Mother's Remedies
Chapter 24 : "Bromine 10 to 20 drops Olive Oil 1 ounce Mix. Rub the mixture gently into the aff

"Bromine 10 to 20 drops Olive Oil 1 ounce

Mix. Rub the mixture gently into the affected parts three or four times a day. The bromine being volatile the solution should be freshly made."

This remedy is frequently used by physicians, and is very effective.

CHAPPED HANDS AND FACE. Mothers' Remedies.--1. Chapped Hands, Quince Seed Cream for.--"Soak one teaspoonful of quince seeds in one cup warm water over night. Strain through a cloth and add one ounce glycerin, five cents'

worth bay rum, and perfume if you choose."

2. Chapped Hands, Soothing Lotion for.--"Bathe them in soft water using ivory soap and Indian meal; when dry bathe in vinegar. Have tried this treatment and my hands feel soft and easy after treatment." It would be best to dilute the vinegar with water one-half.

3. Chapped Hands, Glycerin for.--"Use glycerin freely." Glycerin is very irritating to some people, then again it works like a charm. You can tell only by trying it.

4. Chapped Hands, Carbolic Salve for.--"We always use a good carbolic salve for these, as we have found nothing better for sores of any kind." A few drops of carbolic acid added to any good salve will give you the above.

5. Chapped Hands, Glycerin and Lemon Juice for.--"Two-thirds glycerin, one-third lemon juice, mix well together; apply nights."

6. Chapped Hands, Camphor Ice for.--"Camphor ice." Apply frequently after thoroughly was.h.i.+ng and drying the hands.

7. Chapped Hands, Remedy from a New York Lady.--

Glycerin 4 ounces Cologne 2 ounces Benzoin 1/2 ounce Rain water 1 pint

Mix thoroughly and apply to the hands after was.h.i.+ng.

This remedy has also been used for years by a friend, and we have proved it good. If applied frequently during the winter the hands will not chap."

8. Chapped Hands, Rose Cream for.--"Get ten cents' worth of rose water, five cents' worth of glycerin and the juice of one lemon. Mix and rub on the affected parts,"

9. Chapped Hands, Preventive for.--"A little diluted honey or almond oil will restore softness and prevent chapping."


10. Chapped Hands or Face, from a Twin Falls Idaho, Mother.--"One-fourth ounce gum tragacanth dissolved in one and half pints of soft water; then add ounce each of alcohol, glycerin and witch-hazel, also a little perfume. I find this one of the best remedies I ever used for sore or chapped hands."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Chapped Hands.--

1. Subnitrate of 3 drams Oleate of Zinc 3 drams Lycopodium 2 drams

Mix. Apply to the parts three times daily.

2. Powdered camphor mixed with vaselin is healing.

3. Ointment of water of roses (cold cream) is a soothing application. It can be improved by adding a little glycerin and benzoic acid--this keeps it sweet in warm weather.

4. Powdered zinc oxide, or starch as a dusting powder.

FACE CREAMS, Mothers' Preparations.--l. Cream of Pond Lilies.--"This agrees especially well with oily skins; will keep indefinitely.

Orange Flower Water, triple 6 ounces Deodorized Alcohol 1-1/2 ounces Bitter Almonds, blanched and beaten in a mortar 1 ounce White Wax 1 dram Spermaceti 1 dram Oil of Benne 1 dram Shaving Cream 1 dram Oil of Bergamot 12 drops Oil of Cloves 6 drops Oil of Neroli Bigrade 6 drops Borax 1/5 ounce

Dissolve the borax in the orange flower water, slightly warmed. Mix the wax, spermaceti, oil of benne and shaving cream in a bainmaire, at gentle heat. Then stir in the perfumed water and almonds. Strain through a clean muslin strainer, place in a mortar and while stirring gradually work in the alcohol in which the oils have been previously dissolved."

2. Face Cream, When Facing our North Winds, in Canada, I Use this.--"Honey, almond meal, and olive oil to form paste. Use after getting skin cleaned. I used it myself and find it good when going out driving."

3. Face Cream, Lanolin Cream.--

Lanolin 1 ounce Sweet Almond Oil 1/2 ounce Boric Acid 40 drops Tincture of Benzoin 10 drops

This is a good skin food to be rubbed into the skin with the tips of the fingers."

4. Face Cream, Cuc.u.mber Lotion.--

"Expressed Juice of cuc.u.mbers 1/2 pint Deodorized Alcohol 1-1/2 ounces Oil of Benne 3-1/4 ounces Shaving Cream 1 dram Blanched Almonds 1-3/4 drams


The preparation of this is the same as for almond lotion. It is an excellent cosmetic to use in ma.s.saging the face and throat, as it not only tones any relaxed tissues, but also may be used to cleanse the skin during the day. A complexion brush is an excellent investment; one should be chosen that has fine camel's hair bristle's. It should be used in connection with good soap."

5. Face Cream, Almond Lotion to Whiten and Soften the Skin.--

"Bitter Almonds, blanched and beaten 4 ounces Orange Flower Water 12 ounces Curd Soap (or any fine toilet soap) 1/2 ounce Oil of Bergamot 50 drops Oil of Cannelle 10 drops Oil of Almonds 20 drops Alcohol (65% solution) 4 ounces

Powder or break up the soap; dissolve in the orange flower water by heating in a bain-maire, gradually work almonds into the soap and water.

Strain and finish as directed above. This is a bland lotion, very cleansing, whitening and softening."

6. Face Cream. the Cold Ontario Wind Harmless When Using this.--"Wash in warm water, rub face dry with corn-meal. This takes place of bottle cream."

FROST BITES.--Keep the patient in a cold atmosphere, or put into a cold bath and the frozen part rubbed with snow or ice until sensation is felt and color returns; then discontinue the rubbing and apply ice water compresses. Stimulants such as brandy, coffee and hot drinks are given, but external heat is only gradually permitted, for the circulation returns very slowly to the frost-bitten parts, and in trying to hasten it, we run the risk of producing or, at least, increasing the tendency to gangrene of the frozen parts.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--l. Frost Bites. Remedy from Northern New York.--"Soak the parts affected in kerosene oil; this will soon draw out the frost."

2. Frost Bites, Roasted Turnips for.--"Roasted turnips bound to the parts frosted." This is a very soothing application, but should not be put on warm. Cold applications are what are needed in frost bites.

[Transcriber's Note: From the Mayo Clinic (2005): 1. Get out of the cold.

2. Warm hands by tucking them into your armpits. If your nose, ears or face is frostbitten, warm the area by covering it with dry, gloved hands.

3. Don't rub the affected area, especially with snow. 4. If there's any chance of refreezing, don't thaw out the affected areas. If they're already thawed out, wrap them up so they don't refreeze. 5. Get emergency medical help if numbness remains during warming. If you can't get help immediately, warm severely frostbitten hands or feet in warm--not hot--water.]

BUNIONS.--This is a lump over a joint usually of the big toe, usually due to pressure and a wrong position of the surfaces of the joint.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--1. Bunions, Remedy from Your Flower Garden.--"Peel the outside skin from the leaf of 'Live Forever' and apply as a poultice.

Repeat until cured. This is a very good remedy and one that should be tried if you are troubled with bunions or corns."


2. Bunions, A Cure for.--

Chapter 24 : "Bromine 10 to 20 drops Olive Oil 1 ounce Mix. Rub the mixture gently into the aff
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