Mother's Remedies
Chapter 35 : The turpentine should be stopped when the skin shows red from it. The cloths should not

The turpentine should be stopped when the skin shows red from it. The cloths should not be heavy or they will cause pain by their weight. Ice water can be used when cold cloths are needed.

For vomiting.--Stop all food and drink for the time and give cracked ice.

Diet.--Should be hot or cold milk with lime water or peptonized milk if necessary. If the feeding causes vomiting, you must give food by the r.e.c.t.u.m. For the severe bloating enemas containing turpentine should be given, one to two to six ounces of water used with ten to thirty drops of turpentine in it; sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgery.

TUBERCULAR PERITONITIS.--This may occur as a primary trouble or secondary to tuberculosis of the bowels, lungs, and Fallopian tube. It is most frequent in males between twenty and forty.


Symptoms.--These are variable. It may occur like acute peritonitis with sudden onset of high fever, pain, tenderness, bloating, vomiting and constipation; these symptoms pa.s.sing into those of chronic peritonitis.

Often there are gradual loss of strength and flesh, low and irregular fever; frequently the temperature goes below normal with a little ascites tympanites, constipation, diarrhea and in the abdomen which consist of the omentum (ap.r.o.n covering the bowels) rolled up and matted into a sausage-shaped tumor in the upper part of the abdomen, or of thickened or adherent coils of the bowel, enlarged mesentric lymph nodes, etc.

Spontaneous recovery may occur, or the course of the disease may resemble that of a malignant tumor.

Treatment.--If there is effusion and few adhesions, cutting in and removing the fluid may help. In other cases good nouris.h.i.+ng diet with cod liver oil is best.

ASCITES. (Hydroperitoneum. Abdominal Dropsy).--This is an acc.u.mulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity. It is but a symptom of disease.

Local Causes.--Chronic peritonitis, obstruction of the portal (vein) circulation as in cirrhosis of the liver, cancer or other liver disease, from heart disease, tumors, as of the ovaries or enlarged spleen. All these mentioned may produce this dropsy.

General Cause.--Heart disease, chronic nephritis, chronic malaria, cancer, syphilis, etc.

Symptoms.--Gradual increasing distention of the abdomen, causing sometimes a sense of weight, then difficulty of breathing from pressure. The abdomen is distended, flattened at the sides unless it is very full. The skin may be stretched tense, superficial veins are distended. The navel may be flat or even protrude and around it the vessels may be greatly enlarged. There is fluctuation when you tap sharply at one side, while holding your hand on the other side you feel a wavy feeling.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Ascites.--First treat the disease causing it.

Sometimes it is necessary in order to prolong life to repeatedly tap the patient as in cirrhosis of the liver. When it is caused by the heart or kidneys, give cathartics that carry away much liquid, hydragogue cathartics. One dram of jalap at night followed by a big dose of salts before breakfast. Cream of tartar and salts are good, equal parts. Or cream of tartar alone, one to two drams, with lemon juice in water in repeated doses. Digitalis and squill, of each one grain to cause great flow of urine. Infusion of digitalis is also good to increase flow of urine, when the heart is the real cause of the ascites. These treatments take the liquids away through the proper channels, the bowels and kidneys.


Ascites caused by an Ovarian Tumor.--The tumor must be removed. I am not in favor of indiscriminate operating, but operations often save lives. I remember one case in which I very strongly urged the lady to have an operation performed. It was a case of ascites, caused, as I was sure, by a tumor of the ovary. The lady, as almost all people do,--and I do not blame them for it,--dreaded even the thought of an operation, but she was finally compelled to have an operation or die. She filled so full that it was almost impossible for her to breathe. She went away from home in terrible shape, almost out of breath, and returned home a well woman and has remained so. Such cases formerly died. But not all cases of ascites can be cured by an operation, it depends upon the cause. In many cases all one can do is to doctor the cause, if that cannot be removed, make the patient's remaining days as comfortable as possible.

DISEASES OF THE r.e.c.t.u.m AND a.n.u.s.--The lower part of the alimentary ca.n.a.l is called the r.e.c.t.u.m, originally meaning straight. It is not straight in the human animal. It is six to eight inches long. The a.n.u.s is the lower opening of the r.e.c.t.u.m. In health it is closed by the external Sphincter (closing muscle). Disease may wear this muscle out and then the a.n.u.s remains open, causing the contents of the bowel to move involuntary.

CONSTIPATION. Causes.--1. Mechanical obstruction.

2. Defective motion of the bowels.

3. Deficient bowel secretions.

4. Other causes. Mechanical obstruction.--Anything that will hinder the free and easy pa.s.sage of the feces (bowel contents). Too tight external sphincter (r.e.c.t.u.m) muscle, stricture, tumors, etc. Bending of the womb on the bowel.

Defective Worm-like Bowel Movement.--Irregular habits of living head the list causing this defective action. Everyone should promptly attend to Nature's call. Some people wait until the desire for stool has all gone, and in that way the "habit" of the bowels is gradually lost. Everyone should go to stool at a certain regular time each day, and at any other time when Nature calls. If a person heeds this call of Nature, the call will come regularly at the proper time, say every morning after breakfast.

If these sensations (Nature's calls) are ignored day after day, the mucous membrane soon loses its sensitiveness and the muscular coat its tonicity, and as a result, large quant.i.ties of fecal matter may acc.u.mulate in the sigmoid (part of the bowel) or in the r.e.c.t.u.m without exciting the least desire to empty the bowels. Again, irregular time for eating and improper diet are liable to diminish this action also. Foods that contain very little liquid and those that do not leave much residue are liable to acc.u.mulate in the bowel and at the same time press upon the r.e.c.t.u.m hard enough to produce a partial paralysis.

Deficiency of the Secretions.--Many of the causes that hinder worm-like motion are also likely to lessen the normal secretions of the bowel. Some kinds of liver diseases tend to lessen the secretions of the bowel, because the amount of bile emptied into the bowel is lessened. Sometimes the glands of the intestine are rendered less active by disease and other causes.

Sundry Causes.--Diabetes, melancholy, insanity, old age, paralysis, lead poisoning and some troubles of local origin, like fissure of the r.e.c.t.u.m, ulceration, stricture and polypus.


Symptoms.--Headache, inattention to business, loss of memory, melancholy, sallow complexion, indigestion, loss of appet.i.te, nervous symptoms.

Spasmodic muscular contraction of the external sphincter. The bowel contents press upon it; spasm of this sphincter muscle is frequently brought on by the presence of a crack in the mucous membrane, caused by injury inflicted during expulsion of hardened feces. Instead of aiding a bowel movement, the muscles now present an obstruction beyond control of the will and aggravate the condition. The most frequent cause of disease of the r.e.c.t.u.m is constipation and anyone of the following local diseases of the r.e.c.t.u.m and a.n.u.s may be a symptom of constipation. (1) Fissure or crack of the a.n.u.s. (2) Ulceration. (3) Hemorrhoids (piles). (4) Prolapse (falling). (5) Neuralgia. (6) Proct.i.tis and periproct.i.tis.

Fissure of the a.n.u.s is a common local symptom of constipation. The feces acc.u.mulate when the bowels do not move for a few days, the watery portion is absorbed; they become dry, hard, lumpy, and very difficult to expel, frequently making a rent (tear) in the mucous membrane and resulting eventually in an irritable fissure. Ulceration of the r.e.c.t.u.m and the sigmoid (part of the bowel) is a symptom of persistent constipation, because the pressure exerted upon the nouris.h.i.+ng blood vessels by the fecal ma.s.s causes local death of the tissues.

Hemorrhoids (Piles) may be produced by constipation in several ways; first by obstruction to the return of the venous (dark) blood. Second, by venous engorgement (filling up) of the hemorrhoidal veins during violent and prolonged straining at stool. Third, as a result of the general looseness of the tissues in those suffering from constipation.

Prolapse (Falling of the Bowel).--This falling of the r.e.c.t.u.m may be partial or complete, and may be caused by straining or by the downward pressure exerted by the fecal ma.s.s during the emptying movement of the bowel. It may also be the result of a partial paralysis of the bowel caused by pressure of the feces upon the nerves.

Proct.i.tis and Peri-Proct.i.tis.--Inflammation of the r.e.c.t.u.m and surrounding tissue that may or may not terminate in an abscess and fistula, sometimes follows injury to the very sensitive mucous membrane by the hardened feces.

Neuralgia of the r.e.c.t.u.m.--This may sometimes result from the pressure of the fecal ma.s.s upon the nearby nerves causing pain in the sacrum coccyx (bones).

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--1. Constipation, a Good Subst.i.tute for Pills and Drugs.--"Two ounces each of figs, dates, raisins, and prunes (without pits) one-half ounce senna leaves. Grind through meat chopper, and mix thoroughly by kneading. Break off pieces (about a level teaspoonful) and form into tablets. Wrap each in a wax paper and keep in covered gla.s.s jars, in a cool place. Dose.--One at night to keep the bowels regular.

Very pleasant to take."


2. Constipation, Subst.i.tute for Castor Oil.--"Take good clean figs, and stew them very slowly in olive oil until plump and tender, then add a little honey and a little lemon juice, and allow the syrup to boil thick.

Remarks.--Keep this in a covered gla.s.s jar and when a dose of castor oil seems necessary, a single fig will answer every purpose. Not unpleasant to take."

3. Constipation, Hot Water for.--"A cup of hot water, as hot as one can drink it, a half an hour before breakfast." The hot water thoroughly rinses the stomach and helps the bowels to carry off all the impurities.

4. Constipation. Excellent Nourishment for Old People.--"A tablespoonful of olive oil three times a day internally for weak or very old people: it can be injected,--used as an enema." Olive oil will be found very beneficial for young people as well as old. It acts as a food for the whole system and is very nouris.h.i.+ng.

5. Constipation, Salt and Water for.--"A pinch of salt in a gla.s.s of water taken before breakfast every morning. I have found it a very good remedy."

This is a remedy easily obtained in any home and will be found very helpful. Few people seem to realize how valuable salt is as a medicine. It acts as a stimulant and loosens the bowels.

6. Constipation, Water Cure for.--"Drink a quant.i.ty of water on retiring and during the day." This simple home remedy has been known to cure stubborn cases of constipation if kept up faithfully.

7. Constipation, Tonic and Standard Remedy for.--"Calomel one ounce, wild cherry bark one ounce, Peruvian bark one ounce, Turkish rhubarb ground one ounce, make this into one quart with water, then put in sufficient alcohol to keep it." Dose:--Take a small teaspoonful each morning when the bowels need regulating, or you need a stimulating tonic.

8. Constipation, Glycerin and Witch-Hazel Remedy Where Castor Oil Failed-- "Equal parts of glycerin and witch-hazel." Dose :--One teaspoonful every night at bedtime. In severe cases where you have been unable to get a movement of the bowels by the use of other cathartics, take a teaspoonful every two hours until the bowels move freely. This remedy has been known to cure when castor oil and other remedies have failed.

9. Constipation, Well-known Remedy for.--

"Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1 ounce Syrup Rhubarb 1 ounce Simple Syrup 2 ounces


One teaspoonful at night or fifteen drops four times a day for an adult.


10. Constipation, Effective Remedy, in the most Stubborn Cases of.--

"Fluid Extract Cascara Sagrada 1 ounce Fluid Extract Wahoo 1 ounce Neutralizing Cordial 2 ounces

Chapter 35 : The turpentine should be stopped when the skin shows red from it. The cloths should not
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