Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 43 : concern, n. business, affair; moment, importance, interest, weight, consequence; solici

concern, n. business, affair; moment, importance, interest, weight, consequence; solicitude, anxiety, uneasiness care; firm, house, company, partners.h.i.+p. Antonyms: unconcern, inconsequence.

concerned, a. solicitous, worried, anxious, apprehensive, troubled, uneasy. Antonyms: unconcerned, indifferent.

concerning, prep. regarding, about, respecting, touching, with reference to.

concert, n. accordance, concurrence, harmony; musicale.

concise, a. epigrammatic, sententious, succinct, laconic, pithy.

Antonyms: diffuse, prolix.

conclude, v. decide, determine, resolve; end, close; infer, deduce; effect, arrange.

conclusion, n. decision, determination; inference, deduction, corollary, illation; close, end, peroration, finale, completion, denouement, l'envoy.

concoct, v. compound, mix; devise, contrive, invent, excogitate.

concrete, a. solidified, consolidated; specific, special, particular.

concretion, n. solidification, lapidescence, stone; clot, coagulation.

concubine, n. paramour, odalisque; pl. harem, seraglio.

condemn, v. denounce, anathematize, curse, execrate, reprobate, doom, ban. Antonyms: exonerate, exculpate, vindicate, absolve, justify, praise.

condemnation, n. denunciation, reprobation, execration, ban.

condemnatory, a. denunciatory, condemning.

condense, v. abridge, epitomize, reduce; compress, concentrate.

condescend, v. deign, vouchsafe.

condition, n. state, plight, category, predicament, situation, stipulation, provision, proviso, term, prerequisite.

conditional, a. contingent, subject, provisory.

conduce, v. lead, tend, contribute, redound, subserve, advance.

conduct, v. lead, pilot, escort, guide, attend, convoy; administer, manage.

conduct, n. guidance, management, leaders.h.i.+p, administration, behavior, deportment.

confederate, a. confederated, federated, allied, leagued.

confederation, n. coalition, federation, league, confederacy, union.

confess, v. acknowledge, own, admit, avow; divulge, disclose, reveal.

confession, n. acknowledgment, avowal, admission; confiteor; shrift; exomologesis. a.s.sociated Words: shrive, shrift, confessional, shriven, shriver, shrift, father.

confidence, n. reliance, trust, faith, dependence; a.s.surance, certainty. Antonyms: See doubt.

confidence game. swindle.

confident, a. sure, undoubting, sanguine, reliant, undaunted.

confine, n. boundary, border, frontier, limit.

confine, v. restrain, restrict, limit, circ.u.mscribe, pinion, inclose, bound; immure, imprison, incarcerate.

confinement, n. restraint, imprisonment, durance, duress, incarceration, immurement, limbo; limitation, circ.u.mscription; lying-in, childbirth.

confines, n. pl. boundaries, borders, precincts, outskirts, purlieus, marches, frontiers.

confirm, v. ratify, verify, corroborate, substantiate. Antonyms: See abrogate.

confirmation, n. ratification, corroboration, substantiation, verification.

conflict, n. clas.h.i.+ng, antagonism, encounter, opposition, battle, struggle, strife, skirmish, contest, combat, affray, fray, scrimmage.

conflict, v. clash, interfere, collide, be contradictory.

conflicting, a. contending, contradictory, contrary, opposing.

confound, v. confuse, disconcert, abash, nonplus, bewilder.

confounded, a. confused, disconcerted, abashed; (Colloq.) extreme, excessive, odious, detestable.

confuse, v. disconcert, perplex, abash, fl.u.s.ter, embarra.s.s, chagrin, pose, nonplus, bewilder, obfuscate, discompose, addle, obscure, confound, derange.

confusion, n. disorder, tumult, turmoil, disarray, jumble, chaos; babel, pandemonium, commotion; abashment, chagrin, agitation, disconcertion, mortification, consternation fl.u.s.ter, perturbation, discomposure, fl.u.s.tration, obfuscation, distraction, flurry.

confutation, n. disproof, refutation.

Confute, v. refute, disprove.

congenial, a. kindred, sympathetic; suited, suitable, agreeable, genial.

congratulate, v. felicitate, gratulate. Antonyms: commiserate, condole with.

congratulation, n. felicitation, gratulation.

conjecture, n. surmise, supposition.--v. surmise, guess, speculate.

conjuration, n. incantation, enchantment, spell, sorcery, magic art.

conjurer, n. sorcerer, magician, wizard, diviner, exorcist, enchanter.

Chapter 43 : concern, n. business, affair; moment, importance, interest, weight, consequence; solici
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