Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 23 : bode, v. forebode, foreshadow, augur, presage, betoken, portend.bodiless, a. incorporea

bode, v. forebode, foreshadow, augur, presage, betoken, portend.

bodiless, a. incorporeal, disembodied.

bodilessness, n. incorporeality, disembodiment.

bodily, a. physical, corporal, corporeal.

boding, a. ominous, portentous.

boding, n. omen, sign, prognostic, foreboding, augury, auspice, portent.

bodkin, n. stiletto, eyeleteer; tape needle.

body, n. the physical person; torso, trunk; physique; bulk, ma.s.s; axis, centrum; individual, person, creature; system, code; consistency, substance; hulk; cuerpo. a.s.sociated Words: physiology, anatomy, bicorporal, embody, embodiment, disembody, disembodiment, manikin, corporeality, corporeity, in cuerpo, somatic.

body servant. valet, squire.

body s.n.a.t.c.her. resurrectionist, ghoul.

bodyguard, n. lifeguard, _garde du corps_, retinue.

bog, n. quagmire, marsh, swamp, fen, mora.s.s, slough.

boggle, v. hesitate, stickle, falter; bungle.

bogus, a. (Colloq.) spurious, counterfeit, fict.i.tious, sham, fraudulent, forged, mock, false, supposit.i.tious.

bogy, n. bugaboo, bugbear, bogle, specter.

boil, n. furuncle. a.s.sociated Word: furuncular.

boil, v. seethe, simmer, effervesce.--n. boiling.

boil away. evaporate.

boiling, a. seething, ebullient, effervescent, simmering.

boiling, n. ebullition, coction, effervescence, seething, gurgitation, simmering, ebullience.

boisterous, a. noisy, tumultuous, turbulent, hoidenish, unrestrained, rude.

bold, a. daring, intrepid, brave; forward, immodest, rude, hoidenish, brazen, saucy, insolent, unabashed, audacious, pert, shameless, malapert; conspicuous, prominent, salient; steep, abrupt, precipitous, acclivitous, jagged. Antonyms: modest, bashful, diffident, coy, shy, timid, retiring.

bold-faced, a. impudent, brazen-faced, insolent.

boldness, n. temerity, impudence, presumption, effrontery, impertinence, nerve.

boll, n. pod, pericarp.

bolster, v. prop up, support, maintain.--n. cus.h.i.+on, pad, support.

bolt, v. sift; leave suddenly; gulp.

bomb, n. sh.e.l.l.

bombast, n. magniloquence, fustian, bombastry, altiloquence, grandiloquence.

bombastic, a. magniloquent, grandiose, high-sounding, turgid, inflated, grandiloquent.

bona fide. in good faith, real, actual, really, actually.

bond, n. band, tie, vinculum, copula; pl. shackles, manacles, fetters, constraint; pl. imprisonment, captivity, bondage, restraint; obligation.

bond, a. captive, enslaved.

bondage, n. servitude, slavery, captivity, bond service, thralldom, durance.

bondsman, n. bondman, slave, villain, serf; surety.

bone, n. (little) ossicle, osselet.

bone, n. a.s.sociated Words: osteology, osteography, ossify, ossification, ossiferous, ossific, splint, marrow, ossivorous, ossuary, osteoplasty, caries, osteopathy, solen, necrosis, gangrene, rongeur, impaction, calcify, calcification, bursa, ossein, ossifying, ostalgia, ossifragous, skeleton.

bone formation. ostosis, ossification, ectostosis, osteogeny.

boneless, a. exosseous.

bonelike, a. osseous, ossified, bony.

boneset, n. thoroughwort, Indian sage, feverwort.

bonmot, n. repartee.

bonnet, n. headdress, chapeau.

bonny, a. comely, pretty, merry, blithe, sportive, cheerful, buxom, chubby, plump.

bonus, n. premium; honorarium.

b.o.o.by, n. dolt, dunce, simpleton, numskull, coot, ninny, dullard, witling.

boodle, n. (Slang) swag.

boohoo, v. (Slang) bawl, squawl.

book, n. volume; tome (ponderous); manual; publication; biograph; monograph; polygraph; anthology. a.s.sociated Words: bibliography, bibliolater, bibliomania, bibliophobia, format, facture, biblioclast, bibliognost, stichometry, cahier, imprimatur, _ex libris_, edition, collation, Elzevir, bibliophilism, library, collaboration.

booked, a. registered; (Colloq.) on the way, destined.

Chapter 23 : bode, v. forebode, foreshadow, augur, presage, betoken, portend.bodiless, a. incorporea
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