Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 24 : bookish, a. studious; formal, pedantic.bookkeeper, n. accountant, countercaster (Contem

bookish, a. studious; formal, pedantic.

bookkeeper, n. accountant, countercaster (Contemptuous).

bookkeeping, n. accountancy.

booklet, n. pamphlet, brochure, tract.

book lore. bibliology.

booklover, n. bibliophile.

bookman, n. scholar, student.

bookseller, n. bookmerchant, bibliopole, bibliopolist.

book wors.h.i.+p. bibliolatry.

boom, v. resound, roar.

boon, a. generous, bountiful, benign; jolly, convivial, gay, jovial, frolicsome, sportive.

boor, n. peasant, rustic (rude); lout, churl, gawk.

boorish, a. uncultured, rude, unrefined, gawky, loutish, ungainly.

boot, n. premium, bonus; buskin, gamashes.

bootless, a. useless, unavailing, futile, ineffectual.

booty, n. plunder, spoil, loot.

booze, v. tipple.

border, n. verge, edge, margin, brink, marge, skirt, rim, brim; purl, fillet; boundary, frontier, outskirt, confine, march, purlieu.

bordering on. adjacent, adjoining, coterminous with, conterminous with.

border, v. border on, be contiguous, be adjacent, adjoin, verge, approach.

bore, n. perforation; caliber; tiresome person, proser.

bore, v. perforate, pierce, drill; weary, tire, annoy, fatigue.

boring, n. perforation; transforation.

born, p.p. nee.--a. innate, natural, inherent, congenital.

bosh, n. (Colloq.) nonsense, froth, flummery, moons.h.i.+ne, twaddle, balderdash, drivel, fustian, prating.

boss, n. protuberance, stud, k.n.o.b, process; (Colloq.) superintendent, director, employer, foreman, overseer.

boss, v. (Colloq.) direct, oversee, superintend; domineer, dominate, dictate.

bossy, a. studded; (Colloq.) dictatorial, domineering, imperious, arbitrary, masterful, authoritative.

botanist, n. phytologist.

botany, n. phytology.

botch, n. bungle, fiasco.

bother, v. trouble, annoy, discommode, incommode, inconvenience, worry, molest.

bother, n. petty trouble, annoyance, inconvenience.

botheration, n. (Colloq.) perplexity, annoyance, nuisance, vexation, disturbance.

bothersome, a. troublesome, perplexing, annoying, vexatious.

bottle, n. phial, vial, cruet, flask, decanter, cruse, siphon, amphora, ampulla, tankard, matra.s.s, bolthead, carboy, carafe, croft, canteen, flagon, kit, demijohn, jorum, vinaigrette, costrel, pycnometer, magnum, flacket, betty.

bottom, n. foot, base; nadir; foundation, groundwork, basis, base, pedestal; fundament, b.u.t.tocks, rump, fundus, seat; dregs, precipitate, lees, sediment, grounds.

bottom, a. fundamental.

bottomless, a. abysmal, unfathomable.

bough, n. branch, limb.

boulevard, n. a.s.sociated Word: boulevardier.

bounce, v. spring, bound; rebound, recoil; (Colloq.) discharge, dismiss.

bounce, n. bound, leap, rebound, spring; (Colloq.) discharge, dismissal.

bouncer, a. (Cottoq.) braggart, boaster; lie, falsehood; whopper.

bouncing, a. l.u.s.ty, buxom, strapping, plump; excessive, big, whopping.

bound, v. limit, inclose, circ.u.mscribe, terminate; leap, spring, bounce; rebound.

bound, n. spring, leap, bounce, rebound; boundary, confine.

bound, p.p. and a. restrained, constrained, repressed; bounden; destined, sure, certain; (Colloq.) determined, resolved; costive, constipated.

boundary, n. circ.u.mference, periphery; bound, limit, border, term, confines, precinct, bourn, march, marge.

bounden, a. obliged, beholden; obligatory, binding.

Chapter 24 : bookish, a. studious; formal, pedantic.bookkeeper, n. accountant, countercaster (Contem
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