Mother's Remedies
Chapter 28 : PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT of Cancer of the Stomach and Bowels.--There is no cure for t

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT of Cancer of the Stomach and Bowels.--There is no cure for this trouble except by an operation. This must be done early; even this may not cure but it, at least, prolongs life and makes the patient more comfortable while life does last. In the line of medicine the only thing to do is to give only such remedies as will ease the symptoms.

Diet.--Attend to this also and you will save pain and distress. Every case should be treated as it needs and no special directions can be given here.


Causes.--Cancer and ulcer of the stomach are main causes of excessive bleeding; poisons also cause it; injuries also.

Symptoms.--The vomited blood may be fluid or clotted; it is usually of dark color. The longer it remains in the stomach the darker it becomes.

There may be great weakness and faint feeling on attempting to rise before a vomiting of blood. The contents of the bowels when pa.s.sed look "tarry."

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Bleeding of the Stomach.--Absolute rest in bed is necessary. The bowels should be moved by an enema and it can be repeated carefully as often as necessary. Cracked ice in bag over the stomach. If the patient vomits much medicine is useless. They generally recover with rest. The extremities can be bandaged if there is great weakness and also external heat can be applied if there is a tendency to faintness.

Caution.--A person so afflicted, if he has ulcer, must be careful of his diet for months after an attack. He should be careful not to lift, over work, over eat or worry.

NEURALGIA OF THE STOMACH (Cardialgia, Gastralgia, Gastrodynia).-- This is a severe pain in paroxysms in the region of the stomach.

Causes.--The patients are of a nervous type. They may have anemia, exhaustion from sickness and bleedings, the menstruation be at fault.

Grief, worry and anxiety.

Symptoms.--The attack comes suddenly as a rule. The pains are agonizing in the stomach region, they may dart to the back or pa.s.s around the lower ribs. The attack lasts from a few minutes to an hour or two. It does not depend upon the food taken.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Neuralgia of the Stomach.--The causes should be understood and especial treatment given for them. The patients are usually run down and a tonic treatment is needed. Constipation and menstrual troubles should be cured, worry, trouble and anxiety, if possible, be removed. The following is good for nervous patients:--

Valerianate of zinc 18 grains Valerianate of quinine 18 grains Iron a.r.s.enate 2 grains

Mix and make into eighteen pills and take one after meals.


Bitter tonics can be taken such as gentian, columbo, qua.s.sia. Change of air and scene may be needed. Sometimes morphine must be given for the attack. A physician should do this. If there is much gas, soda and peppermint are good.


(a) Improper or excessive food, including green or over-ripe fruit.

(b) Poison substances; such as decomposed milk or meat either fresh or canned: or caused by a.r.s.enic, mercury or colchic.u.m.

(d) Exposure to cold, wet or draughts.

(c) Stomach disorder, preventing thorough digestion.

(e) Extension of inflammation from other organs.

Symptoms.--Sudden colicky pain in the bowels, moving about with rumbling noises. The pain is not constant and is followed at intervals with a sudden extreme desire to empty the bowels. The stools may be four to twenty a day, watery or gruel-like in appearance and they sometimes contain mucus or undigested food. The stools usually relieve the pain for the time. It usually lasts two or three days or longer.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--Diarrhea.--1. "Wild Sage Tea." Wild sage tea is a very good remedy for bowel trouble because of its astringent virtues.

Before the sage is used, however, the bowels should be thoroughly cleansed with castor oil or salts.

2. Diarrhea, Egg and Nutmeg for.--"Beat up an egg, grate in half a nutmeg and sweeten to taste. Repeat two or three times during the day. Remarks: Has been known to help in chronic cases when doctors' medicine failed."

3. Diarrhea, Scorched Flour and Sugar for.--"Scorched flour in boiled milk or scorched flour and sugar eaten dry is very good. This is a simple but a never failing remedy if taken right at the beginning of the trouble."

4. Diarrhea, Excellent Compound for.--

"Paregoric 1 ounce Tincture of Camphor 1/2 ounce Tincture of Ginger 1/2 ounce Tincture of Red Pepper 1/2 ounce Essence of Peppermint 1/2 ounce Ether 1/2 ounce

Mix.--Dose for adult, one teaspoonful to four of water every two hours if necessary. This is an excellent remedy."

5. Diarrhea, Spice Poultice for.--"Make a poultice of all kinds of ground spices, heat whisky and wet the poultice, apply to the stomach and bowels."

6. Diarrhea, Blackberry Root Tea for.--"One-half ounce blackberry root boiled in one pint water fifteen minutes, strain. Dose.--One teaspoonful every hour or two until relieved."


7. Diarrhea, Hot Milk, for.--"A gla.s.s of sweet milk that has been boiled well. Drink hot; use several times daily until checked."

8. Diarrhea, Castor Oil for.--"Castor oil. Dose.--One to four teaspoonfuls according to age. Wrap warm flannel around abdomen."

9. Summer Complaint, Former Canadian's Remedy for.--"Eat one blossom of the May weed every hour or two until relieved. This remedy came from Port Huron and has been used by my father with success."

10. Summer Complaint, a G.o.derich Lady Found this Good for.--"Powdered rhubarb, cinnamon, baking soda (one tablespoonful of each), dissolve in one pint of boiling water, add one tablespoonful of peppermint; take every hour one teaspoonful in water."

11. Summer Complaint, Inexpensive Remedy for.--

"Paregoric 2 ounces Brandy 1 ounce Jamaica Ginger 1 ounce

Have used this and found it excellent." Dose: 1/2 dram every 3 hours.

12. Summer Complaint, Fern Root Good to Relieve.--"A decoction is made with two ounces of the sweet fern root boiled in one and one-half pints water to one pint. Dose.--A tablespoonful several times a day as the case requires. Most useful in diarrhea," This may be purchased at any drug store and will be found a very good treatment for diarrhea.

13. Summer Complaint, Milk and Pepper a Common Remedy for.--"Sweet milk and black pepper once or twice a day. Dose.--Three or four swallows.

Mother used to use this for us children." The milk should be warmed, for in this way it relieves the diarrhea while the pepper is stimulating.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Diarrhea.--1. Rest in bed is the best. Abstain from food, especially at first, and then only give a little milk and boiled water or milk and lime water every two hours for two days. Cracked ice is good for the thirst.

2. A dose of one-half to an ounce of castor oil to an adult is of great benefit, as it removes all the irritating matter from the bowels. This often cures a light diarrhea. Follow by a blackberry wine or blackberry cordial if it is more severe.

3. For children.--An infusion of path weed is an excellent remedy for this trouble in children; after castor oil in one to two teaspoonful doses has been given. If castor oil is too bad to take, you can use what is called "spiced syrup of rhubarb," one to two teaspoonfuls to a child one to two years old, and then follow with blackberry wine.

4. For infants.--An infusion of chamomile is good for the green diarrhea of teething babies.


Chapter 28 : PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT of Cancer of the Stomach and Bowels.--There is no cure for t
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