Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 32 : cast, v. fling, hurl, throw, impel, pitch, sling; direct, turn, drop, deposit, place; e

cast, v. fling, hurl, throw, impel, pitch, sling; direct, turn, drop, deposit, place; exuviate, shed, molt, discard, shed, reflect, throw; compute, reckon, add, enumerate.

cast, n. throw, fling; exuviae, ejection, secretion.

castaway, n. outcast, reprobate, pariah, derelict.

castigate, v. chastise.

castigation, n. chastis.e.m.e.nt.

castiron, a. unyielding, indomitable, hardy.

castle, n. fortress, citadel, stronghold, fastness, donjon, keep; mansion, chateau.

castling, n. abortion.

cast off. discard, reject, slough.

cast-off, a. discarded, rejected.

castor oil. a.s.sociated Words: ricinoleic, ricinolein, ricinus, Palma Christi.

castrate, v. geld, alter; emasculate.

castrated person. eunich, spade.

castration, n. orchotomy, emasculation, gelding.

casual, a. chance, accidental, fortuitous, contingent.

casualty, n. accident, calamity, contingency, fortuity.

cat, n. feline, _Felis_, tabby, puss, p.u.s.s.y; kitten, kitty; grimalkin (an old she cat). a.s.sociated Words: purr, mew, miaul, caterwaul, feline, _Felidae_ (cat family).

catacomb, n. grotto, crypt, cave.

catalogue, n. list, register, schedule, index, inventory, a.s.sociated word: raisonne.

cataract, n. waterfall, cascade, fall, lin.

catastrophe, n. disaster, calamity.

catch, v. seize, grasp, clutch, s.n.a.t.c.h, gripe, nab; apprehend; arrest; deprehend; overtake; insnare, entangle, entrap.

catch, n. capture, seizure, arrest, apprehension; hasp, hook, clasp.

catching, a. contagious, infectious, communicable, pestilential.

Antonyms: noncontagious, incommunicable.

catching, n. seizure, apprehension, arrest.

catchword, n. cue.

category, n. cla.s.s, state, condition, division, predicament.

cater, v. purvey.

cater-cornered, a. (Colloq.) diagonal.

caterer, n. purveyor.

cathartic, n. purgative, physic, purge, evacuant.

catholic, a. universal, general, world-wide; liberal, tolerant, unsectarian, broad-minded; Roman Catholic, Romish. Antonyms: uncatholic, sectarian, local, narrow, noncatholic.

catholicity, n. universality, catholicism; liberality.

catkin, n. ament.

cat's-eye, n. chatoyant, chrysoberyl. a.s.sociated Words: chatoyant, chatoyment.

cat's-paw, n. dupe, tool, cully, gull.

cattle, n. kine; Bos; Bovine quadrupeds; Taurus.

cattle-plague, n. rinderpest, murrain.

cattle-stealing, n. abigeat (Civil Law).

cause, n. origin, source; motive, incitement, inducement, incentive.

a.s.sociated Words: aetiology, etiology, teleology, etiological, causation, causative, causality.

cause, v. occasion, induce, effect, originate.

caustic, a. burning, virulent, acrid, catheretic, mordacious, cutting, satirical.

caution, n. wariness, forethought, circ.u.mspection; advice, warning, admonition.

caution, v. forewarn, admonish, warn, counsel, advise, dissuade.

cautious, a. circ.u.mspect, prudent, wary. Antonyms: incautious, unwary.

cave, n. cavern, grotto, grot, den, catacomb, crypt. a.s.sociated words: speleology, spelean, stalact.i.te, stalagmite, cavernicolous, troglodytic, caverned, cavernous.

cave-dweller, n. troglodyte.

cavil, v. carp, criticize.--n. objection, criticism (specious or frivolous).

caviling, a. carping, captious, cavilous, hypercritical.

Chapter 32 : cast, v. fling, hurl, throw, impel, pitch, sling; direct, turn, drop, deposit, place; e
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