Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 30 : call to account. impeach, accuse.calm, n. lull, tranquillity, quiet, placidity.calm, a.

call to account. impeach, accuse.

calm, n. lull, tranquillity, quiet, placidity.

calm, a. still, serene, motionless, undisturbed, unruffled, pacific, placid, tranquil, halcyon; sedate, collected, imperturbable, unmoved, cool, composed, dispa.s.sionate. Antonyms: excited, stormy, agitated, ruffled, discomposed, perturbed, boisterous.

calm, v. lull, allay, hush, tranquillize, becalm, still, compose, quiet, appease, pacify, a.s.suage, moderate, alleviate, conciliate, abate, console.

calmness, n. tranquillity, serenity, placidity, stillness, composure, imperturbability, dispa.s.sion, imperturbation, unconcern, equanimity, collectedness, self-possession. Antonyms: commotion, excitement, agitation, discomposure.

camel, n. dromedary (one hump); bactrian camel (two humps); deloul, maharik (the swift camel).

cameo, n. anaglyph. Antonym: intaglio.

camp, n. encampment; bivouac; cantonment, quarters. a.s.sociated words: castrensial, etape, decampment, decamp, castrametation.

camp, v. encamp.

ca.n.a.l, n. channel. a.s.sociated Words: towpath, berm, heelpath, lock.

cancel, v. annul, abrogate, rescind, nullify, quash, abolish, countermand. Antonyms: confirm, approve, corroborate, enforce, reenact, maintain.

cancellation, n. annulment, abrogation, rescission, nullification, countermanding.

cancer, n. carcinoma, carcinosis. a.s.sociated Words: cancerate, canceration, cancerous, cancriform, cancroid, solanoid.

candid, a. impartial, unbiased, fair; frank, ingenuous, unreserved, straightforward. Antonyms: disingenuous, deceitful, reserved, subtle.

candidate, n. aspirant, nominee, postulant, office-seeker, contestant (for an office).

candle, n. taper, cierge, rushlight, serge; pl. chandlery.

a.s.sociated Words: chandler, wick, snuff, socket, accensor, petrostearine, sconce, sweal.

candlestick, n. candelabrum, jesse, girandole, l.u.s.tre.

candor, n. impartiality, disinterestedness; frankness, ingenuousness, navete, openness.

candy, n. confectionery, bonbon, sweetmeat, confection, comfit, confect, lollipop, caramel, fudge, fondant, praline, taffy, sugar plum, toffee.

candy maker. confectioner.

cane sugar. sucrose.

canker, n. corrosion, erosion, blight.

cannibal, n. anthropophagite.--a. anthropophagous.

cannibalism, n. anthropophagy; exophagy, endophagy.

cannibals, n. pl. anthropophagi, man-eaters, androphagi.

cannon, n. a.s.sociated Words: ordnance, cannonade, cannoneer, linstock, calibre, bore, cascabel, breech, reenforce, chase, muzzle, trunnion, rimbase, chamber, howitzer, mortar.

canny, a. cunning, crafty, wary, shrewd, cautious, prudent, circ.u.mspect; magical.

canoe, n. piroque (dugout); pitpan (Cen. Amer.); kayak (Arctic tribes).

canon, n. law, rule, regulation.

canonicals, n. pl. vestments; gown, robe, ca.s.sock, surplice, alb, pallium, cope, scapulary, dalmatic, stole, chasuble, tunicle, scarf, mantelleta, cowl, ephod, amice, mitre, capoch, biretta, chimere, rochet, scapular, planeta, maniple, tippet, plicata.

canopy, n. covering, awning, baldaquin, baldachin, tilt, tester, pavilion.

cant, n. slope, tilt, turn; bias, impulse; prating; idioms, parlance, vocabulary; affected piety, hypocrisy; slang, jargon, lingo, argot.

cant, v. tilt, tip, incline.

cantankerous, a. (Colloq.) perverse, contumacious, contentious, headstrong, contrary.

canteen carrier. (female) cantiniere, vivandiere.

canvas, n. tarpaulin; coutil.

canyon, n. gorge, ravine, gulch.

cap, n. biggin, biggon, biggonnet, busby, coif, berretta, biretta, barret, caul, callot, head-gear, turban, fez, calotte, toque, mortarboard, mitre, tarboosh, Tam-o-Shanter, zuchetto, wimple, shako, morion, mozetta, casque, helmet, mutch, montero, domino, beaver, glengarry, calpac, thrum cap, beret, keffieh, mortier, mobcap. a.s.sociated Word: visor.

cap, v. crown, complete, consummate, surpa.s.s, exceed.

capability, n. ability, capacity, competency, qualification, efficiency, proficiency.

capable, a. able, qualified, susceptible, competent, efficient, proficient. Antonyms: See incapable.

cape, n. promontory, headland.

caper, n. dido, trick, prank, leap, gambol, curlycue.

caper, v. gambol, frisk, cavort, leap, skip, prance, capriole.

capital, a. princ.i.p.al, leading, chief, cardinal, foremost; (Colloq.) excellent, first-rate.

capital letter, n. majuscule (ancient ma.n.u.scripts). a.s.sociated word: cyriologic.

capitation, n. poll-tax.

caprice, n. fancy, whim, notion, freak, vagary, crotchet, quirk, whimsey, fickleness.

capricious, a. fanciful, whimsical, vagarious, inconstant, fickle, crotchety, volatile.

cap-shaped, a. pileate, pileated.

Chapter 30 : call to account. impeach, accuse.calm, n. lull, tranquillity, quiet, placidity.calm, a.
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