Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 31 : capsize, v. upset, overturn.captain, n. commander, chieftain, leader, chief: skipper; c

capsize, v. upset, overturn.

captain, n. commander, chieftain, leader, chief: skipper; colonel; master, foreman.

captious, a. critical, carping, censorious, caviling.

captivate, v. enchant, subdue, bewitch, fascinate, entrance, enamor, infatuate.

captivating, a. bewitching, fascinating, enchanting. See charming.

captivation, n. fascination, infatuation, charming.

captivity, n. bondage, servitude, thralldom, va.s.salage, slavery.

capture, v. seize, catch, apprehend, arrest, corral, deprehend.

capture, n. prey, prize; apprehension, arrest, seizure, catching.

car, n. cart, vehicle, chariot, caboose, tender, cage, coach, tram, truck.

carbolic acid. phenol, phenic acid.

cardinal, a. princ.i.p.al, chief, superior, preeminent.

cardinal virtues. prudence, temperance, justice, fort.i.tude.

cardinals, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: propaganda, conclave, cardinalate.

care, n. concern, anxiety, worry, apprehension; oversight, charge, management, tutelage, custody; ward, charge, protege, responsibility; attention, heed, caution, regard, circ.u.mspection, carefulness. Antonyms: See carelessness.

careful, a. cautious, watchful, provident, chary, attentive, circ.u.mspect, considerate, heedful, prudent, discreet, wary, mindful, choice, sparing, observant.

carefulness, n. caution, wariness, circ.u.mspection, chariness, forethought, precaution, watchfulness, discretion, concern, cautiousness.

careless, a. negligent, unconcerned, indifferent, heedless, inattentive, regardless, lax, incautious, remiss, inconsiderate, nonchalant, neglectful, unwary, imprudent, indiscreet, improvident, reckless, desultory, perfunctory, devil-may-care, slovenly, slack, supine.

carelessness, n. unconcern, indifference, negligence, heedlessness, remissness, incaution, nonchalance, inadvertence, laxity, improvidence, inattention, dereliction, indiscretion, recklessness.

cargo, n. freight, load, burden, lading, last.

caricature, n. exaggeration, burlesque, take-off, travesty, parody.

carking, a. hara.s.sing, worrying, distressing, vexatious.

carnal, a. sensual, fleshly, bodily; l.u.s.tful, salacious; unregenerate.

carousal, n. revel, wa.s.sail, orgies, baccha.n.a.ls, saturnalia, jamboree (Slang).

carouser, n. reveler, roysterer, debauchee, baccha.n.a.lian.

carp, v. cavil, censure.

carpenter, n. joiner.

carpet covering. drugget, bocking.

carping, a. caviling, censorious, captious, hypercritical, fault-finding.

carriage, n. carrying, transportation; bearing, behavior, deportment; air, mien, demeanor.

carriage, n. vehicle, conveyance, coach, gig, buggy, sulky, diligence, perambulator, cabriolet, brougham, surrey, chaise, stanhope, sedan, jumpseat, tally-ho, victoria, tumbrel, chariot, jingle, rockaway, hack, calash, cab, coupe, hansom cab, volante, cart, equipage, turnout, jaunting car, landau, phaeton, wagonette, jinrikisha, vandy, dogcart, kibitka, britzska, barouche, fly, whisky, post-chaise, droshki, trap, dos-a-dos, litter, palanquin, curricle.

carriage dog. Dalmatian dog.

carrier, n. messenger, conveyer; porter, bearer, teamster.

carrion, n. a.s.sociated Words: necrophagan, necrophagous, saprophagan, necrophilous, saprophagous, saprophytic, saprophyte.

carry, v. convey, transport, bear, waft, portage; carry out, complete, effectuate, consummate, accomplish.

carrying, n. transportation, conveyance, portage, transmission, conduction, delivery. a.s.sociated Words: portable, portability, unportable, palanquin, litter, sedan chair.

cart, n. vehicle, wagon, carriage; lorrie, truck, tumbril, carreta.

carte, n. menu, bill of fare.

Carthaginian, a. Punic.

cartilage, n. gristle. a.s.sociated Words: chondrology, chondrotomy, chondritis, chondroid, chondrification, chondrify, cartilaginous, gristly.

cart maker. cartwright.

carve, v. sculpture, chisel, engrave, fas.h.i.+on, mould.

carving, n. sculpture (in wood or ivory); anaglyptics, anaglyphy.

case, a. sheath, covering, capsule, receptacle, quiver, chest; event, happening, instance, circ.u.mstances, condition, affair, plight, predicament, dilemma, contingency.

case-hardened, a. seared, obdurate.

cash, n. coin, specie, currency.

cas.h.i.+er, n. cash-keeper; bursar, treasurer, purser.

cask, n. tierce, hogshead, pipe, puncheon, b.u.t.t, tun.

casket, n. gemmary; coffin.

ca.s.sock, n. soutane.

Chapter 31 : capsize, v. upset, overturn.captain, n. commander, chieftain, leader, chief: skipper; c
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