Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 16 : barrier, n. obstruction, impediment, obstacle, hindrance, barricade.barter, n. traffic,

barrier, n. obstruction, impediment, obstacle, hindrance, barricade.

barter, n. traffic, exchange, trade, business.--v. traffic, trade, exchange.

base, a. debased, impure, spurious, alloyed, counterfeit; low-minded, unworthy, ign.o.ble, mean, servile, groveling; despicable, discreditable, disgraceful, venal; plebeian, obscure, unt.i.tled, unhonored.

base, n. basis, bottom, foundation, groundwork; pedestal; plinth.

baseboard, n. mopboard, scrubboard.

baseborn, a. plebeian.

baseless, a. unfounded, groundless.

bas.e.m.e.nt, n. cellar. a.s.sociated Word: area.

bashful, a. over-modest, diffident, coy, shamefaced, sheepish, retiring.

bashfulness, n. modesty, diffidence, shyness, over-modesty.

basis, n. foundation.

bask, v. luxuriate, revel.

basket, n. hamper, creel, hanaper, pannier, corb, tumbril, dosser, canister, p.r.i.c.kle, corf, ba.s.sinet, voider, flasket, punnet, wicker, wicker-work, scuttle.

basket-bearer, n. caneph.o.r.e, canephorus. (Gr. Antiq.)

b.a.s.t.a.r.d, n. illegitimate child, love-child, wh.o.r.eson; mamzer (Mosaic law).

b.a.s.t.a.r.d, a. illegitimate, adulterine; spurious, false, counterfeit, supposit.i.tious.

b.a.s.t.a.r.dize, v. illegitimatize, Antonyms: legitimate, legitimatize.

baste, v. beat, cudgel, pound, pommel, buffet, thrash, maul, strike.

bat, n. club, cudgel; brickbat; cheiropter, vampire; racket; (Slang) blow, stroke, buffet; (Slang) spree, jollification.

batch, n. quant.i.ty, collection, lot, a.s.sortment.

bate, n. puer, grainer.

bath, n. ablution, lavement; bathroom, lavatory. a.s.sociated Words: balneal, balneary, balneography, balneology balneotherapy, laver.

bathe, v. lave, wash; foment; surround, envelop, enwrap, suffuse.

bathing, n. ablution, lavement.

baton, n. staff, wand, sceptre, truncheon.

batten, v. fatten.

batter, v. smite, pelt, a.s.sault; demolish, raze, shatter.

battle, n. engagement, fight, encounter, skirmish, contest, combat, tournament, strife.

battle array. battalia.

bauble, n. gewgaw, gimcrack, kickshaws, trinket, plaything.

bawdy-house, n. brothel.

bay, n. bight, frith, estuary, fiord, bayou; recess, alcove, sinus, oriel (bay window); bay-tree, sweet laurel; last resort, desperation; pl. honors, garland, renown.

beach, n. sh.o.r.e, strand, s.h.i.+ngle, marge.

beached, a. stranded, aground.

beacon, n. balefire, signal fire; signal, pharos. a.s.sociated Word: pharology.

beadle, n. apparitor, summoner, servitor.

beads, n. pl. rosary; pa.s.s.e.m.e.nterie (beaded tr.i.m.m.i.n.g); chaplet; wampum, suckanhock, peag.

beak, n. bill, nib, neb, mandible; prow, bow, rostrum. a.s.sociated word: cere.

beam, n. girder, joist; ray, gleam.

beam, v. gleam, s.h.i.+ne, glitter, glisten, scintillate.

beaming, a. radiant, s.h.i.+ning.

beanlike, a. fabaceous.

bear, n. Bruin; Ursus; Ephraim; cub, whelp; grumbler, growler, boor; musquaw.

bear, v. endure, tolerate, stand, undergo, brook, submit to, suffer, bear with; harbor, cherish, entertain; support, sustain, uphold; carry, convey, transport, waft; render, produce, yield; bring forth, teem; relate, refer, concern; press, push, oppress.

bearable, a. sufferable, tolerable, endurable. Antonyms: unbearable, intolerable.

beard, n. whiskers; goatee, mustache; awn, arista (beard of grain).

beard, v. defy, encounter, oppose.

bearded, a. whiskered; aristate, awned.

bearing, n. mien, carriage, port, demeanor, air, deportment; endurance, forbearance, long-suffering, toleration, sufferance; relation, connection, dependency; course, aim, direction; bringing forth, yielding.

bearish, a. discourteous, boorish, uncivil, rude; ursine, ursiform.

Chapter 16 : barrier, n. obstruction, impediment, obstacle, hindrance, barricade.barter, n. traffic,
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