Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 41 : combing, n. pectination.comblike, a. pectinal, pectinate, pectinated, pectiniform.come,

combing, n. pectination.

comblike, a. pectinal, pectinate, pectinated, pectiniform.

come, v. arrive, approach; come from, issue, proceed, ensue, flow, emanate, originate.

come after. follow, succeed. Antonyms: precede, antecede.

come again. return, recur.

come and go. alternate.

come between. intervene, interpose, interfere, contravene; cause estrangement, disaffect.

come down. descend, alight.

comely, a. good-looking, handsome, personable. Antonyms: uncomely, homely, plain.

come near. approach, approximate.

come round. recur; change, relent; circ.u.mvent, wheedle.

come short. be deficient.

come to. revive, recover; consent, yield, accede; arrive at, reach; amount to.

come to a head. suppurate, mature; culminate.

come under. subvene.

comfort, n. ease, consolation, solace, nepenthe, encouragement.

comfort, v. console, solace.

comforter, n. consoler, cheerer; comfortable.

comfortless, a. disconsolate, inconsolable, desolate, distressed.

comical, a. See funny.

coming, n. approach, arrival, advent.

coming between. intervention, interposition, interference, contravention.

comity, n. politeness, courtesy, civility, graciousness, urbanity.

command, v. order, direct, enjoin, require, bid.

command, n. order, mandate, injunction, charge, behest, requisition, bidding, direction, dictation, precept; authority, leaders.h.i.+p, control.

commanding, a. authoritative, mandatory, imperative, dictatorial, imperious.

commandments, n. pl. The Decalogue. a.s.sociated Words: Kyrie elesion.

commence, v. begin.

commend, v. commit, consign, intrust; praise, extol recommend.

commendable, a. praiseworthy, laudable. Antonyms: unpraiseworthy, illaudable.

commendatory, a. laudatory, eulogistic.

comment, v. remark, descant, annotate.

comment, n. remark, observation; annotation, commentary, explanation.

commentator, n. annotator, expositor, scholiast, glossarist, postillator.

commerce, n. traffic, barter, business, trading; intercourse, communication.

commercial, a. mercantile.

commit, v. intrust, consign; perpetrate, do.

common, a. public, general; customary, usual, ordinary, unexceptional, commonplace, inconspicuous, average, mediocre; plebeian, proletarian.

commonalty, n. populace, proletariate, proletariat, varletry, _bourgeoisie_, ruck, rank and file, the common people.

commonly, adv. ordinarily, generally, customarily.

common man. commoner, proletary, plebeian.

commonplace, a. ordinary, ba.n.a.l, hackneyed, trite, plat.i.tudinous, prosaic.

commonplace, n. plat.i.tude, ba.n.a.lity.

commotion, n. agitation, tumult, disturbance, turmoil, riot, perturbation, flurry, furore.

communion, n. partic.i.p.ation, sharing, communication: a.s.sociation, fellows.h.i.+p.

communion, n. eucharist, Lord's Supper, sacrament: viatic.u.m.

a.s.sociated Words: elements, host, wafer, chalice, paten, credence, corporal, eucharistic, ciborium, ostension, purificator, impanation, transubstantiation, consubstantiation, concomitance, post-communion, ante-communion, volipresence, ostensorium, monstrance, _sursum corda_, dominicale, celebrant, communicant, consistentes, intinction.

communism, n. socialism, humanitarianism, Fourierism, Saint Simonianism, phalansterism.

compact, a. close, solid, dense, crowded, impenetrable, serried.

compact, n. covenant, agreement, pact, treaty, contract.

Chapter 41 : combing, n. pectination.comblike, a. pectinal, pectinate, pectinated, pectiniform.come,
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