Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 33 : Cayenne pepper. capsic.u.m.cease, v. discontinue, stop, desist, refrain.ceaseless, a. i

Cayenne pepper. capsic.u.m.

cease, v. discontinue, stop, desist, refrain.

ceaseless, a. incessant, unceasing, constant, uninterrupted, continual.

cedar tree. a.s.sociated Words: cedrine, cedrene.

cede, v. surrender, relinquish, grant.

ceding, n. cession.

celebrate, v. commemorate, solemnize, observe.

celebrated, a. famous, ill.u.s.trious, noted, renowned, eminent, far-famed. Antonyms: obscure, inglorious, unrenowned.

celebration, n. commemoration, observance, solemnization.

celebrity, n. fame, renown, eminence.

cellar, n. bas.e.m.e.nt.

celluloid, n. xylonite.

cement, n. adhesive, glue; lute, luting.

cement, v. cohere, join, glue, glutinate.

cemetery, n. necropolis, G.o.d's acre, graveyard, mortuary.

censer, n. thurible, incensory.

censor, n. inspector, reviewer, critic; caviler, censurer.

censorious, a. carping, captious, caviling, critical.

censurable, a. reprehensible, culpable, blamable, reproachable, illaudable.

censure, n. reproof, reprehension, blame, reprimand, objurgation.

censure, v. reprove, rebuke, reprehend, upbraid, objurgate, chide, inveigh against.

censuring, a. reprehensory, reproachful, reproving, objurgatory, condemnatory.

centenary, n. centennial, century.

centennial, n. centenary.

center, n. middle, midst. Antonyms: circ.u.mference, perimeter, rim, boundary. a.s.sociated Words: centrifugal, centrifugence, centricity, centripetal, centripetence, centrality, centralize, centralization, paracentric.

centerpiece, n. epergne.

central, a. middle, centric, centrical, equidistant.

century, n. centenary. a.s.sociated Words: centennial, secular.

ceremonious, a. formal, precise, punctilious. Antonyms: informal, free-and-easy.

ceremony, n. rite, form, ceremonial, solemnity; formality.

certain, a. a.s.sured, confident, convinced, satisfied, undoubting; undeniable, irrefutable, indubitable, incontrovertible, incontestable, sure; inevitable, unavoidable; unfailing, infallible, inerrable; fixed, stated, specified. Antonyms: indefinite, uncertain, doubtful. See uncertain.

certainty, n. sureness, confidence, a.s.surance, surety; fact, truth.

Antonyms: See uncertainty.

certificate, n. testimonial, credential, voucher.

certify, v. a.s.sure, attest, testify to, vouch for.

chafe, v. rub, gall, irritate; fret, fume, rage.

chaff, n. glumes, hulls, refuse.

chaff, n. banter, raillery, pleasantry, jesting, badinage.

chaff, v. jest, banter.

chaffy, a. acerose, palaceous, stramineous.

chagrin, a. mortification, abashment, vexation, confusion, discomposure, humiliation.

chagrin, v. mortify, abash, vex, confuse, humiliate.

chain, n. concatenation, catenation, series, congeries, carcanet, catena, chatelaine, necklace, gorget, links, torque; bond, shackle, fetter, tether.

chain, v. fetter, restrain, shackle, enslave, trammel, catenate.

chain wheel. sprocket wheel.

chair, n. seat; professors.h.i.+p; chairman.

chalice, n. grail.

chalk, n. a.s.sociated Words: calcography, calcographer, calcographic, chalkiness, crayon.

chalkstone, n. tophus. (Med.)

chalky, a. cretaceous.

Chapter 33 : Cayenne pepper. capsic.u.m.cease, v. discontinue, stop, desist, refrain.ceaseless, a. i
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