Mother's Remedies
Chapter 5 : Prevention of chronic kind.--Ascertain the cause and remove it. Too hot food or too much

Prevention of chronic kind.--Ascertain the cause and remove it. Too hot food or too much spiced food cause the chronic kind. Rest the voice.

Remove any existing catarrh.

Prevention of acute kind.--Avoid undue exposure to cold and wet, wear warm comfortable flannel underwear. Bath the neck and chest daily with cold water. This is good cold preventive. The wearing of handkerchiefs, m.u.f.flers, around the neck is injurious unless you are driving. Accustom your neck to the cold from the beginning in the fall and winter months.

Wearing a full beard is said to be a good preventive.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--1. Sore throat, Used for Years Successfully.--"Salt pork dipped in hot water then covered thick with black pepper. Heat in the oven and lay or bind on the throat or lungs. This has been a favorite remedy with us for years." Sew the pork to a piece of cotton cloth and bind over the sore parts after you have sprinkled the pork with salt and pepper. Leave this on as long as the patient can endure it. When the pork is removed, rub the affected parts with cold cream or vaselin and put a clean muslin cloth on to keep person from taking cold.


2. Sore throat, Splendid Liniment for.--

"Olive oil 1/2 pint Ammonia 1/2 pint Turpentine 1/2 pint One egg.

Shake till it forms emulsion. This can be used as a blister."

This is a very effective remedy, but you must watch the throat very carefully as this will blister quickly. After removing the liniment, grease the parts with oil or cold cream.

3. Sore throat, Simple Gargle for.--

"Soda 1 teaspoonful Salt 1 teaspoonful Borax 1 teaspoonful

Dissolve in pint of warm water; use as a gargle frequently."

This is a very good gargle. It contracts the parts and acts as an antiseptic and thoroughly cleanses the parts.

4. Sore throat, Home Made salve for.-

"Beeswax 1 ounce Rosin 1 ounce Camphor gum 1 ounce Lard about the size of an egg."

Mix the above ingredients together and apply to the outside of the throat.

This causes the skin to become red thus drawing the inflammation out of the throat and relieving the trouble.

5. Sore Throat, Cold Packs, Sure Cure for.--"Put cold packs on the throat.

Remarks: Was in Was.h.i.+ngton once and my little girl had a very sore throat.

I put cold packs on the throat the first half of the night and the next day she was out seeing the sights as well as ever." Gargle with very hot water and a little soda. This makes it very effective.

6. Sore Throat, Ointment for.--

"Oil Turpentine 1/2 ounce Oil of Hemlock 1/2 ounce Oil of Peppermint 1/2 ounce Oil of Encaliptus 1/2 ounce

Mix with one cup warm lard, apply warm to the throat."


7. Sore Throat, Remedy from a mother in Johnson City, Tenn.--"Fat meat stewed in vinegar and bound to the neck. Kind friends:--After waiting so long I will help you what I can, and where is the mother that won't want the book? I am truly glad you have such an interest in the welfare of suffering humanity. I hope this book will soon be out on its good mission.

Kind friends, I think it a wonderful kindness to the rich as well as the poor to have a friend in time of need. I think a good honest book of home remedies tried by our good mothers and grandmothers will be accepted and looked to by all mothers, for we all think mother knows best. I certainly want this book completed and in my home."

8. Sore Throat, Gargle and Local Application for.--

"Common salt 2 tablespoonfuls Strained honey 2 tablespoonfuls Vinegar 3 tablespoonfuls Camphor 1/2 teaspoonful"

Use as a gargle. External applications, wring a cloth out of salt and cold water and keep it quite wet, bind tightly about the neck and cover with a dry cloth. It is best to use this at night."

9. Mild Sore Throat, Vinegar Gargle for.--"Gargle with vinegar and hot water. This will help to sooth the irritation and in a mild sore throat is a sure cure."

10. Sore Throat, Alum and Vinegar for.--"One gla.s.s of warm water; one tablespoonful of vinegar; one teaspoonful of sugar; one-half teaspoonful of alum; dissolve well and gargle throat several times daily."

11. Sore Throat, Kerosene for.--"Dip a flannel cloth in coal oil, (kerosene) and bind on the throat. I have tried this; in fact it is what I always use. It is almost sure to cure."

12. Sore Throat and Cough, Remedy always at hand.--"Equal parts of alcohol and glycerin make a good gargle, or use three tablespoonfuls of vinegar and one of salt to a tumbler of water. Or simply hot water and salt when nothing else is to be had. The hot water alone is very good."

13. Tickling in Throat, Simple Remedy for.--"Take bread crumbs and swallow them."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Sore Throat.--1. Inhalation of steam either with or without medicine is good. (See treatment of tonsilitis-Inhaling steam) I treated a man once who had a terrific pharyngitis, All the parts were so terribly swollen, that he was unable to swallow or talk. I induced him to inhale steam from a teakettle. He was able to put his mouth over the spout of the kettle and he was relived in a few minutes. I think it saved his life. I put no medicine in the water for that case. Very few persons can inhale the steam directly from the kettle. Other method is given under tonsilitis. A dose of salts at first is good. Remain in the house for a few days.

2. Sulphur and Cream for.--Mix some sulphur with cream and put some of it on the sore membrane.

3. Good Old Mother's Remedy.--"Steep a medium sized red pepper in one-half pint of water, strain and add one-fourth pint of good vinegar and a heaping teaspoonful each of salt and powdered alum and gargle with it as often as needed. This is a very good remedy."


1. Physicians' Local Treatment.--A wet compress on the neck is useful at the onset. Sucking ice or gargling with ice or cold water, or applying an ice bag to the throat will be found useful.

Later on, warm gargles and steam inhalation are more grateful. If there is great pain in swallowing, cocaine painted on the throat or sucking a cocaine lozenge before taking food will be found very useful.

2. When the attack is mild medicine may not be needed. When there is fever and the throat is real sore, you can use one drop doses of tincture of aconite every hour. This will frequently check it.

3. I like the following at the beginning. Give tincture of aconite and mercury biniodide, called the pink tablet, alternately. Put ten drops of the aconite in one-half gla.s.s of water and give from one-half to two teaspoonfuls everyone or two hours, alternating with one or two tablets of one-hundred grain tablet of mercury biniodide. After the first twenty-four hours stop the acoite and give the mercury biniodide every three hours.

4. For Chronic Catarrh remaining after, lozenges containing rhatany or tannin are useful.

5. Other gargles.--

Menthol 3 to 5 grains Camphor 2 to 4 grains Liquid paraffine 1 ounce

For irritable and catarrhal conditions of nasal membrane use a spray.

8. Snuff.-

Hydrochloride of Cocaine 1 grains Menthol 1 grain Sugar of Milk 2 drams

Mix very thoroughly.

When using the Menthol preparation do not use the preparation very hot.

HOa.r.s.eNESS. Inflammation of the Larynx. (Acute Laryngitis) Causes.--Due to taking cold or over using the voice; hot liquids, poisons. It may occur in influenza and measles; from irritating gases; some are subject to it.

Symptoms.--Tickling in the larynx; cold air irritates, and breathing may cause some pain; dry cough; the voice may be altered. At first it may be only husky. In children breathing may be very difficult, after a day or two there may be a light expectoration and finally there may be a loose cough and a slight fever. The trouble is in the region of "Adam's Apple."

Chapter 5 : Prevention of chronic kind.--Ascertain the cause and remove it. Too hot food or too much
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