, extremely, exceedingly.

awkward, a. clumsy, ungraceful, bungling, maladroit, gawky, inelegant, ungainly, loutish, unskillful, unwieldy, uncourtly; embarra.s.sing. Antonyms: graceful, dexterous, deft, courtly, elegant, adroit, clever.

awning, n. sun-shade, canopy, baldaquin, tilt.

awry, a. distorted, wry, crooked, asquint, askant, perverse.

ax, n. adz, mattock, broadax, battleax, dolabra, hatchet, poleax, bipennis.

axiom, n. truism; postulate.

axle, n. arbor, axletree, spindle (of a wheel), axis; gudgeon.


Baa, n. bleat, bleating.--v. bleat.

babble, v. prattle, gabble; murmur, purl. See talk.

babble, n. prattle, gabble, chatter, prating; murmur, purl.

babbler, n. prater, chatterer, prattler, tattler.

baby, n. infant, babe, suckling, nursling. See child.

baby, v. humor, fondle, indulge, coddle, pet, cosset.

baby, a. infantine, infantile, babyish.

babyhood, n. infancy.

bachelor, n. celibate.

bachelorhood, n. bachelors.h.i.+p, bachelorism, celibacy.

back, n. reverse; posteriors, fundament, b.u.t.tocks, seat, rump, breech; ridge. a.s.sociated Words: supine, resupine, resupination, dorsigerous, dorsiferous, crick, dorsiparous, _dos-a-dos_, tergiferous, lumbago, notalgia, lumbar, aitchbone, loins, dorsic.u.mbent.

back, a. posterior, dorsal, notal, tergal, neural; remote, distant, frontier; rear, reverse.

back, adv. backward, rearward; in arrear; in return, in rest.i.tution, in requital.

back, v. support, second, maintain, abet, subsidize, cooperate, with; mount; indorse.

Chapter 13 : authentic, a. genuine, trustworthy, authoritative, credible.authenticate, v. verify, at
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