Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 39 : clubfoot, n. talipes. clubfooted, a. taliped, talipedic. club-shaped, a. clavate, clava

clubfoot, n. talipes.

clubfooted, a. taliped, talipedic.

club-shaped, a. clavate, clavated.

clue, n. intimation, hint, key.

clump, n. cl.u.s.ter, tuft, bunch, collection, thicket.


clumsy, a. ungraceful, lumbering, uncouth, unwieldy, unhandy, inapt, maladroit.

cl.u.s.ter, n. bunch, clump, tuft; racematiofl, fascicle, raceme, panicle; bevy, crowd.

cl.u.s.tered, a. aciniform, racemed, fascicled.

clutch, v. seize, grasp, grip, grapple, clench, grab, s.n.a.t.c.h.

clutch, n. grasp, seizure, hold; crampoons.

clutter, n. litter, disorder, jumble, confusion, disarray.

cluttered, a. disordered, littered, jumbled, disarranged.

coach, n. stage coach, tallyho, diligence; trainer.

coach dog. Dalmatian dog.

coachman, n. jehu, postilion, coach-driver, coachee (Slang).

coal, n. anthracite; bituminous; charcoal; culm, scoria, slack; ember. a.s.sociated Words: carbon, carboniferous, gobbing, strata, carbonize, carbonization, briquette, c.o.ke, brat, brattice, brettice.

coal-dealer, n. collier.

coalhod. scuttle.

coal-mine, n. colliery, coalpit.

coal-miner, n. collier.

coal-miner's consumption. anthracosis.

coal oil. kerosene, petroleum.

coals, n. pl. a.s.sociated Words: brasier, brazier, brasero.

coa.r.s.e, a. cra.s.s, gross, unrefined, rude, unpolished, indelicate, ribald, homespun, vulgar, inelegant; unbolted, unpurified.

coast, n. seash.o.r.e, seaboard, seaside, sh.o.r.e, strand, beach.

coat, n. sack, jacket, frock, tuxedo, cutaway, paletot, dreadnaught, ulster, capote, blouse, redingote, toga, cloak, surtout, duster, mackintosh, joseph, cardinal, pelerine, temiak (Eskimo).

coat of arms. armorial bearings, escutcheon, arms, crest.

coat of mail. hauberk, cuira.s.s, habergeon, armor, mail.

coax, v. wheedle, cajole, persuade, entice, cog, tweedle.

cob, n. spike, axis; sea mew, gull.

cocoanut, n. a.s.sociated Word: copra.

cochineal, n. a.s.sociated Words: nopal, nopalry, carminic acid.

c.o.c.k, n. rooster, chanticleer; capon (castrated); weather-c.o.c.k, vane; chief, leader, dominator; faucet, stop-c.o.c.k.

c.o.c.kade, n. rosette.

c.o.c.kahoop, a. boastful, defiant, vainglorious, bl.u.s.tering.

c.o.c.k and bull story. canard.

c.o.c.katrice, n. basilisk.

c.o.c.ker, v. fondle, indulge, pamper, pet, humor, coddle.

c.o.c.kfighting, n. c.o.c.kmatch, alectoromachy, alectryomachy.

c.o.c.ky, a. (Slang) pert, saucy.

cocoa, n. a.s.sociated Word: theobromine.

coddle, v. parboil; pamper, fondle, c.o.c.ker, humor, indulge.

coequal, a. coordinate.

coerce, v. constrain, compel, intimidate, restrain.

coercion, n. compulsion, restraint, force, repression, constraint.

coffee, n. a.s.sociated Words: caffeine, chiccory, biggin, pulp, parchment.

coffee-chaser, n. _cha.s.se_.

coffee-house, n. cafe.

coffin, n. casket.

cog, n. cam, catch; trick, deception, fraud.

Chapter 39 : clubfoot, n. talipes. clubfooted, a. taliped, talipedic. club-shaped, a. clavate, clava
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