Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 27 : brier, n. thorn, bramble.brigand, n. highwayman, bandit, outlaw, robber, footpad, freeb

brier, n. thorn, bramble.

brigand, n. highwayman, bandit, outlaw, robber, footpad, freebooter.

bright, a. luminous, gleaming, l.u.s.trous, radiant, resplendent, glistening, beaming, s.h.i.+mmering, phosph.o.r.escent, luciferous, luminiferous, argent, orient, dazzling, glowing, glittering, flas.h.i.+ng, scintillating, sparkling, refulgent, effulgent, brilliant, vivid, glossy, fulgent, naif, lucent, glaring, garish, crystalline; intelligent, precocious, apt, acute, discerning, clever, smart, knowing; auspicious, propitious; ill.u.s.trious, glorious. Antonyms: dull, lackl.u.s.ter, obscure, dim, opaque, murky, nebulous, dingy, tarnished, sullied.

brighten, v. polish, burnish, furbish; illuminate, irradiate, cheer, rally, enliven, inspirit.

brightness, n. brilliancy, splendor, l.u.s.ter, luminosity, resplendence, radiance, refulgence, effulgence, glow; aptness, precocity, acuteness, sharpness, discernment; vivacity, animation, liveliness.

brilliancy, n. brightness, resplendence, refulgence, brilliance.

brilliant, a. sparkling, glittering, scintillating, dazzling, gleaming, glistening, flas.h.i.+ng; splendid, glorious, signal, eminent, striking.

brim, n. rim, border, margin, edge, brink, bank, marge.

brimstone, n. sulphur.

bring, v. fetch.

bring about. bring to pa.s.s, effect, accomplish, effectuate, achieve.

bring back. return, restore, replace; revive, resuscitate.

bring forward. introduce.

bring to. resuscitate, revive, reanimate.

bringing to. resuscitation, revivification.

bring on. incur.

bring to pa.s.s. accomplish, effectuate.

bring up. nurse, rear, nurture, train.

brink, n. edge, border, verge.

brisk, a. lively, spirited, sprightly, spry, agile, rapid.

British soldier. Tommy Atkins.

brittle, a. frangible, crisp, friable.

brittleness, n. frangibility. Antonym: tenacity.

broad, a. wide; extensive, extended, vast, wide-reaching, comprehensive; liberal, tolerant, catholic; indelicate, gross, questionable.

broadside, n. placard, poster.

broil, v. grill.

broiler, n. gridiron.

broiling, a. scorching, torrid, grilling.

broken, a. fractured, splintered, shattered, s.h.i.+vered; disconnected, discontinuous, interrupted; impaired, shattered; subdued, humbled, contrite, penitent, crushed, trained, subjugated, tractable; violated.

Antonyms: inviolate, intact, whole.

broken-hearted, a. disconsolate, inconsolable, comfortless.

broker, a. agent, factor, middleman, go-between.

brood, v. incubate, sit; meditate (morbidly).

brook, n. rivulet, runlet, rill, creek, streamlet, runnel, run, burn.

brook, v. tolerate, suffer, endure, bear.

broom, n. besom; whisk (small broom).

brothel, n. house of prost.i.tution, bawdy-house, brothelry.

brother, n. a.s.sociated Words: fratricidal, fraternize, fratricide, brotherhood, brother german, brother uterine.

brotherhood, n. fraternity, fellows.h.i.+p.

brotherly, a. fraternal.

brow, n. forehead.

brown, a. dusky, tawny, dun, swarthy.

brown race. Malayan.

brown study. abstraction, revery, musing, preoccupation.

bruise, v. contuse, ecchymose.

bruise, v. indent, deface, disfigure.

bruise, n. contusion, ecchymosis.

bruiser, n. (Colloq.) boxer, pugilist.

bruit, n. report, town talk, rumor, hearsay.--v. noise, abroad, report, tell, circulate.

brush, n. brushwood; thicket, underbrush; grazing.

Chapter 27 : brier, n. thorn, bramble.brigand, n. highwayman, bandit, outlaw, robber, footpad, freeb
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