Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 15 : ballooning, n. aeronautics, aerostation, balloonery.balloonist, n. aeronaut, aerostat,

ballooning, n. aeronautics, aerostation, balloonery.

balloonist, n. aeronaut, aerostat, ballooner.

balm, n. unguent, ointment; mitigant, anodyne, a.s.suager, nepenthe, balsam.

balmy, a. aromatic, odoriferous, sweet-smelling, odorous, balsamic.

bamboozle, v. (Colloq.) cheat, humbug, impose upon, dupe.

ban, n. announcement, notice; curse, anathema, denunciation, malediction, execration; interdiction, proscription, interdict, taboo.

ban, v. curse, anathematize, execrate; interdict, forbid, proscribe, taboo.

ba.n.a.l, a. commonplace, plat.i.tudinous, hackneyed, trite.

ba.n.a.lity, n. plat.i.tude, commonplace.

band, n. fillet, fetter, manacle, shackle, gyve; cincture, girth, swaddle; belt, zone, cestus; bandage, link, bond, vinculum, withe; company, crew, troop, gang, coterie; cabal, clique, club, junto, league; orchestra.

band, v. league, confederate, unite, clique.

bandage, n. ligature, deligation, fillet; capeline, fasciation, fascia, spica.

bandage, v. deligate, swathe.

bandit, n. outlaw, brigand, footpad, highwayman, marauder, desperado.

bang, v. thump, cudgel, maul; slam; resound, reecho.

bang, n. thump, whack, rap, knock; clangor, clang.

banish, v. exile, expatriate, relegate; drive away, dismiss, expel.

banished person. exile, expatriate.

banishment, n. exile, expatriation, relegation, proscription, expulsion.

banister, n. bal.u.s.ter; pl. bal.u.s.trade.

bank, n. mound, pile, ridge, dike, heap, drift, embankment, brink, sh.o.r.e, rivage, rim, brim, marge, strand; shallow, shoal, bar; levee; terreplein.

bank, v. embank, dike; pile up, heap up.

bankrupt, a. insolvent; depleted, impoverished. Antonym: solvent.

bankrupt, v. impoverish, ruin, break.

bankruptcy, n. insolvency. Antonym: solvency.

banner, n. flag, standard, gonfalon, ensign, oriflame, vexillum, banderole, colors, pavilion.

banquet, n. junket, regalement, feast.--v. feast, junket, regale.

banter, n. joking, jesting, pleasantry, badinage, chaff, raillery, persiflage, asteism.

banter, v. jest, chaff, rally, roast.

baptism, n. baptizing; parabaptism, pedobaptism; hypothetical, baptism. a.s.sociated Words: baptize, christen, font, baptistery, baptismal.

bar, n. obstruction, barrier, impediment, obstacle, barricade, hindrance; shoal, sandbar, bank; ingot; lever, pole, rod; tribunal, judgment-seat; jimmy, betty.

bar, v. debar, except, exclude; obstruct, restrain, hinder.

barbarian, a. barbarous, savage, rude, uncivilized.--n. savage.

barbarism, n. savagery, savagism; outrage, brutality, atrocity; vulgarism, impropriety (of speech), solecism.

barbarity, n. barbarism, barbarousness, inhumanity, brutality.

barbarous, a. uncivilized, barbarian, inhuman, truculent, brutal.

barber, n. tonsor. a.s.sociated Word: tonsorial.

barber's itch. sycosis.

bare, a. naked, nude, undressed, denuded, unveiled, exposed, undraped, _in puris naturalibus_; unadorned, bald, meager, unembellished, uncolored, unvarnished; empty, dest.i.tute, unfurnished; threadbare, pileworn, napless; meer, alone, sheer.

bare, v. denude, strip, divest, expose, undress, unmask.

barefaced, a. unmasked, undisguised, glaring, notorious; shameless, unabashed, brazen, audacious.

barefooted, a. unshod, discalced, discalceated.

bareness, n. nakedness, nudity.

bargain, v. stipulate, agree, contract, covenant; barter.

bark, n. cortex. a.s.sociated Words: cortical, corticate, corticiferous, corticiform, phleophagus, corticose, periderm, liber, decortication, decorticator.

bark, v. peel, flay, skin, decorticate; bay, yelp, yap.

barn, n. stable.

barrel, n. cask, cade, b.u.t.t, puncheon, tierce, hogshead, keg, rundlet; (of wine) 31-1/2 gallons; (of flour) 196 pounds. a.s.sociated words: gauntree, cooper, bilge, stave, hoop, chine.

barren, a. sterile, agenestic, infecund, unprolific, unprocreant; unproductive, unfruitful, unfertile, effete, desert; unprofitable, fruitless, unremunerative, empty; stupid, dull, unimaginative, prosaic, devoid, uninspiring, uninteresting. Antonyms: prolific, fecund, virile, fruitful, fertile, teeming.

barrenness, n. sterility, infecundity, unprolificness, infertility.

Antonyms: fecundity, prolificness, fertility.

Chapter 15 : ballooning, n. aeronautics, aerostation, balloonery.balloonist, n. aeronaut, aerostat,
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