Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 46 : convex, a. protuberant, bulging, gibbous. Antonym: concave.convexity, n. protuberance,

convex, a. protuberant, bulging, gibbous. Antonym: concave.

convexity, n. protuberance, gibbosity. Antonym: concavity.

conveyance, n. carriage, transmission; transfer, demise, alienation, cession.

convict, n. felon, prisoner, criminal, culprit, malefactor.

convincing, a. cogent, persuasive, conclusive.

convivial, a. festive, festal, social, jolly, gay.

convocation, n. convention, congress, synod, diet, council, consistory.

convoy, n. protection, escort, attendance; guard, escort.

convulsion, n. spasm, paroxysm; agitation, commotion, disturbance, upheaval.

cook, n. chef (chief cook).

cook, v. stew, seethe, gratinate; (Colloq.) tamper with, garble, falsify.

cookable, a. coctible.

cooking, n. cuisine.

cook-room, n. kitchen, cuisine; galley, cuddy.

cool, v. chill, refrigerate; moderate, allay, calm, quiet.

cool, a. deliberate, self-possessed, unexcited, dispa.s.sionate, indifferent, nonchalant, unconcerned, composed; chilling, apathetic, repellent, distant, unfriendly, ceremonious; audacious, impudent, shameless, presumptuous, flippant, presuming.

cooler, n. refrigerator.

cooling, n. refrigeration; gelation (Astron.)--a. refrigerant, chilling.

cooling room of Roman baths. frigidarium.

coolness, n. dispa.s.sion, nonchalance, indifference; (Colloq.) impudence, audacity.

c.o.o.n, n. racc.o.o.n, mapach.

coop, n. pen, cote, mew, hutch, poultry-house.

coop, v. confine, shut up, imprison, incage, mew.

cooperate, v. concur, unite, work together; collude.

cooperating, a. cooperative, auxiliary, concurrent; synergetic.

cooperation, n. concurrence, working together; collusion; synergism, synergy. Antonyms: antagonism, compet.i.tion, opposition.

coot, n. (Colloq.) dolt, dunce, dullard, simpleton.

copier, n. copyist, transcriber; imitator, plagiarist. Antonym: originator.

copious, a. plentiful, abundant, overflowing, ample, exuberant.

copper, n. _cuprum_; cauldron. a.s.sociated Words: cupreous, cupric, cupriferous, cuprite, cuprous, speiss, chalcopyrite, chalcography, eruginous, verdigris, chalcographer, chalcographist.

copperas, n. green vitriol, sulphate of iron, ferrous sulphate.

coppice, n. copse.

copse, n. thicket, brushwood, coppice, boscage, bosk.

copulation, n. union, conjunction; s.e.xual union, coition. a.s.sociated words: intromittent, infibulation, copulatory, copulate.

copy, n. transcript, reproduction, transcription, replica, replication, facsimile, duplicate, pasticcio, counterpart, counterfeit, imitation, apograph, estreat, exemplification, protocol, porotype; pattern, model, original, example, precedent; ma.n.u.script.

copy, v. transcribe, reproduce, trace, duplicate; imitate, ape, follow; exemplify.

copying machine. copygraph, polygraph.

copyist, n. transcriber, copier; imitator, plagiarist.

coquette, n. flirt.

coral, n. madrepora, madrepore.

cord, n. string, twine, torsade.

cordial, a. hearty, sincere, affectionate; strengthening, invigorating, cheering.

cordiality, n. sincerity, heartiness, ardor, _empress.e.m.e.nt_.

cork, n. stopper, stopple, s.h.i.+ve. a.s.sociated Words: cloop, ph.e.l.loplastics, ph.e.l.loplastic, subereous, suberin, ph.e.l.logen.

corn, n. maize, Indian corn; clavus.

corner, n. angle, cusp, cantle, bight, coin, quoin, coigne; nook, recess, niche; direction, quarter.

corner, v. nonplus, pose, perplex, confuse.

cornerwise, adv. diagonally.

cornhouse, n. granary.

corporal, a. bodily, corporeal, material.

Chapter 46 : convex, a. protuberant, bulging, gibbous. Antonym: concave.convexity, n. protuberance,
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