English Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 60 : HAPPY.Synonyms: blessed, cheering, gay, lucky, rejoiced, blissful, cheery, glad, merry,



blessed, cheering, gay, lucky, rejoiced, blissful, cheery, glad, merry, rejoicing, blithe, delighted, jocund, mirthful, smiling, blithesome, delightful, jolly, pleased, sprightly, bright, dexterous, joyful, prosperous, successful, buoyant, felicitous, joyous, rapturous, sunny.

cheerful, fortunate,

_Happy_ primarily refers to something that comes "by good hap," a chance that brings prosperity, benefit, or success.

And grasps the skirts of _happy_ chance.

TENNYSON _In Memoriam_ lxiii, st. 2.

In this sense _happy_ is closely allied to _fortunate_ and _lucky_. (See FORTUNATE.) _Happy_ has, however, so far diverged from this original sense as to apply to advantages where chance is not recognized, or is even excluded by direct reference to the divine will, when it becomes almost equivalent to _blessed_.

Behold, _happy_ is the man whom G.o.d correcteth.

_Job_ v, 17.

_Happy_ is also applied to the ready dexterity or skill by which favorable results (usually in minor matters) are secured, when it becomes a synonym for _dexterous_, _felicitous_, and the a.s.sociated words; as, he has a _happy_ wit; _happy_ at retort (compare CLEVER). In its most frequent present use, _happy_ is applied to the state of one enjoying happiness, or to that by which happiness is expressed; as, a _happy_ heart; a _happy_ face; _happy_ laughter; _happy_ tears (compare synonyms for HAPPINESS). _Cheerful_ applies to the possession or expression of a moderate and tranquil happiness. A _cheery_ word spontaneously gives cheer to others; a _cheering_ word is more distinctly planned to cheer and encourage. _Gay_ applies to an effusive and superficial happiness (often not really worthy of that name) perhaps resulting largely from abundant animal spirits: we speak of _gay_ revelers or a _gay_ horse. A _buoyant_ spirit is, as it were, borne up by joy and hope. A _sunny_ disposition has a constant tranquil brightness that irradiates all who come within its influence.


Compare synonyms for GRIEF.


A happy event _for_ him; happy _at_ a reply; happy _in_ his home, _with_ his friends, _among_ his children; happy _at_ the discovery, _over_ his success.



accord, concurrence, consistency, uniformity, accordance, conformity, consonance, union, agreement, congruity, symmetry, unison, amity, consent, unanimity, unity.


When tones, thoughts, or feelings, individually different, combine to form a consistent and pleasing whole, there is _harmony_. _Harmony_ is deeper and more essential than _agreement_; we may have a superficial, forced, or patched-up _agreement_, but never a superficial, forced, or patched-up _harmony_. _Concord_ is less full and spiritual than _harmony_. _Concord_ implies more volition than _accord_; as, their views were found to be in perfect _accord_; or, by conference _concord_ was secured; we do not secure _accord_, but discover it. We may speak of being in _accord_ with a person on one point, but _harmony_ is wider in range. _Conformity_ is correspondence in form, manner, or use; the word often signifies submission to authority or necessity, and may be as far as possible from _harmony_; as, the attempt to secure _conformity_ to an established religion. _Congruity_ involves the element of suitableness; _consistency_ implies the absence of conflict or contradiction in views, statements, or acts which are brought into comparison, as in the different statements of the same person or the different periods of one man's life; _unanimity_ is the complete hearty _agreement_ of many; _consent_ and _concurrence_ refer to decision or action, but _consent_ is more pa.s.sive than _concurrence_; one speaks by general _consent_ when no one in the a.s.sembly cares to make formal objection; a decision of the Supreme Court depends upon the _concurrence_ of a majority of the judges. Compare AGREE; FRIENDs.h.i.+P; MELODY.


antagonism, contest, discord, hostility, schism, battle, controversy, disproportion, incongruity, separation, conflict, difference, dissension, inconsistency, variance, contention, disagreement, disunion, opposition, warfare.



crop, harvest-home, ingathering, result, fruit, harvesting, proceeds, return, growth, harvest-tide, produce, yield.

harvest-feast, harvest-time, product, harvest-festival, increase, reaping,

_Harvest_, from the Anglo-Saxon, signified originally "autumn," and as that is the usual season of gathering ripened _crops_ in Northern lands, the word came to its present meaning of the season of gathering ripened grain or _fruits_, whether summer or autumn, and hence a _crop_ gathered or ready for gathering; also, the act or process of gathering a _crop_ or _crops_. "The _harvest_ truly is great, but the laborers are few,"

_Luke_ x, 2. "Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to _harvest_," _John_ iv, 35. _Harvest_ is the elegant and literary word; _crop_ is the common and commercial expression; we say a man sells his _crop_, but we should not speak of his selling his _harvest_; we speak of an ample or abundant _harvest_, a good _crop_.

_Harvest_ is applied almost wholly to grain; _crop_ applies to almost anything that is gathered in; we speak of the potato-_crop_, not the potato-_harvest_; we may say either the wheat-_crop_ or the wheat-_harvest_. _Produce_ is a collective word for all that is produced in farming or gardening, and is, in modern usage, almost wholly restricted to this sense; we speak of _produce_ collectively, but of a _product_ or various _products_; vegetables, _fruits_, eggs, b.u.t.ter, etc., may be termed farm-_produce_, or the _products_ of the farm.

_Product_ is a word of wider application than _produce_; we speak of the _products_ of manufacturing, the _products_ of thought, or the _product_ obtained by multiplying one number by another. The word _proceeds_ is chiefly used of the _return_ from an investment: we speak of the _produce_ of a farm, but of the _proceeds_ of the money invested in farming. The _yield_ is what the land gives up to the farmer's demand; we speak of the _return_ from an expenditure of money or labor, but of the _yield_ of corn or oats. _Harvest_ has also a figurative use, such as _crop_ more rarely permits; we term a religious revival a _harvest_ of souls; the _result_ of lax enforcement of law is a _harvest_ of crime. As regards time, _harvest_, _harvest-tide_, and _harvest-time_ alike denote the period or season when the crops are or should be gathered (_tide_ being simply the old Saxon word for _time_).

_Harvest-home_ ordinarily denotes the _festival_ of _harvest_, and when used to denote simply the season always gives a suggestion of festivity and rejoicing, such as _harvest_ and _harvest-time_ by themselves do not express.



abhorrence, detestation, hostility, rancor, anger, dislike, ill will, repugnance, animosity, enmity, malevolence, resentment, antipathy, grudge, malice, revenge, aversion, hate, malignity, spite.

_Repugnance_ applies to that which one feels himself summoned or impelled to do or to endure, and from which he instinctively draws back.

_Aversion_ is the turning away of the mind or feelings from some person or thing, or from some course of action, etc. _Hate_, or _hatred_, as applied to persons, is intense and continued _aversion_, usually with disposition to injure; _anger_ is sudden and brief, _hatred_ is lingering and enduring; "Her wrath became a _hate_," TENNYSON _Pelleas and Ettarre_ st. 16. As applied to things, _hatred_ is intense _aversion_, with desire to destroy or remove; _hatred_ of evil is a righteous pa.s.sion, akin to _abhorrence_, but more vehement. _Malice_ involves the active intent to injure; in the legal sense, _malice_ is the intent to injure, even tho with no personal _ill will_; as, a highwayman would be said to entertain _malice_ toward the unknown traveler whom he attacks. _Malice_ is direct, pressing toward a result; _malignity_ is deep, lingering, and venomous, tho often impotent to act; _rancor_ (akin to _rancid_) is cherished _malignity_ that has soured and festered and is virulent and implacable. _Spite_ is petty _malice_ that delights to inflict stinging pain; _grudge_ is deeper than _spite_; it is sinister and bitter; _grudge_, _resentment_, and _revenge_ are all retaliatory, _grudge_ being the disposition, _revenge_ the determination to repay real or supposed offense with injury; _revenge_ may denote also the retaliatory act; _resentment_, the best word of the three, always holds itself to be justifiable, but looks less certainly to action than _grudge_ or _revenge_. Simple goodness may arouse the _hatred_ of the wicked; they will be moved to _revenge_ only by what they deem an injury or affront. Compare ABOMINATION; ANGER; ANTIPATHY; ENMITY.


See synonyms for FRIENDs.h.i.+P; LOVE.



be in possession of, hold, occupy, own, possess.

be possessed of,

_Have_ is the most general word, and is applied to whatever belongs to or is connected with one; a man _has_ a head or a head-ache, a fortune or an opinion, a friend or an enemy; he _has_ time, or _has_ need; he may be said to _have_ what is his own, what he has borrowed, what has been entrusted to him, or what he has stolen. To _possess_ a thing is to _have_ the owners.h.i.+p with control and enjoyment of it. To _hold_ is to _have_ in one's hand, or securely in one's control; a man _holds_ his friend's coat for a moment, or he _holds_ a struggling horse; he _holds_ a promissory note, or _holds_ an office. To _own_ is to _have_ the right of property in; to _possess_ is to _have_ that right in actual exercise; to _occupy_ is to _have_ possession and use, with some degree of permanency, with or without owners.h.i.+p. A man _occupies_ his own house or a room in a hotel; a man may _own_ a farm of which he is not in possession because a tenant _occupies_ it and is determined to _hold_ it; the proprietor _owns_ the property, but the tenant _is in possession_. To _be in possession_ differs from _possess_ in that to _possess_ denotes both right and fact, while to _be in possession_ denotes simply the fact with no affirmation as to the right. To _have_ reason is to be endowed with the faculty; to _be in possession of_ one's reason denotes that the faculty is in actual present exercise.


Chapter 60 : HAPPY.Synonyms: blessed, cheering, gay, lucky, rejoiced, blissful, cheery, glad, merry,
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