English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 46 : allure, drag, haul, induce, lure, tow, attract, entice, incline, lead, pull, tug.One ob

allure, drag, haul, induce, lure, tow, attract, entice, incline, lead, pull, tug.

One object _draws_ another when it moves it toward itself or in the direction of its own motion by the exertion of adequate force, whether slight or powerful. To _attract_ is to exert a force that tends to _draw_, tho it may produce no actual motion; all objects are _attracted_ toward the earth, tho they may be sustained from falling. To _drag_ is to _draw_ against strong resistance; as, to _drag_ a sled over bare ground, or a carriage up a steep hill. To _pull_ is to exert a _drawing_ force, whether adequate or inadequate; as, the fish _pulls_ on the line; a dentist _pulls_ a tooth. To _tug_ is to _draw_, or try to _draw_, a resisting object with a continuous straining motion; as, to _tug_ at the oar. To _haul_ is to _draw_ somewhat slowly a heavy object; as, to _haul_ a seine; to _haul_ logs. One vessel _tows_ another. In the figurative sense, _attract_ is more nearly akin to _incline_, _draw_ to _induce_. We are _attracted_ by one's appearance, _drawn_ to his side.



alienate, estrange, rebuff, reject, repel, repulse.

See synonyms for DRIVE.


To draw water _from_ or _out of_ the well; draw the boat _through_ the water, _to_ the sh.o.r.e; draw air _into_ the lungs; draw _with_ cords of love; the wagon is drawn _by_ horses, _along_ the road, _across_ the field, _over_ the stones, _through_ the woods, _to_ the barn.



day-dream, fantasy, reverie, trance, fancy, hallucination, romance, vision.

A _dream_ is strictly a train of thoughts, fantasies, and images pa.s.sing through the mind during sleep; a _vision_ may occur when one is awake, and in clear exercise of the senses and mental powers; _vision_ is often applied to something seen by the mind through supernatural agency, whether in sleep or wakefulness, conceived as more real and authoritative than a _dream_; a _trance_ is an abnormal state, which is different from normal sleep or wakefulness. A _reverie_ is a purposeless drifting of the mind when awake, under the influence of mental images; a _day-dream_ that which pa.s.ses before the mind in such condition. A _fancy_ is some image presented to the mind, often in the fullest exercise of its powers. _Hallucination_ is the seeming perception of non-existent objects, as in insanity or delirium. In the figurative sense, we speak of _dreams_ of fortune, _visions_ of glory, with little difference of meaning except that the _vision_ is thought of as fuller and more vivid. We speak of a _trance_ of delight when the emotion almost sweeps one away from the normal exercise of the faculties.


certainty, fact, reality, realization, substance, verity.



apparel, clothes, garb, habit, uniform, array, clothing, garments, raiment, vestments, attire, costume, habiliments, robes, vesture.

_Clothing_ denotes the entire covering of the body, taken as a whole; _clothes_ and _garments_ view it as composed of separate parts.

_Clothes_, _clothing_, and _garments_ may be used of inner or outer covering; all the other words in the list (with possible rare exceptions in the case of _raiment_) refer to the outer _garments_. _Array_, _raiment_, and _vesture_ are archaic or poetic; so, too, is _habit_, except in technical use to denote a lady's riding-_dress_. The word _vestments_ is now rare, except in ecclesiastical use. _Apparel_ and _attire_ are most frequently used of somewhat complete and elegant outer _clothing_, tho Shakespeare speaks of "poor and mean _attire_." _Dress_ may be used, specifically, for a woman's gown, and in that sense may be either rich or shabby; but in the general sense it denotes outer _clothing_ which is meant to be elegant, complete, and appropriate to some social or public occasion; as, full _dress_, court _dress_, evening _dress_, etc. _Dress_ has now largely displaced _apparel_ and _attire_.

_Garb_ denotes the _clothing_ characteristic of some cla.s.s, profession, or the like; as, the _garb_ of a priest. _Costume_ is chiefly used for that which befits an a.s.sumed character; as, a theatrical _costume_; we sometimes speak of a national _costume_, etc.


bareness, dishabille, exposure, nakedness, nudity, undress.




compel, propel, repel, resist, thrust, impel, push, repulse, ride, urge on.

To _drive_ is to move an object with some force or violence before or away from oneself; it is the direct reverse of _draw_, _lead_, etc. A man leads a horse by the halter, _drives_ him with whip and rein. One may be _driven_ to a thing or from it; hence, _drive_ is a synonym equally for _compel_ or for _repel_ or _repulse_. _Repulse_ is stronger and more conclusive than _repel_; one may be _repelled_ by the very aspect of the person whose favor he seeks, but is not _repulsed_ except by the direct refusal or ignoring of his suit. A certain conventional modern usage, especially in England, requires us to say that we _drive_ in a carriage, _ride_ upon a horse; tho in Scripture we read of _riding_ in a chariot (_2 Kings_ ix, 16; _Jer._ xvii, 25, etc.); good examples of the same usage may be found abundantly in the older English. The propriety of a person's saying that he is going to _drive_ when he is simply to be conveyed in a carriage, where some one else, as the coachman, does all the _driving_, is exceedingly questionable. Many good authorities prefer to use _ride_ in the older and broader sense as signifying to be supported and borne along by any means of conveyance.



See synonyms for DRAW.


Drive _to_ market; _to_ despair; drive _into_ exile; _from_ one's presence; _out of_ the city; drive _by_, _with_, or _under_ the lash; drive _by_ or _past_ beautiful estates; _along_ the beach; _beside_ the river; _through_ the park; _across_ the field; _around_ the square; _to_ the door; _into_ the barn; _out of_ the suns.h.i.+ne.



copy, facsimile, likeness, reproduction, counterpart, imitation, replica, transcript.

A _copy_ is as nearly like the original as the copyist has power to make it; a _duplicate_ is exactly like the original; a carbon _copy_ of a typewritten doc.u.ment must be a _duplicate_; we may have an inaccurate _copy_, but never an inaccurate _duplicate_. A _facsimile_ is like the original in appearance; a _duplicate_ is the same as the original in substance and effect; a _facsimile_ of the Declaration of Independence is not a _duplicate_. A _facsimile_ of a key might be quite useless; a _duplicate_ will open the lock. A _counterpart_ exactly corresponds to another object, but perhaps without design, while a _copy_ is intentional. An _imitation_ is always thought of as inferior to the original; as, an _imitation_ of Milton. A _replica_ is a _copy_ of a work of art by the maker of the original. In law, a _copy_ of an instrument has in itself no authority; the signatures, as well as other matters, may be copied; a _duplicate_ is really an original, containing the same provisions and signed by the same persons, so that it may have in all respects the same force and effect; a _transcript_ is an official _copy_, authenticated by the signature of the proper officer, and by the seal of the appropriate court. While strictly there could be but one _duplicate_, the word is now extended to an indefinite number of exact _copies_. _Reproduction_ is chiefly applied to living organisms.


archetype, model, original, pattern, prototype.



accountability, function, office, right, business, obligation, responsibility, righteousness.

Chapter 46 : allure, drag, haul, induce, lure, tow, attract, entice, incline, lead, pull, tug.One ob
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