English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 32 : CATASTROPHE.Synonyms: calamity, denouement, mischance, mishap, cataclysm, disaster, mis



calamity, denouement, mischance, mishap, cataclysm, disaster, misfortune, sequel.

A _cataclysm_ or _catastrophe_ is some great convulsion or momentous event that may or may not be a cause of misery to man. In _calamity_, or _disaster_, the thought of human suffering is always present. It has been held by many geologists that numerous _catastrophes_ or _cataclysms_ antedated the existence of man. In literature, the final event of a drama is the _catastrophe_, or _denouement_. _Misfortune_ ordinarily suggests less of suddenness and violence than _calamity_ or _disaster_, and is especially applied to that which is lingering or enduring in its effects. In history, the end of every great war or the fall of a nation is a _catastrophe_, tho it may not be a _calamity_. Yet such an event, if not a _calamity_ to the race, will always involve much individual _disaster_ and _misfortune_. Pestilence is a _calamity_; a defeat in battle, a s.h.i.+pwreck, or a failure in business is a _disaster_; sickness or loss of property is a _misfortune_; failure to meet a friend is a _mischance_; the breaking of a teacup is a _mishap_.


benefit, boon, favor, pleasure, prosperity, blessing, comfort, help, privilege, success.


The catastrophe _of_ a play; _of_ a siege; rarely, _to_ a person, etc.



apprehend, comprehend, grasp, overtake, s.n.a.t.c.h, capture, discover, grip, secure, take, clasp, ensnare, gripe, seize, take hold of.

clutch, entrap, lay hold of (on, upon),

To _catch_ is to come up with or take possession of something departing, fugitive, or illusive. We _catch_ a runaway horse, a flying ball, a mouse in a trap. We _clutch_ with a swift, tenacious movement of the fingers; we _grasp_ with a firm but moderate closure of the whole hand; we _grip_ or _gripe_ with the strongest muscular closure of the whole hand possible to exert. We _clasp_ in the arms. We _s.n.a.t.c.h_ with a quick, sudden, and usually a surprising motion. In the figurative sense, _catch_ is used of any act that brings a person or thing into our power or possession; as, to _catch_ a criminal in the act; to _catch_ an idea, in the sense of _apprehend_ or _comprehend_. Compare ARREST.


fail of, give up, lose, release, throw aside, fall short of, let go, miss, restore, throw away.


To catch _at_ a straw; to catch a fugitive _by_ the collar; to catch a ball _with_ the left hand; he caught the disease _from_ the patient; the thief was caught _in_ the act; the bird _in_ the snare.



actor, causality, designer, occasion, precedent, agent, causation, former, origin, reason, antecedent, condition, fountain, originator, source, author, creator, motive, power, spring.

The efficient _cause_, that which makes anything to be or be done, is the common meaning of the word, as in the saying "There is no effect without a _cause_." Every man instinctively recognizes himself acting through will as the _cause_ of his own actions. The _Creator_ is the Great First _Cause_ of all things. A _condition_ is something that necessarily precedes a result, but does not produce it. An _antecedent_ simply precedes a result, with or without any agency in producing it; as, Monday is the invariable _antecedent_ of Tuesday, but not the _cause_ of it. The direct antonym of _cause_ is _effect_, while that of _antecedent_ is _consequent_. An _occasion_ is some event which brings a _cause_ into action at a particular moment; gravitation and heat are the _causes_ of an avalanche; the steep incline of the mountain-side is a necessary _condition_, and the shout of the traveler may be the _occasion_ of its fall. _Causality_ is the doctrine or principle of causes, _causation_ the action or working of causes. Compare DESIGN; REASON.


consequence, development, end, fruit, outcome, product, creation, effect, event, issue, outgrowth, result.


The cause _of_ the disaster; cause _for_ interference.



abstain, desist, give over, quit, bring to an end, discontinue, intermit, refrain, come to an end, end, leave off, stop, conclude, finish, pause, terminate.

Strains of music may gradually or suddenly _cease_. A man _quits_ work on the instant; he may _discontinue_ a practise gradually; he _quits_ suddenly and completely; he _stops_ short in what he may or may not resume; he _pauses_ in what he will probably resume. What _intermits_ or is _intermitted_ returns again, as a fever that _intermits_. Compare ABANDON; DIE; END; REST.


begin, inaugurate, originate, set going, set on foot, commence, initiate, set about, set in operation, start.

enter upon, inst.i.tute,


Cease _from_ anger.



commemorate, keep, observe, solemnize.

To _celebrate_ any event or occasion is to make some demonstration of respect or rejoicing because of or in memory of it, or to perform such public rites or ceremonies as it properly demands. We _celebrate_ the birth, _commemorate_ the death of one beloved or honored. We _celebrate_ a national anniversary with music and song, with firing of guns and ringing of bells; we _commemorate_ by any solemn and thoughtful service, or by a monument or other enduring memorial. We _keep_ the Sabbath, _solemnize_ a marriage, _observe_ an anniversary; we _celebrate_ or _observe_ the Lord's Supper in which believers _commemorate_ the sufferings and death of Christ.


Chapter 32 : CATASTROPHE.Synonyms: calamity, denouement, mischance, mishap, cataclysm, disaster, mis
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