Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 60 : diffident, a. bashful, timid, shy.diffuse, a. copious, full, verbose, prolix.dig, v. de

diffident, a. bashful, timid, shy.

diffuse, a. copious, full, verbose, prolix.

dig, v. delve, excavate, scoop; thrust, poke, punch, jab; exhume (dig up).

dig, n. thrust, punch, poke; grind (student).

digest, v. codify, systematize, methodize, cla.s.sify.

digest, n. pandect, summary, code, system, abridgment.

digestion, n. eupepsia. Antonyms: indigestion, dyspepsia.

a.s.sociated Words: peptics, pepsin, peptic, pepticity, chyme, chyle, digestible, digestibility, indigestible, indigestibility.

digging, n. excavation; exhumation (digging up). a.s.sociated words: fossorial, fodient.

diggings, n. pl. (Slang) region, locality.

dignified, a. stately, majestic, august, imposing, decorous.

Antonyms: See undignified.

dignify, v. exalt, grace, enn.o.ble, honor, elevate.

dignity, n. exaltation, eminence; stateliness; honor, preferment.

digress, v. deviate, depart, wander, turn aside.

digression, n. deviation, divergence; episode, incident.

dike, n. levee, embankment.

dike warden. dikereeve.

dilapidated, a. ramshackle, dismantled.

dilate, v. expand, distend; expatiate.

dilation, n. expansion, dilatation, distention; expatiation.

dilemma, n. predicament, quandary, difficulty, strait, pickle.

Antonyms: extrication, release.

diligence, n. a.s.siduity, sedulousness, sedulity, perseverance, stagecoach (France).

diligent, a. sedulous, industrious, a.s.siduous, persevering.

Antonyms: See lazy.

dillydally, v. dawdle, dally, fritter, trifle, loiter.

dillydallying, n. dawdling, loitering, trifling, dalliance.

dilute, v. attenuate, thin, weaken, reduce.

diluter, n. diluent, attenuant.

dilution, n. attenuation, thinning, reduction.

dim, a. obscure, indistinct, faint, sullied, blurred. Antonyms: bright, vivid, intense, clear.

dim, v. bedim, obscure, darken, dull, eclipse, blur, tarnish.

diminish, v. decrease, reduce, abate, lessen, contract, curtail.

diminution, n. reduction, decrease, abatement, decrement.

dim-sighted, a. purblind, moonblind.

din, n. clamor, noise, racket, uproar, hubbub, clangor, hullabaloo.

dinner, n. a.s.sociated Words: prandial, post-prandial, croupier, ante-prandial, dine, diner.

dinner pail. blickey (Local U.S.).

dint, n. indentation, dent; force, power.

dip, v. plunge, immerse, duck, souse, douse, dive; lade.

direct, a. straight, undeviating; diametrical. Antonyms: indirect, circuitous, roundabout.

direct, v. point, aim; guide, pilot, lead, steer, regulate, govern, control, manage, conduct, superintend, instruct; address, superscribe.

direction, n. guidance, government, administration, management, superintendence, oversight; instruction, order, command; address, superscription.

directly, adv. diametrically; immediately.

dirge, n. requiem, coronach, trental, threnody.

dirt, n. earth, soil; squalor, filth, muck, foulness.

dirt-eater, n. geophagist.

dirt-eating, n. geophagism, chthonophagia, pica.

dirty, a. defiled, unclean, foul, nasty, filthy, soiled, begrimed, grimy, squalid, uncleanly, loathsome, bedraggled, daggletailed, besmeared, sullied; sordid, groveling, despicable, vile, contemptible, abject.

dirty, V. soil, befoul, begrime, besmirch, sully, tarnish, besmear, defile.

disable, v. incapacitate, disqualify, cripple, maim.

Chapter 60 : diffident, a. bashful, timid, shy.diffuse, a. copious, full, verbose, prolix.dig, v. de
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