Gourmet Emperor: Master Of Culinary World
Chapter 4 : I lied calmly on my bed, trying to digest all new information that just entering my brai

I lied calmly on my bed, trying to digest all new information that just entering my brain. From that new information, I understood about the body that I currently use and its background. My new body used belongs to Henry Harvard, the only son of Baron John Harvard and his only heirs. I have four sisters, one which elder from me is Eliza Harvard, and the three younger sisters are Mary Harvard, Karen Harvard, and Christine Harvard.

My father, Baron Harvard's territory is located in the southern part of Erathia Kingdom. The Erathia kingdom government type looks like j.a.pan during the shogun era. Landlords or daimyo, are va.s.sals of King of Erathia and given aristocratic t.i.tle depend on their merit for the kingdom. The highest rank is Arch-Duke, they're also the king confidante and held government position like the prime minister. Under Arch-Duke is Great Duke rank, a little lower than Arch Duke but still high-rank aristocrat and help important position like the minister. Under Great Duke, there's duke rank, earl rank, baron rank and baronets rank. Duke rank equal with Governor position in the modern era, the duke is superior for earl, baron, and baronets. Earl is similar with Regent and baron likely a major of the big city and baronets are major of small cities.

The territory size is according to the rank. The higher the rank, the larger territory they have and of course, the more money can generate from there. Since my father territory is not too large, the generated income also not abundant. That's why my father always sought a new way to earn more income. According to this new information I acquired, the owner of this body was sent to inspect a silver mine prospect on the hill area in the Harvard territory. Unfortunately, during the trip, the horse that Henry ride was scared with the sudden appearance of a large pack of wild boars that charges toward Henry Harvard and his guards.

The uncontrollable horse sends Henry to fall from its back and make him unconscious for several days and getting worse each pa.s.sing day. It's seemed when Henry finally dies, I inherit his body and continue his life as Henry. It seems there are some regrets that the original owner had before he dies. First thing is Henry feels sad to unable to help henry's father to solve this financial crisis, second, Henry regretting never have a chance to meet his fiancé, Celes Stamford, daughter of Earl Jacob Stamford and third, Henry feels regret for unable to protect his sisters.

After learning this information, I feel startled because of that. This Henry's life seems complicated as a n.o.ble descendant. Willing or not, I will inherit his problem as he inherits his body too. I sighed and take a deep breath, it seems my second life will not as easy as my previous life, but since I've granted a chance for second life, I've made up my mind to cherish it and overcome all the hurdle that comes to me. Besides, there is maybe something interesting like what I've seen in Baron Harvard's hand when he checking me before. Is it magic? From the henry's memory, I recall that item called 'identification stone', something that can show the status of somebody for the wielder.

This deep thinking somehow makes me hungry, well it's obvious since the real owner of this body already unconscious for several days and hadn't eaten anything since that. I'm opening my eyes and call one maid near me

"Hey …." Although I already muster my strength to speak, my voice is so low that almost like a whisper, fortunately, the maid always keep her sight my and know I'm calling her.

"Yes, young master"

"Can you get me something to eat?"

"Right away, young master. I'll ask the kitchen to send some food for young master"

After making a bow she's leaving the room heading to the kitchen.

While waiting for her back I look around to see how many people still stay in my room. There are three people still in my room, old doctor Howard, and two other maids. The maids which seem to be my personal maid look still young and good looking. Their uniforms somehow remind me of the waitress in the maid café that I ever visit in Akihabara.

Not waiting for long, the maid that goes to kitchen already back with two other servants carrying a bowl in a tray, drink water and a small table.

"Young master, I bring some porridge"

"Help me to sit"

I really have no power to lift myself to sit. She and her colleague helped me to raise my back and support it with some pillows. Now my position is sitting at the bed with my back leaning on some pillows as support. The servant that carrying the small table came forward and put the small table on my lap and the servant that carrying the tray put the bowl over the table. When I try to lift my hand to grab the spoon, my hand was shaking before drooping weakly powerless.

"Sorry, can you feed me?" I ask them to help me while smile wryly.

"Yes, young master". One of them sit in front of me and start to feed me the porridge while the other two sit beside me to help me sit tight. Well, can be said I'm currently surrounded by three good-looking young maids that help me to eat.

The porridge was warm, indicating just been cook a while ago. It was made from wheat and some vegetables with some meat broth. Although the ingredient is rich, the flavor is somehow plain and barely palatable. But since my condition is weak, I have to accept whatever food I can eat as long as it can bring energy to my body.

After finis.h.i.+ng the porridge and drink the water, I lay back to the bed to rest. The old doctor Howard come to check my condition but said nothing after check it. To the maid that pulls the quilt to cover my body, I told them to take rest too.

"Thank you. I want to sleep now. You also can rest too or take a turn to rest"

"Thank you, young master"

After talking between themselves, finally, two of them leave the room to rest, leaving the old doctor Howard and one maid to standby. I also close my eyes and try to sleep and regain my health back.

Chapter 4 : I lied calmly on my bed, trying to digest all new information that just entering my brai
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