Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 36 : chime, n. unison, harmony; carillon.chimera, n. delusion, phantom, hallucination, illus

chime, n. unison, harmony; carillon.

chimera, n. delusion, phantom, hallucination, illusion.

chimney, n. a.s.sociated Words: cowl, flue, hoveling, smoke jack, chimney-breast, tewel.

chimney corner. ingle nook, ingleside.

chin: n. a.s.sociated Words: genian, mental, gill, wattle, chuck, submental.

China, n. Celestial Empire, Cathay (Old name).

China clay. kaolin.

Chinaman, n. Chinese, Celestial, Mongol, Mongolian; mandarin; coolie.

china ware. china, porcelain.

Chinese, n. a.s.sociated Words: sinology, sinologue, sinicism, sinic, yamen, haikwan, hong, canque, sinological, Taoism, Confucianism, Manchu, kotow, li, abacus, chinoiserie, taotai.

Chinese idol. joss. a.s.sociated Word: ting.

c.h.i.n.k, n. crack, cranny, crevice; (Colloq.) money, cash, coin.

chin whelk. sycosis.

chipper, a. lively, vivacious, cheerful, talkative.

chirp, v. chirrup, cherup, cheep, pue.

chivalrous, a. gallant, knightly, magnanimous, valiant.

chivalry, n. knighthood, gallantry, knight-errantry.

choice, n. selection, election, alternative, option, preference, discrimination, preferment, volition. Antonyms: coercion, compulsion, indiscrimination.

choice, a. select, rare, _recherche_; careful, sparing, chary Antonyms: indiscriminate, promiscuous, common.

choir-leader, n. chorister, precentor, choir-master.

choir vestments. cotta; ca.s.sock.

choke, v. strangle, throttle, stifle, suffocate, suppress.

choleric, a. irascible, irritable, petulant, testy.

choose, v. select, elect, prefer, cull, pick out.

chop, v. hack, mince, hash, haggle.

chop, n. stroke, chopping; jaw, chap; pl. flews.

chorus, n. (Greek.) a.s.sociated Words: strophe, antistrophe, epode.

chosen, a. selected.

Christmas, n. Yule, Yuletide, Christmastide.

Christmas mummer. guiser.

chronic, a. habitual, lingering, inveterate.

chronicle, n. record, account, narrative, diary, history.

chrysalis, n. aurelia, nympha, coc.o.o.n, kell.

chum, n. roommate; companion, intimate, a.s.sociate, friend, crony.

church, n. temple, sanctuary, house of G.o.d, meeting house, fane; cathedral; chapel, oratory, minster, bethel, tabernacle, chantry; kirk (Scotch); synagogue (Jewish); denomination, sect; basilica.

a.s.sociated Words: ecclesiastical, ecclesiology, ecclesiolatry, ecclesiasticism, parish, hierarch, hierarchy, hierocracy, hierolatry, hierology, hierarchism, irenics, cure, evangelical, verger, beadle, chancel, clearstory, nave, transept, vestry, presbytery, prebend, prebendary, lectern, apse, irenicon, living, benefice, sinecure, glebe, see, prelacy, convocation, synod, conference, conclave, consistory, crypt, schism, orthodoxy, heterodoxy, unchurch, sacristan, sacristy, Dorcastry, Sarum use.

church and state. a.s.sociated Words: Erastian, Erastianism.

church dignitary. prelate, primate, elder, deacon, dean, hierarch, bishop.

church fathers. a.s.sociated Words: patristic, patristics, patrology, patrist.

churchly, a. ecclesiastical.

church officer. vestryman, warden, presbyter, trustee.

churl, n. rustic, hind, b.u.mpkin, lout, boor.

churlish, a. boorish, rude, morose, unamiable.

chyle, n. a.s.sociated Words: chylification, chylifaction, chylify, achylous, chylaceous, chylous, chyliferous, chylocyst, lacteal, chylopoiesis, chylopoietic.

chyme, n. a.s.sociated Words: chymification, chymiferous, chymify, chymous, achymous.

cigar, n. (small) stogie; tobie; cheroot.

cinch, n. (Colloq.) tight grip.

cipher, n. zero, naught, nothing; nonent.i.ty, n.o.body; device, monogram.

cipher writing. cryptography, crytograph, steganography, cryptogram.

circle, n. ring; circ.u.mference, periphery; circuit; clique, coterie, set, cla.s.s; annulation, annulus.

Chapter 36 : chime, n. unison, harmony; carillon.chimera, n. delusion, phantom, hallucination, illus
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