English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 52 : Antonyms: idleness, inaction, inactivity, relaxation, rest.EXPENSE.Synonyms: cost, expe


idleness, inaction, inactivity, relaxation, rest.



cost, expenditure, outgo, outlay.

The _cost_ of a thing is whatever one surrenders or gives up for it, intentionally or unintentionally, or even unconsciously; _expense_ is what is laid out by calculation or intention. We say, "he won his fame at the _cost_ of his life;" "I know it to my _cost_;" we speak of a joke at another's _expense_; at another's _cost_ would seem to make it a more serious matter. There is a tendency to use _cost_ of what we pay for a possession, _expense_ of what we pay for a service; we speak of the _cost_ of goods, the _expense_ of making up. _Outlay_ is used of some definite _expenditure_, as for the purchase of supplies; _outgo_ of a steady drain or of incidental _expenses_. See PRICE.


gain, proceeds, profit, receipt, return, income, product, profits, receipts, returns.




Both _explicit_ and _express_ are opposed to what is merely implicit or implied. That which is _explicit_ is unfolded, so that it may not be obscure, doubtful, or ambiguous; that which is _express_ is uttered or stated so decidedly that it may not be forgotten nor overlooked. An _explicit_ statement is too clear to be misunderstood; an _express_ command is too emphatic to be disregarded. Compare CLEAR.


ambiguous, implicit, indefinite, uncertain, doubtful, implied, indeterminate, vague.



extemporary, impromptu, offhand, extempore, improvised, unpremeditated.

_Extemporaneous_, originally signifying _of_ or _from the time_ or _occasion_, has come to mean done or made with but little (if any) preparation, and is now chiefly applied to addresses of which the thought has been prepared, and only the language and incidental treatment left to the suggestion of the moment, so that an _extemporaneous_ speech is understood to be any one that is not read or recited; _impromptu_ keeps its original sense, denoting something that springs from the instant; the _impromptu_ utterance is generally brief, direct, and vigorous; the _extemporaneous_ speech may chance to be prosy. _Offhand_ is still more emphatic as to the readiness and freedom of the utterance. _Unpremeditated_ is graver and more formal, denoting absolute want of preparation, but is rather too heavy a word to be applied to such apt, ready utterance as is generally designated by _impromptu_.


elaborated, premeditated, prepared, read, recited, studied, written.



annihilate, eradicate, overthrow, uproot, banish, expel, remove, wipe out.

destroy, extirpate, root out,

_Exterminate_ (L. _ex_, out, and _terminus_, a boundary) signified primarily to drive beyond the bounds or limits of a country; the word is applied to races of men or animals, and is now almost exclusively used for removal by death; individuals are now said to be _banished_ or _expelled_. _Eradicate_ (L. _e_, out, and _radix_, root) is primarily applied to numbers or groups of plants which it is desired to remove effectually from the soil; a single tree may be _uprooted_, but is not said to be _eradicated_; we labor to _eradicate_ or _root out_ noxious weeds. To _extirpate_ (L. _ex_, out, and _stirps_, stem, stock) is not only to _destroy_ the individuals of any race of plants or animals, but the very stock, so that the race can never be restored; we speak of _eradicating_ a disease, of _extirpating_ a cancer, _exterminating_ wild beasts or hostile tribes; we seek to _eradicate_ or _extirpate_ all vices and evils. Compare ABOLISH.


augment, build up, develop, increase, populate, replenish, beget, cherish, foster, plant, propagate, settle.

breed, colonize,



dim, fatigued, irresolute, weak, exhausted, feeble, languid, wearied, faded, half-hearted, listless, worn, faint-hearted, ill-defined, purposeless, worn down, faltering, indistinct, timid, worn out.

_Faint_, with the general sense of lacking strength or effectiveness, covers a wide range of meaning, signifying overcome with physical weakness or exhaustion, or lacking in purpose, courage, or energy, as said of persons; or lacking definiteness or distinctness of color or sound, as said of written characters, voices, or musical notes. A person may be _faint_ when physically _wearied_, or when overcome with fear; he may be a _faint_ adherent because naturally _feeble_ or _purposeless_, or because _half-hearted_ in the cause; he may be a _faltering_ supporter because naturally _irresolute_ or because _faint-hearted_ and _timid_ in view of perils that threaten, a _listless_ worker, through want of mental energy and purpose. Written characters may be _faint_ or _dim_, either because originally written with poor ink, or because they have become _faded_ by time and exposure.


bright, clear, daring, fresh, resolute, st.u.r.dy, brilliant, conspicuous, energetic, hearty, strong, vigorous.


Faint _with_ hunger; faint _in_ color.



a.s.sent, confidence, credit, opinion, a.s.surance, conviction, creed, reliance, belief, credence, doctrine, trust.

Chapter 52 : Antonyms: idleness, inaction, inactivity, relaxation, rest.EXPENSE.Synonyms: cost, expe
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