Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 56 : deed, n. exploit, act, feat, perpetration, performance, stunt.deed, n. a.s.sociated Wor

deed, n. exploit, act, feat, perpetration, performance, stunt.

deed, n. a.s.sociated Words: defeasance, feoffment, muniment.

deep, a. profound, intricate, inexplicable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, recondite, abstruse; abysmal; sagacious, cunning, astute, shrewd; dark, intense; grave, grum, full-toned, guttural.

Antonyms: superficial, shallow.

deepen, v. intensify.

deer, n. Cervidae; fallow deer, red deer, mule deer, reindeer; buck (fawn, brocket, p.r.i.c.ket, sorel, sore, spitter); (female) doe, roe; (male red deer) stag, hart; hind, roe (female red deer); havier (castrated); halfer; antelope hummel; staggard. a.s.sociated Words: venison, fumet, umbles, cervine, deerstalking, capreoline.

deerhound, n. staghound.

deface, v. mar, disfigure, mutilate.

defacement, n. disfigurement, mutilation, marring.

defamation, n. calumny, libel, lampoon, traducement, roorback. See slander.

defamatory, a. slanderous, calumnious, libellous, vituperative, contumelious.

defame, v. calumniate, malign, vilify, lampoon, vituperate, slander.

defaulter, n. delinquent, peculator, embezzler, defalcator.

defeat, n. repulse, overthrow, vanquishment, foil, rout, frustration, disappointment.

defeat, v. conquer, vanquish, repulse, discomfit, rout, checkmate, outwit, balk, foil, frustrate.

defect, n. blemish, flaw, imperfection, foible, failing, shortcoming, infirmity.

defend, v. guard, protect, s.h.i.+eld, secure, screen, shelter, fortify, garrison, preserve, harbor, countenance; uphold, espouse, vindicate, advocate, plead, justify, maintain.

defender, n. defendant, vindicator, advocate, champion, pleader, a.s.serter, upholder, guardian.

defense, n. protection, defending, maintenance; guard, protection, palisade, rampart, bulwark, fortress, blockhouse, fortification, earthwork, breastwork, s.h.i.+eld, armor, stockade, buckler, redoubt, remblai, palladium, garrison, ravelin, reliance, muniment, machicolation; vindication, advocacy, plea, excuse. Antonyms: betrayal, exposure, surrender, abandonment, capitulation.

defiance, n. challenge, provocation; opposition, insubmission, contumacy, contempt, insubordination, insurgency, mutiny, rebellion, recalcitration.

defiant, a. disobedient, insubmissive, contumacious, bellicose, rebellious, contumelious, refractory, c.o.c.kahoop, mutinous. Antonyms: obedient, tractable, submissive.

deficiency, n. inadequacy, insufficiency, shortage, meagreness.

deficient, a. defective, imperfect, meagre, scanty, inadequate, insufficient.

defile, v. contaminate, pollute, soil, befoul, vitiate, taint, corrupt, infect, sully.

defilement, n. contamination, pollution, vitiation, corruption.

definite, a. positive, specific, express, explicit, specified, exact, precise. Antonyms: See indefinite.

definition, n. explanation, description; lexigraphy.

deformed, a. misshapen, disfigured, crippled.

deformity, n. malformation, disfigurement, unshapeliness distortion.

a.s.sociated Words: orthopedy, orthopraxy, orthopedic, orthopedist.

defraud, v. See cheat.

deft, a. dexterous, adroit, expert, skillful, apt, clever.

defy, v. challenge, dare; spurn, flout, scorn.

degeneracy, n. decline, degeneration, retrogression, deterioration.

degenerate, v. deteriorate, retrograde, decline.

degeneration, n. deterioration, decline, retrogradation, degeneracy, vitiation.

degradation, n. abas.e.m.e.nt, debas.e.m.e.nt, disgrace, humiliation.

degrade, v. abase, debase, disgrace, pervert, humiliate, dishonor.

degraded, a. debased, low, shameful.

deiflcation, n. apotheosis.

deify, v. apotheosize.

deign, v. condescend, vouchsafe.

delay, n. deferring, deferment, procrastination, postponement, respite, reprieve; r.e.t.a.r.dation, retention, obstruction; dawdling, lingering, dalliance. Antonyms: dispatch, promptness, expedition, haste.

delay, v. postpone, defer, procrastinate, suspend, reprieve, r.e.t.a.r.d, impede, hinder, obstruct; linger, tarry, dawdle, dally. Antonyms: dispatch, hasten, expedite, facilitate.

delegate, v. depute, commission.

delegate, n. deputy, proxy, vicar, commissioner, legate, envoy, appointee, surrogate.

deleterious, a. hurtful, noxious, pernicious.

deliberate, a. intentional, premeditated, prepense, done on purpose.

Antonyms: accidental, unconscious, unpremeditated, unintentional.

deliberation, n. consideration, discussion, consultation.

delicacy, n. daintiness, fineness, frailty, refinement, fastidiousness, discrimination, sensitiveness; dainty, tidbit, junket.

Antonyms: indelicacy, coa.r.s.eness, indiscrimination.

Chapter 56 : deed, n. exploit, act, feat, perpetration, performance, stunt.deed, n. a.s.sociated Wor
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