Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 18 : begone, interj. avaunt.beguile, v. insnare, mislead, lure, deceive, cheat; while away.b

begone, interj. avaunt.

beguile, v. insnare, mislead, lure, deceive, cheat; while away.

beguilement, n. imposition, deception.

behave, v. deport one's self, act, bear.

behavior, n. conduct, deportment, actions, demeanor.

behead v. decapitate, decollate, execute.

beheading, n. decapitation, decollation, execution.

behindhand, a. and adv. in arrears; dilatory, late, tardy, unpunctual.

beholden, a. obliged, indebted, bound.

beholder, n. spectator, witness, onlooker, eye-witness.

being, n. existence, ent.i.ty. Antonyms: nonexistence, nonent.i.ty.

a.s.sociated Words: ontology, metaphysics, ontological, ontologist.

belch, v. eruct, expel, throw up; eructate.

belching, n. eructation.

belfry, n. bell-tower, campanile. a.s.sociated Words: louver boarding.

belief, n. credence; persuasion, faith; conviction, a.s.surance, confidence; tenet, dogma, creed, opinion, doctrine, cult, view, principle; intuition; superst.i.tion, fanaticism. Antonyms: doubt, disbelief, skepticism, misgiving, incredulity. a.s.sociated Words: credulous, incredulous, credulity, credibility, incredibility, gull, gullible, gullibility.

believable, a. credible.

belittle, v. decry, disparage, underrate, depreciate.

bell, n. campana, carillon, curfew, tocsin, gong. a.s.sociated Words: campanology, campanologist, peal, ring, knell, toll, chime.

bellicose, a. pugnacious, belligerent.

belligerent, a. at war, warring, militant; bellicose, pugnacious.

bell-ringer, n. s.e.xton, campanologist.

bell-shaped, a. campaniform, campanulate, campaniliform.

bell-tower, n. belfry, campanile.

belly, n. abdomen, paunch; recesses, _penetralia_, depths.

belly-ache, n. colic, gripes, tormina, enteralgia.

belly-band, n. girth, surcingle.

belly-G.o.d, n. glutton, epicure, gourmand, sybarite, voluptuary.

belonging, n. appendage, appurtenance, adjunct concomitant, accessary, attribute.

below, adv. under, beneath, underneath.

below, prep. under, beneath, underneath; inferior to; unworthy of, unbefitting.

belt, n. girdle; girth, surcingle, cincture, cestus; zone; bandolier.

belt, v. encircle, begird, encompa.s.s, surround.

bemoan, v. lament, bewail, deplore.

bench, n. form; workbench.

bend, v. curve, flex, deflect, crook; direct, turn, apply; stoop, incline; yield, condescend.

bend, n. curve, deflection, crook, curvature, bight, coil, flexure, incurvation.

bendable, a. flexible, supple, lithe, pliable, pliant. Antonyms: See inflexible.

benefice, n. living (Eccl.); sinecure. a.s.sociated Words: advowson, simony, donative.

beneficent, a. benevolent, charitable, philanthropic, magnanimous, benignant.

beneficial, a. advantageous, salutary, profitable, useful, wholesome.

benefit, n. avail, profit, behalf, advantage, service.

benefit, v. help, conduce, avail, advantage, be useful to, do good to.

benevolence, n. beneficence, bounty, benignity, charity.

benevolent, a. benign, beneficent, bountiful, charitable, philanthropic.

benighted, a. unenlightened; belated.

bent, a. crooked, flexed, hooked; determined.

bent, n. leaning, bias, proclivity, tendency, predilection, predisposition.

benumb, v. stupefy, blunt, hebetate.

benumbed, a. torpid, unfeeling, stupefied.

bequeath, v. devise, will.

Chapter 18 : begone, interj. avaunt.beguile, v. insnare, mislead, lure, deceive, cheat; while away.b
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