Mother's Remedies
Chapter 21 : Rub lac-sulphur into fine powder. Sift it into the melted cosmoline and stir until near

Rub lac-sulphur into fine powder. Sift it into the melted cosmoline and stir until nearly cool, then add napthaline and oil bergamot. Stir until cool."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Itch.--If the skin is much inflamed or irritable, soothing baths and ointments should be used at first. There are three indications to be met in the treatment; first, to destroy the cause, the parasite; second, to cure the result of their work; third, to prevent a return or transmission to others.

First Thing to Do.--Soak the body thoroughly with soap (green soap if you have it) and water, this softens the outer layer (epidermis). This layer covers the female parasite which burrows under it. The male does not burrow and it is therefore easier to kill. Rub the skin thoroughly with a rough towel after the soaking. This rubbing will remove the outer skin scales and with it some of the parasites. The towel should be boiled at once to prevent it from conveying the parasite to others. Then apply the ointment, which, if thoroughly applied, relieves the patient at once. The skin should be well softened and rubbed in order to open every track (burrow) of the parasite. Allow the ointment to remain on all night and use it for three or four nights successively.

Ointments.--1. Simple sulphur ointment alone.

2. Oil of Cale (from Juniper) 1 dram Sulphur Ointment 2 drams Lanolin 5 drams

3. Flowers of Sulphur 6 ounces Oil of 6 ounces White Chalk 4 ounces Green Soap 16 ounces Lard 16 ounces

Apply at night. This is not so strong.


4. For children the following can be used:

Sulphur 1 dram Balsam Peru 1 dram Lard 1 ounce

Apply as usual.

5. The following for adults:

Precipitated Sulphur 2 drams Carbonate of Potash 1 dram Lard Ointment 1-1/2 ounces

Rub well into the skin.

Second:--Heal the resultant sores with soothing applications like vaselin and a little camphor in it.

Third:--Boil and disinfect all underwear and bedding or any article liable to give an abiding place to the parasite. It is easily cured with proper treatment.

DANDRUFF (Seborrhoea).--The scurfs or scales (dandruff) upon the scalp are formed from seborrhoea.

Definition.--The word seborrboea means to flow suet or fatty fluids.

Seborrhoea is a functional disorder of the sebaceous gland (fatty, suet matter) and this secretion is somewhat altered in character.

Varieties.--There are three varieties. These depend upon the character of the material excreted.

1. Oily seborrhoea (seborrhoea oleosa).

2. Dry seborrhoea (seborrhoea sicca).

3. Mixed type of both.

Oily seborrhoea.--Symptoms.--This appears most frequently upon the nose and forehead and sometimes upon the scalp. The skin looks oily, glistening, with the appearance of dust adhering to it. Small drops of oil are seen to ooze out of the follicles and when wiped off it reforms at once. The ducts of the follicles appear gaping or they are plugged with black-heads (comedones). The hair is rendered unusually oily, when it appears on the scalp, and it is especially noticeable on bald heads. It is very common in the negro, almost natural or physiological.

Dry Seborrhoea.--This is a more common form and occurs upon the hairy or non-hairy parts, but chiefly upon the scalp (dandruff). The affected parts are covered with grayish, greasy scales, which are easily dislodged, the skin underneath is oily and slate gray in color. This type of the disease forms one type of dandruff. When it is of long standing the hair becomes dry and falls out.


Mixed type.--This type is common upon the scalp. The surface is covered, more or less, with scales and crusts. If the disease continues long the hair becomes dry, l.u.s.terless and falls out. Permanent baldness may result.

Causes.--These may be const.i.tutional and local. "Green sickness"

(chlorosis), disorders of the stomach and bowels are often the cause.

Local.--Uncleanness, lack of care of the scalp, heavy and airtight hats may cause it. Some writers claim parasites are the cause.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--1. Dandruff, Home Preparation from New York State Mother.--"Into one pint of water drop a lump of fresh quick-lime, the size of a walnut; let it stand all night, pour off the clear liquid, strain, and add one gill of the best vinegar, wash the roots of the hair with the preparation. It is a good remedy and harmless."

2. Dandruff, a Barber's Shampoo for.--"Shampoo with the following:

Sa.s.safras 5 cents worth Salts of Tartar 10 cents worth Ether 10 cents worth Castile Soap 5 cents worth

Dissolve the above in one gallon of soft water. Rinse the hair thoroughly and repeat as often as necessary. This recipe was given me by a barber and I find it very good,"

3. Dandruff, Lemon Juice for.--"Cut a lemon in two, loosen the hair and rub the lemon into the scalp. Do this in the evening before retiring, for about a week, then stop for a few nights, then use for another week, and so on until cured."

4. Falling Hair, a Brook, Ontario, Lady Prevents.--"Garden sage, make a quart sage tea, add equal parts (a teaspoonful) of salt, borax and rosewater, and one-half pint of bay rum. Wet the head with this every night."

5. Hair Restoratives, Simple and Harmless.--"A simple and harmless "invigorator" is as follows:

Cologne Water 2 ounces Tincture of Cantharides 2 drams Oil of Lavender 10 drops Oil of Rosemary 10 drops

Use twice daily. If it makes the scalp a t.i.ttle sore, discontinue for a short time."

6. Dandruff, Talc.u.m Powder an Excellent Remedy for.--"Take talc.u.m powder and sprinkle in the hair thoroughly, then brush," This is a very good remedy.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Dandruff.--If there are general diseases, they should be treated.


Local--In mild cases, shampooing with hot water and a good soap may be sufficient when the scales and crusts are thick and abundant; first soften them with olive oil and then remove them with hot water and green soap.

After the scalp has been cleaned, the remedies should be applied. The remedies should be thoroughly rubbed in and applied in the form of ointments or lotions and used once daily. Cutting the hair may be necessary. The odor of sulphur may be overcome by the use of perfume. If the scalp becomes too dry after shampooing some oil should first be applied, whatever application is used afterwards.

Remedies.--Resorcin, sulphur, salicylic acid, in combination with other ingredients. Some favorite prescriptions are now given:

1. Resorcin 1 to 2 drams Pure Castor Oil 1 dram Alcohol 2 ounces

Mix and rub well into the scalp.

2. Precipitated Sulphur 1 dram Salicylic Acid 15 grains Ointment Petrolatum 1 ounce

3. Washed Sulphur 4 drams Castor Oil 10 drams Oil of Cocoa 1 ounces Balsam of Peru 1/2 ounce

Apply twice daily.

Chapter 21 : Rub lac-sulphur into fine powder. Sift it into the melted cosmoline and stir until near
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