I Have A Super USB Drive
Chapter 47: Energy Conversion Ratio

Chapter 47: Energy Conversion Ratio

With this, Chen Chen had addressed two of the possible crises.

Of course, things would be more complicated in real life. Chen Chen repeated the second method and deposited the other part of the NZT-48 into a foreign bank.

This was the reason he had Xia Yin apply for a Swiss pa.s.sport for him.

He had deposited another portion of the NZT-48 into a Swiss bank. Perhaps a day would come in the future where he would need it desperately.

This was his last resort.

After making these preparations, Chen Chen took out the USB drive again. He started thinking about what to instantiate next.

Chen Chen had no lack of money at the moment. He could simply release VR gla.s.ses and had enough money to feed him for the next ten years. Perhaps even enough to help him establish a technological empire. Therefore, the feasible option for the next item had to be something that could help him physically.

It would be great if he could acquire some sort of superpower.

Chen Chen thought deeply.

Pretty much everyone had dreamt of having different types of superpowers while growing up, from soaring the sky to traversing the earth. Compared to the gloominess of reality, superpowers were far more exciting.

Hollywood had plenty of movies related to having superpowers such as b.u.t.terfly Effect, Jumper, Hanc.o.c.k, and many others.

No matter where Chen Chen looked, the source of the superpowers in these movies was either genetic mutation, granted by chance or simply something inborn.

The sort of invincible superpowers in movies like Marvel and DC were all based on a fictional world. They could not be instantiated by the USB drive.

At last, Chen Chen went back to his initial decision.


However, the crystalline in Chronicle did not seem particularly small.

Chen Chen suddenly thought of another problem.

What if a lot more energy was required due to the size of the crystalline?

He pulled out a piece of A3 paper from the bookshelf and rapidly jotted down some calculations.


1 Joule(J) = 0.2388 Calories(C) = 0.278×10^-6(kW.h).

Even though he was unsure of how much energy was required for the USB drive to instantiate objects, he could find out using mathematical formulas.

After writing out the formula, he scribbled out “E = MC2” after giving it further thought.

Chen Chen figured that the ma.s.s-energy equation could not be applied to the USB drive. He had previously determined that the USB drive did not directly trans.m.u.te electrical energy into substance. It merely used the energy to open up a portal.

Chen Chen chewed his pen and instinctively reached for an NZT-48, preparing to put it in his mouth.

Just as he was about to toss it into his mouth, he hesitated.

The effects of NZT-48 had been slowly subsiding since concluding the previous experiment. Due to his NZT immunity, he did not feel the side effects of the drug subsiding.

He only felt a slight hint of fatigue in his brain.

After a bit of consideration, he decided to put the drug back.

Chen Chen realized that even though he had overcome his physical addiction to the drug ever since taking the immunity shot, there was still a mental addiction present.

Not to say that he had to stop using NZT-48, he just felt that his dependency on the drug was an early sign of addiction as well.

What Chen Chen had to do now was to try to combat his mental addiction and rely on his intelligence to solve problems.

After all, the problem he was facing now was not a difficult one. It was just high school level...

Let us begin with the USB drive’s conversion rate to reality.

a.s.suming X was the value of the total energy in the USB drive after the first instantiation, Y would be the acc.u.mulated energy in the USB drive after the second instantiation. Y > combined ma.s.s of the immunity shot + VR gla.s.ses.

Y = 200(Kw.h) x 24(h) x 90 x 0.85(cosΦ).

The result was Y = 1.32192E12J.

This meant that extracting an item weighing a gram from the USB drive would consume 4,406,400,000 joules worth of energy, which was the equivalent of 1224kW.

Of course, the actual conversion was higher than 1224kW but it should not exceed 2000kW.

After factoring in X, the result was X < 2.16E12J.

Where did the 2.16E12 joules worth of energy come from? Was it left behind by the previous owner?

If that was the case, what was his or her motive?

Chen Chen fell into deep thought.

Chen Chen was unable to arrive at a conclusion even after thinking about it for a long time. He began to calculate how much energy it would take to instantiate the crystalline from Chronicles.

In the movie, the crystalline seemed to take on a star-shaped form. It consisted of a core main body section surrounded by eight radial cones.

Judging by the size comparison between the people in the movie and the crystalline ent.i.ty, the main section was an irregularly shaped ent.i.ty measuring about 1.2 to 1.3 meters in diameter. Nine crystalline particles were protruding on top of it, each of them was close to 0.5 meters long.

The cones surrounding the main body were approximately 1.5 meters to 2 meters long.

Going off of these estimations, the total volume of the crystalline should be somewhere around 3.5 to 4 cubic meters.

Chen Chen counted silently. He quickly became speechless.

He based his calculation around the standard ma.s.s of an ordinary crystal which was 2.66g/cm3. Going at his current pace of charging 200,000kWh into the USB drive per day, it would take him forty thousand days to acc.u.mulate enough energy to instantiate the crystalline ent.i.ty.

It would take more than a hundred years...

The corner of Chen Chen’s lips twitched slightly.

It looked like he had to settle with instantiating something minor before he figured out a solution to generate more energy.

Chen Chen crumbled up the piece of paper and tossed it into the trash.

What should he instantiate?

Chen Chen suddenly remembered something. He had got to this point with the help of NZT-48, but there was a drug that was even more advanced than NZT-48.

CPH4 from Lucy.

Back then when he made his first selection, he had thought of that as well. However, the director of the movie had mentioned that CPH4 was just something he had made up. Such a substance could not possibly exist in reality.

Besides, the theory in the movie which stated that humans had only unlocked ten percent of their brain potential was debunked as well.

That was the reason Chen Chen had pa.s.sed on this option initially.

It was worth a shot now.

A pack of CPH4 weighed nearly the same as a pack of NZT-48, it could be instantiated with the energy acc.u.mulated over the past few days.

Naturally, Chen Chen was not going to administer the drug to himself directly. Perhaps he could first research the components of the drug and see if it would lead to a new discovery.

First things first, he had to make sure the USB drive could play the movie.

Considering the fact that the logic of the movie was off in the first place, there was a chance the USB drive could not play it, just like the Marvel movies.

Chen Chen went to his room and snapped his fingers. “X, turn on the computer for me and play Lucy.”

“Alright, Dad.”

Chen Chen had never watched this movie before. He had only seen a three-minute movie summary of it on Bilibili.

Movie summaries were a new format of short video content that had emerged over the last fifteen years. Movies that were about ninety minutes long were compressed into three to five minutes long videos to briefly go through the plot of the movie.

Chen Chen was going to watch the movie but had lost interest in it after watching the movie summary.

Imagine watching the first part of The Three-Body Problem while having someone sit beside you rambling:

“The wall breaker of Luo Ji is himself!”

“The droplet destroyed the human-s.p.a.ce fleet!”

“It ends with the solar system being obliterated by the aliens!” and such...

Of course, the fault did not lie with the movie summary, but Chen Chen was being nosy.

Right now, he had nothing to do and was not under the effect of the drug. Since he had his a.s.sistant handling the tasks, why not take the chance to wind down and enjoy a movie?

Little X turned off the lights in the room unprompted. A large sheet of projector screen rolled down from the ceiling. The projector and speakers behind him began to operate...

“A billion years ago, we were granted life...”

“What did we do with it?”

An oceanic blue backdrop was projected onto the screen. A single cell slowly emerged and began to split.

One turned into two. After that, two to four, four to eight...


Chapter 47: Energy Conversion Ratio
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