Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 49 : cracked, a. (Colloq.) crotchety, eccentric, crazy.crackle, v. crepitate, decrepitate.--

cracked, a. (Colloq.) crotchety, eccentric, crazy.

crackle, v. crepitate, decrepitate.--n. crepitation, crackling.

crackling, a. crepitant.--n. crepitation, decrepitation, crackle.

crack up. (Low) extol, laud, praise, cry up.

cracksman, n. burglar.

cradle, n. baby's bed, trundle-bed; solen; _cunabula_.

craft, n. dexterity, skill; trade, handicraft; guild; guile, cunning, subtlety, artfulness.

craftiness, n. artfulness, guile, craft, cunning.

craftsman, n. artificer, artisan, mechanic, skilled workman.

crafty, a. shrewd, artful, wily, tricky, cunning, sly, deceitful, Machiavelian. Antonyms: guileless, artless, undesigning.

cragged, a. jagged, broken, craggy.

cram, v. compress, crowd, squeeze, press, impact.

cramp, v. restrain, confine, hinder, restrict, obstruct.

cranium, n. skull.

crank, n. winch, turning-handle; bend, turn, twist, crook, curve.

cranky, a. (Colloq.) crotchety, capricious, unreasonable, cantankerous, cross, perverse, cross-grained, contumacious unsteady.

cranny, n. crevice, c.h.i.n.k. See crack.

crash, n. ruin, smash, failure, collapse.

cra.s.s, a. coa.r.s.e, unrefined, gross, crude.

crave, v. long for, yearn for, hanker after; beseech, entreat, implore.

craven, a. cowardly.--n. coward.

craving, n. longing, yearning, hankering, hungering; entreaty, supplication.

crawler, n. creeper, reptile; pl. Reptilia, reptiles.

crawling, a. creeping, reptile, reptant, reptatorial, reptatory.--n. creeping.

craze, v. madden, derange, distract; confuse, disarrange.

craze, n. craziness, distraction; fancy, freak, crotchet; mania, pa.s.sion, infatuation.

craziness, n. insanity, lunacy, dementia, delirium; monomania; megalomania; paranoia.

crazy, a. demented, deranged, insane, delirious, dementate, mad, lunatic, distracted, frantic, crazed, crack-brained; rickety, decrepit, shaky, tottering, dilapidated; desirous, eager, infatuated. Antonyms: sane, rational.

crazy person. madman, maniac, lunatic, bedlamite; monomaniac; paranoiac; megalomaniac.

cream, n. best part, quintessence; cremor; cosmetic.

crease, n. ruck, wrinkle.

creation, n. origination, making, invention; universe, cosmos, world.

creative, a. demiurgic, inventive, cosmoplastic, omnific.

creature, n. being.

credence, n. belief, credit, acceptance.

credit, n. belief, faith, confidence; repute, good name, esteem, honor; influence, prestige; trust, tick. Antonyms: discredit, dishonor, unbelief.

creditor, n. a.s.sociated Words: bilk, subrogation.

credulous, a. unsuspecting, gullible. Antonym: incredulous.

creed, n. a.s.sociated-words: symbolics, symbolism Athanasian, Nicene, Apostles'.

creek, n. brook, rivulet, race, runlet, streamlet, runnel, bourn, burn; cove, bight.

creepers, n. pl. Reptilia.

creephole, n. retreat; subterfuge, expedient, makes.h.i.+ft excuse.

creeping, a. crawling, reptile, reptant; fawning, truckling, obsequious, sycophantic.

creeping, n. reptation; formication.

creepingly, adv. insidiously, cunningly.

cremate, v. incremate, incinerate.

cremation, n. incremation, incineration. a.s.sociated Words: crematory, crematorium.

crest, n. tuft; helmet; top, ridge, crown, summit; armorial bearings, device, cognizance.

crested, a. cristate.

crestfallen, a. dejected, discouraged, disheartened, downcast.

Chapter 49 : cracked, a. (Colloq.) crotchety, eccentric, crazy.crackle, v. crepitate, decrepitate.--
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