Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 45 : contemporary, a. contemporaneous, coeval.contempt, n. disdain, scorn, contumely, derisi

contemporary, a. contemporaneous, coeval.

contempt, n. disdain, scorn, contumely, derision, detestation, disgrace, reproach.

contemptible, a. despicable, abject.

contemptuous, a. disdainful, supercilious, scornful, insolent, flouting, cynical, contumelious, haughty.

contend, v. struggle, vie, wrestle, combat, compete; dispute, maintain, argue.

content, v. satisfy, appease, gratify.

contented, a. content, satisfied.

contention, n. controversy, dissension, altercation, quarrel, dispute.

contentious, a. disputatious, litigious, quarrelsome; dissentious, polemical.

contest, n. rivalry, match, tournament, tourney, compet.i.tion, emulation; dispute, controversy, dissension, contention.

continual, a. ceaseless, incessant, constant, uninterrupted, unremitting.

continuance, n. endurance, persistence, constancy, continuation.

continuation, n. protraction, prolongation, continuance, perpetuation.

continued, a. prolonged, protracted, extended; serial.

continuous, a. ceaseless, uninterrupted, unceasing, continual, constant, running. Antonyms: intermittent, occasional, inconstant.

contraband, a. prohibited, forbidden, unlawful, illegal.

contract, v. reduce, narrow, condense; incur, acquire; covenant, agree; shrivel, shrink; syncopate.

contract, n. agreement, compact, covenant, pact, protocol, treaty, concordat, convention, stipulation.

contracting, a. astringent, puckering, contractile.

contraction, n. astriction, constriction, stricture, syncopation, condensation.

contradict, v. gainsay, controvert, impugn, dispute, contravene.

contradiction, n. gainsaying, opposition, contrariety, antagonism, paradox, inconsistency.

contradictory, a. inconsistent, irreconcilable, paradoxical, opposing, contradicting.

contrariety, n. antagonism, repugnance, disagreement, inconsistency, opposition.

contrary, a. opposite, adverse, counter, opposed; repugnant, incompatible, contradictory, retroactive, antagonistic, conflicting, abhorrent, inconsistent; perverse, wayward, refractory, headstrong, intractable.

contrast, n. comparison; opposition, ant.i.thesis, dissimilitude, unlikeness.

contravene, v. thwart, oppose, counteract countervail; violate, transgress.

contravention, n. thwarting, opposition, counteraction, violation, transgression.

contrite, a. penitent, repentant, sorrowful. Antonyms: impenitent, obdurate.

contrite person. penitent, repentant.

contrition, n. penitence, compunction, remorse, attrition, self-reproach.

contrivance, n. contriving, devising; device, expedient, scheme, invention.

contrive, v. devise, concoct, invent, excogitate, scheme, plan.

control, v. restrain, regulate, govern, manage, repress, direct, bridle, dominate.

control, n. restraint, repression, check, hindrance; domination, ascendency, dominion, regulation, superintendence governance, command, mastery. Antonyms: unrestraint, abandon, subjection.

controller, n. governor, regulator, ruler; comptroller.

controversial, a. disputatious, polemical.

controversy, n. dispute, contention, disoutation, altercation polemics, logomachy.

convalescence, n. revalescence.

convene, v. a.s.semble, convoke, congregate.

convenient, a. handy, advantageous; seasonable, timely, opportune, suitable; accessible.

convent, n. nunnery, monastery, cloister, abbey, priory. a.s.sociated words: conventual, conventical, monastic.

convention, n. custom, usage, conventionality; a.s.sembly, convocation, congress, diet, synod, council.

conversation, n. converse, colloquy, parlance, parley, interlocution, chat, _causerie_, conference, confabulation, interview.

conversational, a. colloquial, interlocutory.

converse, v. talk, chat, commune, confabulate, parley.

converse, n. intercourse, communion, conversation, parley.

conversion, n. trans.m.u.tation, transformation; proselytism; regeneration; appropriation, application, employment.

convert, v. transform, trans.m.u.te; proselyte; regenerate; appropriate, apply.

convert, n. proselyte.

Chapter 45 : contemporary, a. contemporaneous, coeval.contempt, n. disdain, scorn, contumely, derisi
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