Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 53 : customer, n. patron.cut, v. gash, slash, hew, crop, reap, mow, lop, prune, clip, shear,

customer, n. patron.

cut, v. gash, slash, hew, crop, reap, mow, lop, prune, clip, shear, whittle, shave, trim, detruncate, dock, curtail, exscind, dissect, chamfer, amputate, carve, chase, chisel, lance, bisect, cleave, razee, slit, incise, fell, score, nurl, knurl.

cut, n. incision, gash, slash, slit, wound; slight, ignoration; sarcasm, taunt; notch, groove, chamfret; defile, pa.s.sage; kerf; slice, piece; fas.h.i.+on, style, mode; engraving.

cut down. fell; retrench, curtail, reduce.

cute, a. (Colloq.) clever, sharp, ingenious, cunning, shrewd.

cut off. amputate, sever; interrupt, stop, intercept.

cut out. exscind, excise, remove; supplant; debar, exclude.

cutting, a. incisive, sharp, keen, trenchant; penetrating, nipping, biting; sarcastic, satirical, caustic, acrimonious, mordacious; secant.

cutting, n. incision, felling, amputation, cleavage, truncation, curtailment, celotomy, dissection, scarification, slas.h.i.+ng, cropping; slip, scion, clipping. a.s.sociated Words: sectile, sectility, insecable.

cutting out. excision, exsection.

cut to pieces. dissect, mutilate, dismember.

cut up. afflict, grieve, distress, harry; play pranks, play tricks, cut capers, misbehave.

cyclone, n. tornado.

cypher, n. See cipher.

Czar, n. Tsar, Tzar. a.s.sociated Words: Czarinian Czarowitz, Czarevna, autocrat.

Czarina, n. Tsarina, Tsaritsa.


Dabbler, n. superficialist, sciolist, smatterer, dilettante.

dabblingly, adv. superficially, cursorily.

dabster, n. (Colloq.) expert, adept, master-hand.

dagger, n. stiletto, poniard, bowie knife, dirk; obelisk.

daily, a. diurnal, quotidian.

dainty, n. delicacy, tidbit, treat, rarebit, _bonne bouche_.

dainty, a. fastidious, squeamish, finical; delicate, exquisite.

dale, n. glen, dell, dingle, vale, valley.

dalliance, n. fondling, endearments; delay, procrastination, postponement.

dally, v. dawdle, trifle; fondle, wanton; delay, postpone, procrastinate.

dam, n. barrier, weir, burrock.

dam, v. restrain, obstruct.

damage, v. injure, hurt, harm, despoil, scathe, deface, impair, disfigure, d.a.m.nify.

damage, n. injury, detriment, impairment, defacement, harm, hurt, mischief.

damages, n. pl. indemnity, satisfaction, reparation.

d.a.m.n, v. condemn, curse, reprobate, denounce.

d.a.m.nable, a. accursed, atrocious, execrable, heinous.

d.a.m.nation, n. condemnation, reprobation, perdition.

d.a.m.ning, a. condemnatory, d.a.m.natory.

damp, a. moist, wet, humid, dank.

dampen, v. moisten, damp; check, repress, restrain, discourage, depress.

damper, n. check, setback, wet blanket, discouragement, rebuff.

dampness, n. moisture, humidity.

dance, n. ballet, cotillion, quadrille, waltz, reel, fandango, polka, two-step, polonaise, mazurka, schottische, allemande cancan, minuet, courant, bolero, gavot. a.s.sociated Words: terpsich.o.r.ean, Terpsich.o.r.e, ch.o.r.egraphy, dervish.

dancing-mania, n. epidemic ch.o.r.ea, choromania, cory-bantism

dander, n. (Slang) anger, resentment, ire, wrath, dudgeon.

dandified, a. foppish, c.o.xcombical. Antonyms: slovenly, careless, seedy.

dandy, n. fop, exquisite, dude, c.o.xcomb, popinjay, incroyable, jackadandy. Antonym: sloven.

danger, n. jeopardy, hazard, peril, insecurity, risk, exposure, imminence, impediment. Antonyms: safety, immunity, security, shelter, safeguard, protection.

dangerous, a. perilous, hazardous, risky, unsafe, critical, parlous, imminent. Antonyms: See safe.

Danish Parliament. Rigsdag (Landsthing and Folkething).

dapper, a. spruce, trim, natty, spry, nimble.

Chapter 53 : customer, n. patron.cut, v. gash, slash, hew, crop, reap, mow, lop, prune, clip, shear,
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