Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 54 : dappled, a. piebald, spotted, pied, mottled.dare, v. venture, presume; defy, challenge,

dappled, a. piebald, spotted, pied, mottled.

dare, v. venture, presume; defy, challenge, stump.

dare, n. defiance, provocation, challenge.

dare-devil, a. reckless, rash, inconsiderate, venturesome.

dark, a. unilluminated, sunless, dusky, rayless, Cimmerian, pitchy, tenebrific, murk, murky, dingy, shadowy, shady, mirky, lowering, overcast, gloomy, sullen, Stygian, sombre; obscure, mysterious, incomprehensible, recondite abstruse, cabalistic, cryptic, enigmatical, occult; brunette, swart, swarthy.

darken, v. shade, obscure, infuscate, shadow, becloud, obfuscate; perplex, confuse; sully, tarnish, discolor.

darkness, n. obscurity, shadow, dimness, gloom, infuscation, murkiness, obfuscation, tenebrosity; unenlightenment. a.s.sociated Words: Erebus, Ahriman, Cimmerii.

dart, v. hurl, launch, jaculate; spring, dodge, bolt, shoot.

dash, n. collision, allision, crash; abashment, frustration; infusion, smack, tincture, sprinkling; onset, rush, sally; energy, animation, vigor; (Slang) parade, flourish, show, ostentation.

dashboard, n. splashboard, dasher.

das.h.i.+ng, a. spirited, bold, brilliant, ostentatious, gay; roaring, rus.h.i.+ng, headlong.

dastard, n. coward, craven, poltroon. See coward.

daub, v. smear, bedaub, besmear, soil, sully.

daughter, n. a.s.sociated Words: filial, filiation, filicide.

daunt, v. cow, intimidate, frighten, alarm, appall, dishearten, scare.

dauntless, a. intrepid, valorous, daring, fearless.

dawn, n. daybreak, aurora, dayspring, sunrise.

day, n. daytime, nycthemeron; time, age, generation, epoch, era.

a.s.sociated Words: metemptosis, proemptosis, daily, diurnal, quotidian, ephemeral, _sine die_, ferial, _per diem_.

day-blindness, n. nyctalopia.

day-dream, n. revery.

day scholar. extern.

day-sight, n. hemeralopia.

dazzle, v. daze, blind; bewilder, astonish, overpower.

dazzling, a. brilliant, intense, glaring.

deacon, n. a.s.sociated Words: diaconal, diaconate.

dead, a. lifeless, deceased, inanimate, defunct, extinct, departed; inert, obtuse, impa.s.sive, callous, torpid, unfeeling, subdued.

dead body. See corpse.

deadborn a. stillborn.

deaden, v. blunt, benumb, hebetate, moderate; devitalize, subdue.

dead-house, n. morgue; ossuarium, charnel-house, mortuary, tomb.

deadly, a. fatal, mortal, lethal, lethiferous, noxious, internecine; implacable, unrelenting.

deaf-mute, n. a.s.sociated Word: dactylology.

deal, v. distribute, apportion, dispense, allot; trade, traffic, negotiate.

dealer, n. trader, dispenser, trafficker, retailer, shopkeeper, merchant, monger, vender, tradesman, broker, mercer, commission dealer, jobber.

dealing, n. distribution, apportionment; traffic, intercourse, barter, business, transaction, negotiation, commerce, trade.

dear, a. costly, expensive, high-priced; beloved, darling, precious.

Antonyms: cheap, inexpensive.

dearth, n. scarcity, lack, deficiency, paucity, want. Antonyms: See plenty.

death, n. decease, demise, dissolution, dying, mortality, expiration, quietus, mort, obit, extinction; euthanasia (an easy death).

a.s.sociated-words: eschatology, thanatology, thanatopsis, necrology, thanatophobia, necrophobia, necrolatry, requiem, necromancy, posthumous, post-mortem, ante-mortem, euthanasian, dirge, crossbones, placebo, _in extremis_, decedent, funeral, obit, obitual, necrologist, fatality, fatal, casualty.

deathless, a. immortal, imperishable, undying.

death notice. obituary, necrology.

debar, v. preclude, exclude.

debase, v. degrade, deteriorate, abase, vitiate, corrupt, alloy, humiliate.

debas.e.m.e.nt, n. degradation, abas.e.m.e.nt, deterioration, vitiation, depravation.

debatable, a. contestable, moot, disputable, mooted, controvertible.

Antonyms: incontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible.

debate, v. argue, discuss, moot, contend, controvert.

debate, n. discussion, argument, moot, dispute, controversy, disputation, forensic.

debauch, v. vitiate, deprave, corrupt, demoralize; ravish, rape.

debauch, n. debauchery, dissipation, abandon, drunkenness saturnalia, orgies, baccha.n.a.ls, lechery; rape. Antonyms: temperance, continence, moderation.

Chapter 54 : dappled, a. piebald, spotted, pied, mottled.dare, v. venture, presume; defy, challenge,
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