Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 26 : bra.s.sy, a. brazen; (Colloq.) bold, impudent, forward.bravado, n. brag; bl.u.s.tering,

bra.s.sy, a. brazen; (Colloq.) bold, impudent, forward.

bravado, n. brag; bl.u.s.tering, threat.

brave, a. intrepid, courageous, valiant, daring, bold, valorous, chivalrous, fearless, adventurous, dauntless, doughty, gallant, heroic, mettlesome, undaunted, venturesome, lion-hearted, manly, unafraid, plucky; showy, effective, striking. Antonyms: craven, timorous, cowardly, recreant, pusillanimous. See cowardly.

brave, v. defy, dare, beard.

bravery, n. intrepidity, courage, heroism, valor, prowess, hardihood, mettle, pluck, fearlessness, boldness. Antonyms: cowardice, timidity, recreancy, poltroonery, flinch.

brawl, n. quarrel (noisy), dispute, melee, broil, rumpus, uproar.

brawling, a. clamorous, disputatious, noisy, quarrelsome, jangling.

brawny, a. stalwart, muscular, sinewy, robust, strong.

brazen-faced, a. impudent, shameless, pert, immodest.

breach, n. breaking, rupture; infraction, violation, trespa.s.s, non.o.bservance; hernia, rupture; falling out, alienation, disaffection, variance, difference; separation, ruption, disruption.

bread, n. a.s.sociated Words: panification, panary, panivorous, crouton, zwiebach, panade, sop, crumb, crust, brewis, sippet, dough, knead, leaven.

bread-basket, n. pannier.

breadth, n. width, lat.i.tude; liberality, tolerance, catholicity.

break, v. fracture, dispart, sever, rend, smash, shatter, s.h.i.+ver, splinter, batter, burst, rupture, crack; infringe, violate, disobey, transgress, trespa.s.s; communicate, disclose, divulge, tell, impart, broach; discipline, tame; bankrupt, impoverish, ruin.

break, n. breach, rupture, fracture, fissure crack, chasm, gap, rent, rift, hiatus, caesura, interstice.

breakdown, n. downfall, collapse, crash.

breaking, n. fracture, rupture; breach, infraction, violation.

a.s.sociated Words: brittle, frangible, frangibility, tenacious, tenacity, inviolable, inviolability.

breaking out. eruption, rash, efflorescence, exanthema; paroxysm.

breaking out again. recrudescence.

breakup, n. disruption, disorganization.

breakwater, n. jetty, pier, mole, dike.

breast, n. chest, bosom, thorax; teat, pap, dug, mamma. a.s.sociated words: amasty, pectoral, plastron, bib, gorget, mammillary, angina pectoris, areola, pectoriloquy, diaphragm, sternal.

breast, v. stem, struggle with, withstand, resist.

breastbone, n. sternum.

breastpin, n. brooch, pectoral.

breath, n. respiration.

breathable, a. respirable. Antonyms: irrespirable, unbreathable.

breathe, v. respire, inhale and exhale; infuse; wheeze, suspire, sigh, gasp, pant, aspirate; exhale, emit.

breathing, n. respiration, inhalation (breathing in), exhalation (breathing out); aspiration, suspiration, sighing, panting, insufflation, gasp, wheeze, afflatus, inflation, pneuma; inspiration, theopneusty. a.s.sociated Words: eupnoe, dyspnoe, asthma, apnoe, cachon, respiratory, gill, branchia, pneumodynamics, pneometry, suffocation, stertorous.

breathless, a. panting.

breech, n. b.u.t.tocks.

breeches, n. pl. smallclothes, knickerbockers, knee-breeches; trousers, pants.

breed, v. beget, generate, procreate, engender, conceive and bear; nurture, train; occasion, originate, engender.

breed, n. race, variety, strain, extraction, family, lineage, pedigree; cla.s.s, sort, kind, variety.

breeding, n. generation, procreation, begetting, prolification; stirpiculture, eugenics; nurture, training. a.s.sociated Words: dysgenesis, dysgenesic, hybrid, hybridization, thremmatology.

breeding freely. prolific. Antonym: unprolific.

breeze, n. zephyr; (Colloq.) disturbance, quarrel, tumult.

breezy, a. airy, windy; (Colloq.) lively, spirited, animated, brisk.

brew, v. foment, concoct, hatch, plot.

bribe, n. hush-money, boodle (Slang).--v. suborn.

bribery, n. subornation.

bric-a-brac, n. virtu, knick-knacks.

brick, n. adobe (unburnt and dried in the sun); malm-brick.

bridal, a. nuptial, conjugal, hymeneal.

bridge, n. trestlework, viaduct, culvert, pons, pontoon bridge, cantilever bridge.

bridge, v. span.

bridle, n. restraint, curb, check.--v. restrain, curb, check, control.

brief, a. short-lived, ephemeral, transient, transitory; terse, concise. See short.

brief, n. breviary, epitome, summary; writ, precept, breve.

briefness, n. brevity.

Chapter 26 : bra.s.sy, a. brazen; (Colloq.) bold, impudent, forward.bravado, n. brag; bl.u.s.tering,
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