Mother's Remedies
Chapter 43 : Diet and Nursing.--Food should be given every two to four hours. Only water can be give

Diet and Nursing.--Food should be given every two to four hours. Only water can be given as long as there is nausea and vomiting, and sometimes not even that. After they have stopped you can give milk and water and then milk. You should give it to a child every two to three hours, about one-fourth of a gla.s.s full and warm if possible. A child can take at least one quart in twenty-four hours. Watch the stomach and bowels for bad symptoms; if necessary you can put in one teaspoonful of lime water after the milk has been heated. If the child will not take milk, use one of the prepared foods. Mellins' malted milk, Borden's malted milk, peptonized milk, Imperial Granum, and follow the directions on the bottle. The different food waters mentioned above are to use when milk and other food preparations cannot be given. (white of an egg and water, not whipped) can be given and always cold. Cold milk also tastes better.


During the Sickness, etc.--The linen, bedding, etc., of the patient should be put into a one to five-thousand solution of corrosive sublimate (you can buy that strength tablet) before being boiled, dried and aired in the sun. The sick room must be kept well ventilated, but no drafts should be allowed to go over the patient. The temperature is better at 68 degrees F.

The patient should be kept in bed during all the feverish stage and during the scaling stage also.

Care must be taken lest the patient take cold. During this time there is a great danger of ear and kidney trouble. It would be safer to keep the patient in bed until the peeling is done. Children are naturally lively, risky, and a little careless. To keep the scales from flying you can grease the patient with cold cream, vaselin, lard, etc. This will also help to ease the itching. The peeling is aided by bathing the patient every day with warm, soapy water.

Special Treatment.--In ordinary cases little treatment is needed except to keep the throat and nose free from excessive secretions. The urine should be examined daily, and the bowels should move once or twice a day. Cold water should be given frequently after the nausea has pa.s.sed away. Milk is the usual food, but must not be given during the vomiting stage. Equal parts of milk and water can be given after the vomiting stage, if the patient will not take pure milk.

During the vomiting stage very little water even can be given. The greatest danger in scarlet fever comes from the throat complications and the high fever.

When the fever is high the patient suffers from delirium. A temperature of 105 is dangerous and such patients must be bathed well in water, commencing at 90 degrees and rubbed well all over while in the water, allowing the temperature of the bath to fall to 85 or 80 degrees while so doing; bath to last five to fifteen minutes. Bathe the head with water, at the temperature of 50 degrees, all the time the temperature is at 103 degrees or higher. Always use the thermometer to determine the temperature of the water. Weakly children often do not stand the bath well, so you must exercise discretion in giving it often. The temperature must be kept down to 102 to 103-1/2, and baths must be used often to do so. Where baths cannot be used, frequent was.h.i.+ng with water at 60 to 70 degrees must be adopted without drying the child afterwards. A mother should always remember that a feverish, restless child needs a bath or a good was.h.i.+ng with cool soap and water. If the bowels and kidneys do not act freely enough give the following:

Epsom Salts 2 ounces Cream of Tartar 2 ounces

Mix and give one-half teaspoonful in water every three hours until the bowels move freely.

This is the dose for a child one year old.


Dropsy in Scarlet Fever.--In this case you must have a doctor. A simple way to make a dropsy patient sweat is to place the patient upon a cane seated chair, pin a blanket around the neck, covering the whole body.

Under the chair place a wooden pail half full of cool water and into this put a brick baked as hot as possible; or you can introduce steam under the blanket while the patient is sitting on a chair, or lying in bed, taking care not to scald the patient. This will cause sweating, and relieve the dropsy and also congested kidneys.

How Soon May a Scarlet Fever Patient a.s.sociate with the Healthy?--It is best to wait a few weeks after scaling ends. Give the patient a bath in a one to 10,000 corrosive sublimate solution first.

Caution.--An ordinary case of scarlet fever does not need much medicine.

Nursing and care are essential. Even the slightest case should be watched.

There is always danger of the eyes, ears and kidneys becoming affected. If the child complains of pain in the head the ear must be examined. If the urine pa.s.sed is small in quant.i.ty, or if there are any signs of dropsy, treatment must be given at once. You have heard very much lately about the sting of the honey bee for rheumatism. I often use a preparation of this for the kidney troubles in scarlet fever. The name is Apis Mel. I use the second or third homeopathic attenuation in tablet form and give one to two about every two hours. I have found this effective in such cases where the urine is small in quant.i.ty, and there is some dropsy. The lightest cases can have dropsy, especially if special care is not taken when scaling goes on.

I was once attending three children for scarlet fever. The one that had it in a mild form became affected with dropsy. For this I steamed her. In her case I placed her in a cane-seated chair, pinned a blanket tightly around her so as to thoroughly cover her, put a pail of cool water under her chair and dropped into the pail a hot baked brick. The hot brick caused steam to rise from the water and enveloped the child, producing sweating.

This was done frequently, and the child considered it a joke, but it relieved her of the bloat. It was in the country and these crude means produced the desired result. By attaching a rubber tube to a steaming kettle and introducing the steam under the covering the same result can be produced. Sometimes you may not have all things you wish, then you must make use of what is handy. You would be surprised perhaps to know how much can be done to relieve sickness by what can be found in every house. (For disinfectants see chapter on nursing.)


MEASLES.--Measles is an acute infectious disease, distinguished by a characteristic eruption on the mucous membranes and skin. It is very contagious and spreads through the atmosphere. Almost everyone is susceptible to measles and suffers at least one attack. The disease is not frequent during the first year of life. It prevails in all countries.

Incubation.--This varies from thirteen to fifteen days. In calculating this period we include the time from exposure to the appearance of the eruption. One attack generally protects the person from another attack.

The period of the greatest danger of taking it extends through the period of the eruption. It diminishes as the eruption fades. From this we learn that the infection in measles takes place generally in the incubation stage.

Symptoms and Description of Ordinary Type.--The first symptoms may be only a headache or a slight disturbance of the stomach. There may be some fever in the evening. There is now a redness and watery condition of the eyes, and general feeling of weariness. The cold symptoms (coryza) are not yet marked, but if we look in the mouth we may see a few spots on the mucous membrane of the cheek. Then follow the sneezing, running at the nose, sore and red eyes; running water, sensitiveness to the light, cough and fever.

The eruption now appears, and is first noticed on the side of the head and the wings of the nose, as a red spotted eruption, which soon looks like a pimple, and then "blotchy." Older people feel quite sick. The aching all over, and headache are sometimes almost unbearable, especially when there is much coughing. The face, eyes and scalp are soon covered by the red rose irregularly shaped pimples, which next appear rapidly on the back of the hands, fore-arms, front of the trunk, on the back and lower extremities. This order is not always maintained. Sometimes it first appears on the back.

The eruptive stage generally lasts three or four days, during which time the symptoms are all aggravated, especially by any strong light, on account of the sore eyes for the measles are also in them. We have active cold symptoms like sneezing, running at the nose, snorting, snuffling, hawking. The cough is terribly severe, annoying, making the lungs and stomach very sore. The head feels as if it would split. The patient holds his chest and "stomach" while coughing. Symptoms of acute bronchitis develop. Sometimes there is much diarrhea. Pneumonia often develops through carelessness. The fever reaches its height when the eruption is fully developed. The eruption fades after it has been out for three or four days, and then all the symptoms decrease, the fever lessens and becomes normal by gradual morning remissions. Scaling begins when the pinkish hue of the rash has disappeared and continues until the last vestige of reddish spots has disappeared. As a rule it is completed in two to four weeks after the first eruption has appeared. Sometimes the scaling is difficult to see, but it is never absent in measles: It is best seen on the front part of the chest, shoulders, and the inner surface of the thighs. The temperature may reach 104 to 105-8/10 without complications.

This description gives a picture of a typical case. The eruption that appears in the mucous membrane of the mouth appears three to four days before the skin rash. It is accompanied by redness of the pharynx and of the front and back pillars of the fauces. The soft palate is studded with irregular shaped, rose colored spots or streaks and the hard palate presents small whitish vesicles. They are also found on the colored mucous membrane of the cheeks and on that opposite the gums of the upper and lower teeth. The rash of measles is a characteristic eruption of rose colored or purple colored papules (pimples). As a rule the whole face is covered with the eruption and is swollen. Diphtheria may complicate measles. Bronchitis and brancho-pneumonia also may occur, especially if the patient is careless and takes cold. Diarrhea is frequently present.


Eyes.--Following severe cases fear of light, spasm of the orbicularis muscle, inflammation of the lachrymal duct, conjunctivitis, ulceration of the cornea and amaurosis (general blindness) may result. Hence the necessity of careful attention to the eyes. Never read anything during the attack of the measles. The ear may also become afflicted. There are other complications, but these mentioned are the important ones.

Mortality in Measles.--The mortality in childhood and infancy is about eight per cent. Mortality is greatest for number of cases during the first year. Six per cent between fifth and eighth years.

Diagnosis.--Presents few difficulties in a typical case. The mode of onset is cold symptoms of the nose and eye, cough; appearance of the mouth, throat and the blotchy eruptions are very characteristic.

Treatment. Prevention.--As soon as you know it to be the measles, separate the case and put the patient in a well-aired room where you can have air without a draft and where the room can be made and kept dark. Those persons who must go in the room should put over them a linen robe, and hang it outside of the sick room. It should thoroughly cover them. When not in use hang it in the open air. An attendant who wears a beard should disinfect his beard, face, head and hands before mingling with the well.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.--1. Measles, Lemon Remedy from a Canadian Mother.--"Give child all cold lemonade it can drink and keep in warm room.

This acts just as well as if the drinks are hot. We tried both on our children and cured both ways." Don't give so much of the cold as to chill.

The cold drink makes child sweat, just as hot does. Also helps to carry off impurities by flus.h.i.+ng bowels, just as clear water would.

2. Measles, Elder Blossom Tea to Drive Out.--"Elder blossom tea is good for a cold or fever. Gather the blossoms, and make a tea. Pleasant to take. Sweeten if desired. This is also good to drive out the measles."

This remedy should be taken warm and is especially good to bring out the rash in children. Take a teaspoonful every hour.


General Treatment.--An ordinary case of measles does not need much treatment. If the patient has a high fever and is very hot and restless, bathe with tepid or cool water every two or three hours, till the patient becomes quite restful. Sometimes they have too much covering and that makes them hot and restless. Remove a little at a time. Bathing will not hurt the rash, for it can be done under the clothes and without any danger to the patient.

Cold Drinks.--These are refres.h.i.+ng and beneficial, if not given too freely. One-third of a gla.s.s of water is enough at one time, but it can be given often, if it does not chill the patient. After the feverish days have pa.s.sed, diluted milk or plain milk can be given in greater amount.

Cough in Measles.--It is likely to be severe, straining and barking and hard to relieve. If it is too severe you can give, for a child one year old:

Acetanelid 1/2 dram Dover's Powder 1/2 dram

Mix and make into thirty powders.

Give one-half powder every two hours when awake or restless.

2. For a child two years old:

Paregoric 2 to 5 drops Syrup Ipecac 3 drops


Give every three hours, according to age, one to three hours for a child two years old.

3. For Irritation of the Skin.--Sponge once a day with water at 100 degrees F. containing a little alcohol or a pinch of sodium bicarbonate or soda.

4. For Scaling.--Use ointment of benzoinated lard, combined with five per cent of boric acid.

Diet.--The food should be light; milk, broths, and when the fever is gone chicken and soft boiled eggs, jelly, toasted bread, crackers, cereals, with cocoa for drink. Orange juice or lemon juice may be given in moderation. Milk, one pint per day for every fifty pounds in weight of the patient, during a fever sickness, is a safe and liberal allowance. Smaller children in proportion. Mothers will be apt to give too much and it may then prevent rest and steep. When the fever subsides you can give more milk and some of the above foods. Water, as before stated, can be given for the thirst quite frequently.


Teas.--The laity gives lots of these to bring out the rash. It seems to me before the rash is out the patient is feverish and chilly and the skin is dry, and a small amount of tea given every hour or two might do good unless the patient is made warmer. There are many varieties given. Elder blossom seems to have the call. For some time after the patient is well he may be bothered with a cough; it better be looked after if it continues, for there might be bronchitis or some lung trouble left and unknown.

Caution.--A person who has had the measles or German measles, should be very careful about taking cold, for if they do they are liable to have serious trouble, especially in the chest. It is very easy to take bronchitis or pneumonia during and after an attack of measles. The mucous membrane of these parts is left somewhat swollen and it remains susceptible to disease for some time. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Remain in the house three or four days longer than may seem necessary and you will be paid for so doing by having good bronchial tubes and lungs,--as good as before if you were careful during the attack.

Chapter 43 : Diet and Nursing.--Food should be given every two to four hours. Only water can be give
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