Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 48 : countrified, a. rude, uncourtly, rustic, bucolic, rural.country, n. region, territory;

countrified, a. rude, uncourtly, rustic, bucolic, rural.

country, n. region, territory; nation; rural parts, farming region.

a.s.sociated Words: patriotism, patriot, patriotic, incivism, compatriot, expatriate, expatriation, deport, deportation, repatriate, repatriation, national, rusticate, rustication.

country, a. rural, rustic, agrestic.

countryman, n. compatriot, fellow-citizen; farmer, granger husbandman, rustic; peasant; (country b.u.mpkin) yokel, carl, clod, clodhopper, churl, yahoo.

county, n. s.h.i.+re.

couple, n. two, pair, brace, span, couplet, team.

couple, v. join, link, connect; copulate.

couplet, n. distich.

courage, n. intrepidity, heroism, bravery, gallantry, hardihood, fort.i.tude, valor, fearlessness, pluck, prowess. Antonyms: See cowardice and fear.

courageous, a. intrepid, brave, heroic, gallant, hardy, bold, fearless, valiant, valorous, dauntless, chivalrous, plucky, daring, lion-hearted.

courier, n. messenger, runner; estafet.

course, n. progress, pa.s.sage; direction, bearing; heat, bout, round; procedure; sequence, routine, order, succession regularity; career; series.

court, n. tribunal, judicatory, judicature, judiciary, forum, mall; courtyard, quadrangle, cortile; jurisdiction; royal household, princely retinue; a.s.size. a.s.sociated Words: curialistic, aulic, judicial, judiciary, forensic, docket, tipstaff, beadle, apparitor, summoner, _dies judicus, dies non_.

court, v. woo, spark; solicit, seek, allure, attract, invite.

courteous, a. deferential, polite, debonair, gracious, urbane, civil, respectful.

courtesan, n. prost.i.tute, harlot, demirep, _amorosa_, _bona roba_.

courtesy, n. politeness, urbanity, civility, complaisance; favor, indulgence; curtsy.

courtly, a. elegant, dignified, polite.

courtyard, n. court, quadrangle, area, cortile, yard; patio, (Sp.


cove, n. bay, recess, bight, inlet.

covenant, n. compact, agreement, pact, concordat.

cover, v. overspread, overlay, thatch, hide, conceal, secrete; comprise, embrace, embody, comprehend; copulate with, serve.

cover, n. lid, covering, case, canopy, awning, tilt, roof, casing, cope, capsule, envelope; shelter, protection, defense, safeguard; counterpane, quilt, coverlet, spread; covert, underbrush, undergrowth, underwood, jungle, bush; plate.

covered, a. covert, screened, sheltered, protected, hidden.

covering, n. cover, wrapper, sheath, pavilion.

covert, a. secret, hidden, disguised, clandestine, stealthy.

covert, n. shelter, refuge, retreat; underwood, jungle, thicket.

covetousness, n. cupidity, avarice, greed.

cow, n. female of bovine animals; heifer (young cow); maverick.

a.s.sociated Words: bovine, Bos, moo, low, lowing, farrow, beef, neat, moolley, vachery, chiche-vache, milch.

cow, v. overawe, daunt, intimidate, scare, dishearten.

coward, n. craven, dastard, poltroon, milksop, recreant.

cowardice, n. pusillanimity, poltroonery, dastardy, recreancy, timidity, cowardliness.

cowardly, a. craven, pusillanimous, dastard, dastardly, poltroon, recreant, timorous, white-livered, chicken-hearted faint-hearted, spiritless.

cowboy, n. cattle herder, drover, herdsman, vaquero.

cowcatcher, n. pilot.

cow doctor. veterinarian, veterinary, veterinary surgeon.

cower, v. crouch, squat; quail, cringe.

cowlike, a. bovine.

coworker, n. colleague, coagent, collaborator, a.s.sociate.

cowpox, n. vaccinia, kinepox, cowpock, kinepock.

c.o.xcomb, n. fop, dandy, dude, popinjay, exquisite.

coy, a. shy, modest, retiring, demure, reserved.

cozy, a. snug; talkative, chatty, sociable.

crab, n. crustacean, mollusk.

crabbed, a. See cross.

crabs, n. pl. Cancer, Crustacea, Mollusca, Brachyura. a.s.sociated words: crustacean, cancriform, cancerite, cancrine, cancroid, lobster, carcinology, brachyurean, cancrivorous, cancrophagous, carcinoid, carcinomorphic.

crack, n. c.h.i.n.k, crevice, cranny, fissure, rift, rime, rent, cleft, interstice; rupture, breach, flaw; report, clap, pop, explosion, snap.

crack, v. break, chop, cleave, split, rift, snap.

crack, a. (Colloq.) first-rate, excellent, fine, capital, first-cla.s.s.

Chapter 48 : countrified, a. rude, uncourtly, rustic, bucolic, rural.country, n. region, territory;
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