Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 29 : burnable, a. combustible, inflammable. Antonyms: incombustible, asbestic.burning, n. co

burnable, a. combustible, inflammable. Antonyms: incombustible, asbestic.

burning, n. combustion, cineration, incineration; cauterization, cautery; pyrography; arson; incendiarism; smoldering.

burning, n. cremation, incremation. a.s.sociated Words: cremator, crematory, crematorium.

bury, n. inter, inhume, entomb, sepulcher; hide, secrete, conceal, cache. Antonyms: disinter, exhume.

burying-ground, n. cemetery.

bush, n. shrub; thicket, jungle, underwood, boscage.

bushwhacker, n. bushranger, guerrilla.

business, n. vocation, calling, pursuit, craft, trade, occupation, profession; avocation; traffic, trade, commerce, enterprise, industry, barter; duty, function, work, place; affair, concern, matter. a.s.sociated words: commercial, mercantile, technical, technicality, technology.

bustle, n. stir, agitation, tumult, ado, pother, commotion; bishop, tournure, pannier.

busy, a. occupied, engaged, employed, engrossed; diligent, industrious, sedulous, active; intrusive, officious, meddlesome.

butcher, v. slaughter.

b.u.t.ter, n. a.s.sociated Words: butyric, butyrin, butyrometer, butyrate, dairy, creamery, churn, b.u.t.terine, capric, caprylic, caproic acid, butyraceous.

b.u.t.terflies, n. pl. Lepidoptera. a.s.sociated Words: lepidopterist, lepidopteral, lepidopterous, caterpillar, larva.

b.u.t.tock, n. rump, fundament, breech; glutaeus (muscle).

b.u.t.tress, n. support, stay, prop.

buy, v. purchase.

buyer, n. purchaser.

buying, n. purchase.

buzz, n. hum, murmur, bombinate; whiz.

buzz, v. hum, bombinate.

by degrees. gradually.

bystander, n. spectator, onlooker, witness.

by turns. alternately, in succession.


C. a.s.sociated Word: cedilla.

cabbage, n. savoy; colewort; broccoli; collards; Brussels sprouts.

a.s.sociated Words: Bra.s.sica, bra.s.sicaceous.

cabbage, v. (Colloq.) steal, pilfer, purloin, filch.

cabin, n. hut, hovel, shanty, cot, shack, cottage.

cage, n. mew.--v. confine, coop up, encage, mew.

caged, a. imprisoned, confined.

cajole, v. beguile, wheedle, blandish, inveigle, flatter.

cajolery, n. wheedling, blandishment, beguilement.

cake, v. concrete, harden, solidify, coagulate.

calamitous, a. disastrous, deplorable, baleful, ill-fated, untoward, dire.

calamity, n. disaster, catastrophe, misfortune, casualty, reverse, adversity, mischance.

calculate, v. compute, reckon, estimate; forecast; (Colloq.) expect, intend, contemplate, plan.

calculating, a. scheming, forecasting, crafty, circ.u.mspect, cautious, wary.

calculation, n. computation, reckoning; expectation, antic.i.p.ation; circ.u.mspection, wariness, forethought, caution.

calendar, n. almanac; list, schedule, register, catalogue, docket.

calf, n. a.s.sociated Words: vellum, parchment, veal, fatling, dogy, vitular, vituline, slink, slunk, calve, steer.

calico, n. print.

California poppy. eschscholtzia.

call, v. summon, bid, evoke, invite; convoke, a.s.semble, muster, convene; ent.i.tle, name, designate, dub, denominate; invoke, pet.i.tion, invocate.

call, n. summons, vocation, invocation, entreaty, appeal, invitation; signal; requirement, demand, requisition; election, appointment; interview.

calling, n. summons, call; vocation (divine summons); evocation, convocation; occupation, business, trade, employment, vocation, pursuit.

callous, a. unfeeling, insensible, hardened, unimpressible.

callow, a. unfledged, unfeathered; immature, green, inexperienced.

Chapter 29 : burnable, a. combustible, inflammable. Antonyms: incombustible, asbestic.burning, n. co
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