Norfolk Annals
Chapter 3 : 14.-Mr. William Earle Bulwer installed Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons at the Whit

14.-Mr. William Earle Bulwer installed Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons at the White Swan, St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich.

15.-The thermometer "very near to 0 (32 degrees below freezing point)."

16.-A fine grey eagle was taken alive in a trap upon the estate of Lord Montrath, at Weeting. It measured from the extremity of each wing 7 feet 8 inches, and from the beak to the tail nearly four feet.


15.-The Norwich Court of Guardians considered the question of the erection of a new workhouse. The average number of poor maintained in the two workhouses during the previous 18 years had been 1,282. It was recommended that one building be erected to accommodate 1,300, the money to be borrowed on shares of 100 each, bearing interest, and to be paid off by lot, so that the whole debt, with interest thereon, would be discharged in 20 years. A Bill was brought before Parliament and received the Royal a.s.sent on May 24th, and a site for the building was purchased near "the opening to Chapel Field." On December 7th, in consequence of observations made by Mr. Alderman Rigby on the subject of outdoor relief, the question was deferred until the committee had informed the Court whether "these allowances may not be so extended without any diminution of the comforts of the poor as to render unnecessary the building of such a workhouse as has. .h.i.therto been proposed." The scheme for the erection of the workhouse was ultimately abandoned.

21.-Died, Mr. Henry Skipper, dyer, St. Peter Hungate, Norwich. "He was in his time a famous pugilist, and fought several pitched battles with Algar, Henry, and others."


16.-Died, at his house in Greville Street, Hatton Garden, London, in the 28th year of his age, Thomas Archibald Murray, M.D., one of the physicians of the public dispensary in Carey Street, and of the House of Recovery for Infectious Diseases, an inst.i.tution which, in a great measure, owed its establishment to Dr. Murray's exertions. He was the youngest son of Dr. John Murray, founder of the Scots Society in Norwich, who died September 26th, 1792.

20.*-"Died, lately, at Strawberry Hill, near Collumpton, Devons.h.i.+re, aged 78, the Earl of Montrath, of Weeting Hall. The Earldom is extinct. His lords.h.i.+p left a legacy of 2,000 to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.

His invariable dread of small-pox occasioned his lords.h.i.+p to lead absolutely the life of a recluse. His terror was so great that he had five houses between his seat at Weeting and his house in Devons.h.i.+re, to prevent the chance of infection, and at these houses small establishments were kept up, as he dared not sleep in an inn."

24.-At the Norfolk a.s.sizes, held at Thetford, the Grand Jury made a presentment, to the effect that, as hay and corn were considerably reduced in price, publicans and posting-masters might, without injury to themselves, decrease their charges. It was resolved "That those publicans and posting-masters who have already reduced their charges are deserving approbation and encouragement." In an advertis.e.m.e.nt published on April 24th the post-masters stated that from the heavy duties imposed upon carriages, the first expense of chaises and their repair, the increased price of horses and of smith's work, they could not, without great injury to themselves and their families, make any abatement in the charge of fifteen pence (which included the payment of a duty of 3d.) per mile, they having been considerable losers during the previous two years.

27.-Died, at Melton Constable, Sir Edward Astley, Bart., who represented Norfolk in four successive Parliaments. He was succeeded in the t.i.tle and estates by Sir J. H. Astley, his only surviving son by his first wife, the eldest sister of John Lord Delaval, of Seaton Delaval, Northumberland.

30.-News was received of the Definite Treaty of Peace having been signed at Amiens, on March 27th, by the Marquis Cornwallis and Buonaparte. The Norwich Loyal Military a.s.sociations a.s.sembled at St. Andrew's Hall.

"Instead of field-pieces and ammunition waggons the martial divisions were preceded in their march from the Hall to the Market Place by two brewers' drays, laden with six barrels of Norwich porter, which were drunk with much joy."


10.*-(Advt.) "To Seafaring Men. A Double Caule to be sold. For price and particulars enquire of the Printers."

-*"Within the last three months nearly 300 paupers have been discharged from the two workhouses, which at the present time do not contain more than 550 persons, the smallest number ever remembered. The next poor-rate, in consequence, will not exceed 4s. 3d. in the pound in Norwich."

-*"It appears from the returns of a.s.sessment of income that Norfolk and Norwich last year contributed 111,513 17s. 1d., of which sum 18,801 0s.

3d. was paid by persons possessing incomes under 200 a year, and 92,712 16s. 9d. by persons of superior income."

17.*-(Advt.) "Bear Baiting. Henry Gerrard respectfully informs the public that there will be a Bear Baiting in a meadow belonging to the Ferry Farm House, Great Yarmouth, on Monday next, the 19th inst., in the afternoon. Admission 1s.; 6d. to be returned in liquor." (The baiting was prevented by the action of the county justices.)

-William Dunnett, for horse stealing, and John Saunders, for stealing a cow, were executed at Thetford.

24.-The East and West Regiments of Norfolk Militia disembodied at Yarmouth and Dereham. The several corps of Yeomanry Cavalry and Volunteer Infantry, on being disbanded, were thanked by the Government for their services.

-*"The whole of the French and Dutch prisoners confined in Yaxley Barracks were last week put on board different vessels in Lynn harbour, from whence they proceeded to their respective countries."

26.-Died, at Bath, aged 78, the Rev. Edmund Nelson, father of Lord Nelson. He was rector of Burnham Thorpe, to which he was presented in 1755 by Lord Walpole.

27.-To commemorate the opening of the new organ, "built by the celebrated Mr. England, of London," the oratorio, "The Messiah," was performed at St. George Colegate Church, Norwich, which was "lighted up and matted for the occasion." The organ was opened by Mr. Beckwith, who also conducted the band. Three s.h.i.+llings was charged for admission to the church.


3.-The Corporation of Norwich voted an address to his Majesty the King on the acquisition of Peace. The address was presented to his Majesty at a Levee at St. James's Palace, on May 21st, by Mr. Jeremiah Ives, jun., Mayor; Sir Roger Kerrison, Mayor-Elect; and Mr. William Foster, jun.

4.-Peace was proclaimed by the Mayor and Corporation, who went in procession through the streets of Norwich. Major Patteson's corps of Volunteers and the several parochial military a.s.sociations, after firing volleys in the Market Place, marched to the residence of the Mayor-Elect, where they deposited their muskets and regimental colours. Officers and men afterwards repaired to Neeche's Gardens, where they dined. In the evening there was a general illumination. The day was similarly observed at Yarmouth.

10.-A _fete_ was held in Reffley Wood, near Lynn. A "fine Norfolk sheep"

was roasted for the feast, presided over by Sir Martin ffolkes.

13.-Died, aged 85, Mrs. Beaton, of St. John Maddermarket, Norwich. "She was a native of Wales, and commonly called here 'The Freemason,' from the circ.u.mstance of her having contrived to conceal herself one evening in the wainscoting of the lodge-room, where she learnt that secret, the knowledge of which thousands of her s.e.x in vain attempted to arrive at.

She was a very singular old woman, and, as a proof of it, the secret died with her."

14.-A heavy fall of snow, which in many places lay more than an inch thick upon the ground. On the 15th there was a severe frost, and snow fell for two hours. At Langley and other places it was between three and four inches in depth.

22.-Between one and two o'clock in the morning the dwelling-house of the Rev. Mr. Sykes, of Guestwick, was burglariously entered by two men.

"They presented themselves at Mr. and Mrs. Sykes' bedside. Their faces were blackened, and one of them had on a slip of linen, and the other a woman's checked bed-gown. They each had a cudgel and a candle in their hands. They said, 'We have pistols; your money or your lives.' One of them remained by the bedside, while the other plundered the drawers.

Then they departed, carrying away some money and a watch."

24.-The Duke of Cambridge sailed from Yarmouth in the Amphion frigate for Hanover, of which kingdom he was appointed Regent.

24.-Died, aged 90, Mrs. Ann Fuller, of Raveningham. "Her remains were interred at the parish of Toft Monks. The pall was supported by six grandchildren, and the funeral attended by children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren in her own lineal descent to the number of 47."

29.-At a county meeting an address to his Majesty on the Peace was moved by the Hon. Col. Wodehouse, seconded by the Hon. Col. Harbord, and unanimously adopted. The address was presented to the King by Mr. Robert Wilson, High Sheriff.

31.-A fire occurred at Swanton paper mill, a great part of which was destroyed, with all the paper. The damage was estimated at 4,000.


1.-This day was ordered to be observed as one of general thanksgiving for the Restoration of Peace. The Mayor and Corporation of Norwich attended the Cathedral, and the appointed service was performed at all parish churches. At Lynn, the inhabitants, instead of having an illumination, collected 300, which was distributed amongst the poor.

21.-Holkham Sheep Shearing commenced. A new thras.h.i.+ng machine was exhibited. An improved drill for turnip sowing was also shown. "From the same barrel seed and oilcake manure are delivered into one tube, through which it is deposited in the earth by the same coulters."

22.-Guild Day at Norwich. The Mayor, Sir Roger Kerrison, went to the Cathedral "in a most elegant new chariot, the colour of royal blue; the coachman and the three footmen behind had handsome new liveries, with gold-laced c.o.c.ked hats and gold-headed canes." His wors.h.i.+p "wore a full dress coat and embroidered waistcoat." At the Guild feast, in St.

Andrew's Hall, 800 guests were present; and at the ball given in the evening, at Chapel Field House, Mr. T. A. Kerrison and Miss Chad opened the dancing for the 450 guests.

26.*-(Advt.) "On Wednesday, the 30th inst., a main of c.o.c.ks will be fought at Aylsham, between the gentlemen of Suffolk and the gentlemen of Norfolk, for ten guineas a battle and twenty the odd. Feeder for Suffolk, Nath. Rowen; ditto for Norfolk, Henry Seaman."


2.-Dibden gave his entertainment, "Sans Souci," at the Theatre Royal, Norwich. The performance was repeated on the succeeding evening.

Chapter 3 : 14.-Mr. William Earle Bulwer installed Provincial Grand Master of Freemasons at the Whit
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