Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 19 : bequest, n. legacy.berate, v. upbraid, rate, reprimand, censure.berry, n. a.s.sociated

bequest, n. legacy.

berate, v. upbraid, rate, reprimand, censure.

berry, n. a.s.sociated Words: baccate, baccated, baccivorous, bacciferous, cocciferous, bacciform.

beseech, v. entreat, implore, adjure, supplicate.

beset, v. besiege, obsess, beleaguer, environ, encompa.s.s; perplex, hara.s.s.

besides, adv. moreover, furthermore, further, too.

besiege, v. obsess, environ, beset, beleaguer, encompa.s.s.

besieging, n. obsession.

best, a. supreme, consummate, superlative, crowning, incomparable, utmost.

bet, v. wager, stake.--n. wager.

betoken, v. foreshadow, portend, presage, foreshow, indicate, augur.

betray, v. seduce, mislead, delude, beguile, inveigle; reveal, disclose; give up treacherously, give over to the enemy, act the traitor, be false to.

betrayal, n. treason, treachery, perfidy; revelation, exposure; seduction.

betrayer, n. traitor, seducer; Judas.

betroth, v. affiance.

betrothal, n. affiance, betrothment.

better, n. upper hand, domination, advantage, control, superiority; improvement.

better, v. ameliorate, improve, emend, promote, reform, meliorate, amend.

betterment, n. amelioration, improvement, promotion, amendment, reformation.

between, prep. betwixt (Obsolescent).--a. interjacent, intervening.

betwixt and between. (Colloq.) so-so, mediocre, average, ordinary, indifferent.

bevy, n. (of birds) flock, covey; (of deer) herd; (of girls) group.

bewail, v. deplore, lament, bemoan, wail over.

bewilder, v. confuse, perplex, nonplus, obfuscate, confound, mystify, embarra.s.s.

bewildered, a. perplexed, confused, mystified, nonplused, obfuscated.

bewildering, a. perplexing, confusing, puzzling, mystifying.

bewilderment, n. perplexity, confusion, mystification, obfuscation.

bewitch, v. charm, fascinate, captivate, enamor. Antonyms: disillusionize, repel, disabuse.

bewitchery, n. bewitchment, charm, fascination, witchery.

bewitching, a. enchanting, captivating, charming, irresistible.

bias, n. bent, p.r.o.neness, predisposition, prejudice.

Bible, n. the Scriptures, the Word of G.o.d; (Catholic) Douay Bible, Vulgate; (Mohammedan) Koran. a.s.sociated Words: canonics, canon, canonical, anagogics, anagoge, exegesis, biblical, biblicist, bibliolater, bibliolatry, bibliology, biblist, bibliomancy, Hagiographa, hagiographer, hagiologist, hagiology, commentator, Heptateuch, Hexapla, Octapla, Apocrypha, Hexateuch, apologetics, concordance, synoptist, uncanonical, h.o.m.ologoumena, Antilegomena.

bibulous, a. absorbent; intemperate, cup-loving, bibacious.

bickering, n. altercation, contention, wrangling, sparring, dissension, quarrel.

bid, v. offer, proffer; order, direct, enjoin, command; invite, ask; wish, greet, salute.

bidding, n. command, order, behest, dictation; offer, bid.

big, a. large, huge, bulky, ma.s.sive, immense, gross, voluminous, capacious, extensive; pregnant; arrogant, overbearing, lordly, magisterial, pompous; bombastic, grandiose, grandiloquent, highflown, sesquipedalian, inflated, turgid.

bigamy, n. polygamy, polygyny.

big-bellied, a. abdominous, paunchy, pot-bellied.

bigness, n. size, bulk, largeness, magnitude, dimensions, volume, amplitude.

bigot, n. fanatic, zealot, dogmatist.

bigoted, a. dogmatic, narrow-minded, illiberal, intolerant.

bigotry, n. intolerance, dogmatism, narrow-mindedness.

bile, n. a.s.sociated Words: acholia, acholous, biliation, biliferous, cholecystis, Ibilious, cholagogue, choleric, choledology, fellinic, hypercholia, biliary, bilin, choleic.

bile, n. choler, bitterness:, anger, spleen, rancor, acrimony.

bill, n. circular, placard, dodger, poster, broadside, bulletin; invoice; statement; beak, nib, mandible.

billingsgate, n. vituperation, tirade, invective, ribaldry, abuse.

bill of fare. menu.

bin, n. crib, bunker, recepotacle.

bind, v. fetter, tie, fasten, secure, gird, confine, restrict, restrain; bandage, swathne; oblige, obligate, lay under, obligation; indenture, apprentice; confirm, sanction, ratify; swaddle. Antonyms: unbind, loose.

Chapter 19 : bequest, n. legacy.berate, v. upbraid, rate, reprimand, censure.berry, n. a.s.sociated
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