Putnam's Word Book
Chapter 61 : disabled, a. disqualified, crippled, maimed, incapacitated, _hors de combat_.disadvanta

disabled, a. disqualified, crippled, maimed, incapacitated, _hors de combat_.

disadvantage, n. inconvenience, detriment, hindrance, drawback, inexpediency.

disadvantageous, a. inconvenient, detrimental, unfavorable, inexpedient, prejudicial.

disagree, v. be at variance, differ, contend, dissent, contradict, quarrel, altercate, spar.

disagreeable, a. unpleasant, distasteful, offensive, fulsome, uncongenial, contrary, incongruous, inconformable, inconsistent.

disagreeing, a. incompatible.

disagreement, n. difference; quarrel, bickering, dispute, altercation, sparring, squabble, contention, controversy, dissent, variance.

disappear, v. vanish, evanesce, recede, be lost to view.

disappearance, n. vanis.h.i.+ng, evanescence.

disappoint, v. dissatisfy, frustrate, balk, foil, baffle, defeat.

disappointment, n. frustration, dissatisfaction, balking, defeat, nonsuccess.

disapproval, n. disapprobation, dislike, disfavor.

disaster, n. calamity, mishap, catastrophe, casualty.

disastrous, a. calamitous, deplorable, unfortunate, ill-fated

disband, v. demobilize, disorganize.

disbandment, n. demobilization, disorganization.

discern, v. perceive, discriminate, distinguish. See see.

discernible, a. perceptible, visible, noticeable, discoverable, apparent, manifest.

discerning, a. acute, sharp-sighted, shrewd.

discernment, n. insight, penetration, judgment, discrimination.

discharge, v. absolve, acquit, exculpate, release, exonerate, free; dismiss, cas.h.i.+er, remove; excrete, exude, void, eject, emit, expel; pay, liquidate; fulfill, perform; fire, shoot, volley; annul, rescind, invalidate, abrogate, cancel. Antonyms: retain, hold.

discharge, n. firing, burst, blast, volley, fusillade, salvo; acquittance, exoneration, quittance, release; fulfillment, observance, performance; dismissal; liquidation, payment evacuation, emission, ejection, exudation, excretion voiding; quietus.

discharged, a. dismissed, acquitted; emeritus.

disciple, n. adherent, follower.

disciplinarian, n. martinet (strict disciplinarian).

discipline, n. correction, chastis.e.m.e.nt, punishment; submission regulation; martinetism. Antonyms: laxity, unrestraint, indulgence.

disclaim, v. disown, deny, disavow, renounce, repudiate.

discomfiture, n. disconcertion, abashment, confusion, frustration, defeat.

discommode, v. inconvenience, incommode, trouble.

discomposure, n. agitation, perturbation, confusion.

disconnect, v. detach, dissever, disjoin, separate.

disconnected, a. detached, separate, isolated, incoherent.

disconnection, n. detachment, disunion, separation, incoherence.

disconsolate, a. inconsolable, broken-hearted.

discontent, n. dissatisfaction, discontentment. Antonyms: contentment, satisfaction.

discontented, a. dissatisfied, restless, malcontent, disgruntled

discord, n. dissonance, discordance, inharmony, variance, dissension.

Antonyms: harmony, agreement, consonance

discordant, a. inharmonious, dissonant, jarring, unmelodious strident; at variance, contradictory, repugnant absonant.

discount, n. deduction, allowance, rebate.

discourage, v. dishearten, dispirit, depress, deter, dampen, unnerve, oppose, dissuade.

discouragement, n. depression, dejection; opposition, dissuasion, intimidation, determent, damper, obstacle, difficulty, barrier.

discouraging, a. depressing, disheartening, dissuasive.

discourse, n. dissertation, address, disquisition, oration, harangue, speech.

discourteous, a. uncivil, rude, disrespectful, abrupt, unmannerly, boorish, inurbane.

discourtesy, n. rudeness, incivility, inurbanity, impoliteness.

discover, v. ascertain, detect, unearth, descry, discern, disclose, ferret out.

discovery, n. ascertainment, detection, unearthing, disclosure.

discredit, n. disesteem, disrepute, unpopularity.

discreet, a. prudent, circ.u.mspect, wary, judicious.

discretion, n. prudence, circ.u.mspection, wariness; choice, liberty, will. Antonyms: indiscretion, imprudence, compulsion, constraint, coercion.

Chapter 61 : disabled, a. disqualified, crippled, maimed, incapacitated, _hors de combat_.disadvanta
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