Norfolk Annals
Chapter 5 : APRIL.9.-Henry Ford was executed at Thetford, for stealing a silver watch, coat, and jac


9.-Henry Ford was executed at Thetford, for stealing a silver watch, coat, and jacket from the person of Thomas Aylmer, of Pentney.

16.-A county meeting held at the s.h.i.+rehall, Norwich, when an address of congratulation to his Majesty, on has escape "from the late traitorous conspiracy," was moved by the Hon. Col. Wodehouse, seconded by Sir Roger Kerrison, and unanimously adopted.

26.-A rowing match took place between two crews, manning respectively two well-known Norwich boats, the Lion and the Dove. It was the only contest of the kind that had been witnessed in Norwich for nearly a quarter of a century. The course was from Carrow Abbey "to a signal post standing in Whitlingham reach, and return to Carrow, a distance of four miles." In consequence of the narrowness of the stream, "the boats started about 300 yards distant from each other, the first having to go to the place whence the last set off." The Lion won by about 80 yards in 38 minutes 40 seconds. (The number of oars not mentioned.)

27.-A public dispensary was established in Norwich. "The committee propose to recommend to the general meeting an extension of the original plan, and to connect with it inoculation for the cow-pox."


3.-Mr. William Firth was elected Steward of the Corporation of Norwich.

-The Norwich Loyal Military a.s.sociation was re-established, and 300 men entered to serve therein.

5.-An impressment took place at Yarmouth.

7.*-"Lately, was married at Ranworth, Wm. Brown, aged 80, to Elizabeth Gunton, aged 63. The bridegroom had had three wives, the bride three husbands, and the bridegroom's daughter, who attended this wedding, had also had three husbands."

14.-The friends of the Right Hon. Wm. Windham celebrated his birthday by dining at the White Swan, St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich.

15.-Found dead in his bed, Edward Baldwin, of Wereham, near Stoke Ferry.

He was a glover, aged 89, "commonly reputed 'the Almanack' of that neighbourhood, as he was remarkable for many years past for being a true prognosticator of the weather."

16.-An embargo was laid on all the s.h.i.+pping in Yarmouth Roads.

18.-The Mayor of Norwich, attended by the two Sheriffs, the city officers, and citizens, proceeded on horseback, at nine o'clock, with band playing and colours flying, from the Guildhall, to visit the boundaries of the city and county of the city of Norwich. The cavalcade went from Conesford Gate to Trowse "Eye," thence to Trowse, Lakenham, Hartford Bridge, Eaton, Earlham, h.e.l.lesdon, Mile Cross, Catton Field ("including Sir Edward Berry's house"), across Mousehold Heath to Thorpe, Trowse Newton Hall, and Bishop's Bridge. The company then returned to the Market Place, where three cheers were given and the band played "G.o.d Save the King." In the evening, the Mayor dined with a large party at the King's Head. (A similar perambulation took place in 1793.)

30.-Died, at Hardingham, aged 64, Sir Archibald d.i.c.kson, Admiral of the Blue.

31.-Thomas H. Case, of Great Fransham, formerly a private in the East Dereham or Second Troop of Yeomanry Cavalry, was charged before the Rev.

Dixon Hoste with "obstinately refusing to deliver up his arms, accoutrements, and clothing," for which he was fined 10.

-A two days' race meeting commenced at Tivetshall. "The poney races afforded excellent sport, and there was some good running between the hunters."


4.*-"This week the West Norfolk Militia marched from Thetford and Dereham to Colchester Barracks, to which place the East Norfolk have received orders to march next week."

13.-The Duke of Cambridge and suite arrived in Norwich from Yarmouth.

After changing horses and taking refreshment at the Maid's Head, they proceeded on their way to London, by Attleborough. His Royal Highness had come to Yarmouth in the Amethyst frigate, with Prince William of Gloucester, from Cuxhaven, where they narrowly escaped being made prisoners by the advance guard of the French army. The French general in Holland put an immense number of fis.h.i.+ng boats in requisition for the avowed purpose of invading England.

-The Aldermen requested the concurrence of the Common Council of Norwich to a dutiful and loyal address to his Majesty "on the present important crisis," and a motion was made for the appointment of a committee to draw up such address. It was opposed by several members of the Common Council, and on a division rejected by 29 votes to 19.

21.-Mr. John Patteson was appointed to be lieutenant-colonel, Mr. Charles Harvey, major, and Messrs. Andrew Sieley, J. H. Cole, R. Partridge, and Hammond Fiske, captains in the battalion of Norwich Volunteers.

This month a ballot took place for the Supplementary Militia. Under the Army of Reserve Act, Norfolk (including Norwich) raised 927 men.


9.-At a meeting of the deputy-lieutenants and magistrates of the county, presided over by the Marquis Townshend, the plan recommended by the Government, for establis.h.i.+ng a system of communication throughout the county and for rendering the body of the people instrumental in the general defence and preservation of property in case of invasion, was approved and adopted. The county was formed into 13 divisions, consisting of a certain number of hundreds; each division was placed under the charge of lieutenants of divisions, nominated by the Lord Lieutenant; each hundred was under a magistrate, known as an Inspector of the Hundred; and each parish under some gentleman, clergyman, or farmer, termed Superintendent of the Parish.

13.-On this day and on the 14th, William Green, bricklayer, undertook at Yarmouth, for a bet of five guineas, to lay 3,800 bricks in a workmanlike manner in 24 hours, and completed his task in 20 hours, on a new building at the Bowling Green House.

23.-Two men, named Denny and Allen, were placed in the pillory at Norwich, in accordance with sentence pa.s.sed upon them at the Quarter Sessions on July 15th, for conspiracy against Mr. F. Latham. "Over their heads was the inscription, 'False Conspirators.' Allen wept bitterly when he was put in, but Denny, with great effrontery, continued to nod and smile at the numerous spectators, until the people, by a shower of rotten eggs, and, at last, potatoes, convinced him of their detestation and abhorrence of his character and crime. This continued for about half-an-hour, when Denny, against whom all their violence was directed, appeared to faint, and by the advice of a medical man was taken out of the pillory and conducted to the gaol, where, being examined by several medical men, he was deemed to be in a fit state to be replaced on the pillory, and was carried back for that purpose, but all efforts to reinstate him there proved ineffectual, and he lay thereon till the hour was expired, amidst the execrations of the enraged mult.i.tude. When Denny was taken out the populace clamorously demanded that Allen, whose appearance excited their commiseration rather than their indignation, should be taken down. Mr. Sheriff Back immediately ascended the scaffold, and with the greatest firmness and severity expressed his determination to enforce obedience to the laws and to carry the sentence fully into execution. When the hour was expired they were taken down and removed to the Bridewell to undergo two years' imprisonment."

23.*-"All persons arrived from France and Holland and witnessed the immense preparations which are now making for the invasion of this country, express astonishment at the apathy and indifference which prevail here."

24.-This day (Sunday) the Norfolk Rangers (Yeomanry Cavalry) had a field day at Rainham Park, and subscribed 100 towards the fund inst.i.tuted by the merchants of London for the relief of persons "who may suffer in the general defence of the country."

30.*-"At a Court of the Commissioners of Sewers, concerning the repairing of sea breaches between Happisburgh and Yarmouth, the jury, after hearing read three several verdicts of former juries given in 1702, 1715, and 1742, and also, hearing several witnesses, delivered a verdict agreeable to the above, by all of which it was determined that no particular persons were bound to sustain or repair the sea walls adjoining their lands."

-*"The male part of the Norwich Company (theatrical) have agreed to enroll themselves to learn the use of arms."

-*"Messrs. Marsh and Sons, Norwich and Cambridge carriers, have within the last few days offered, for the service of the Government in case of invasion, 100 horses, 12 broad-wheel waggons, 24 men as drivers and a.s.sistants, 24 boats, amounting altogether to 200 tons burden, 6 watermen, and 9 boys, with blacksmiths, with their apparatus, tools, &c., and 2 wheelwrights, and 2 harness makers, with all necessary tools."

-Major-General Money published an address on the necessity of immediately a.s.sociating, subscribing, and arming for the defence of the county in case of invasion. It resulted in the formation of Volunteer corps in all the seaports and market towns in Norfolk.

Capt. John Harvey was this month promoted to be major of the squadron of Norwich Light Horse Volunteers.

During this month the number of poor in the Norwich Workhouse did not exceed 400, "a circ.u.mstance almost unprecedented."


6.*-"The Rev. Mr. Beloe, formerly of this city, has been appointed librarian to the British Museum."

9.-A brig was launched from Cattermoul's yard at Thorpe, near Norwich, in the presence of many hundreds of spectators. "She went off the stocks in very fine style, but when she was towing ash.o.r.e for the company on board to get off her, everyone endeavouring to get ash.o.r.e first, the weight of such a body of people, added to those on the rigging, overset her.

Nearly one hundred men, women, and children were plunged into the water, and messengers were at once sent to Norwich for medical a.s.sistance." It is somewhat remarkable that no lives were lost.

20.-The case of Mr. Cony, a ward in Chancery, came before the Court of Chancery. He was only 17 years of age, and had married Elizabeth Franklin, the daughter of an innkeeper at Downham Market, in which district he possessed a large property. The marriage took place by licence in London. The Chancellor annulled the marriage, ordering the cessation of all further intercourse between the parties, at the same time intimating that, if his orders were not strictly complied with, "he should take such steps as would prevent the possibility of their meeting."

25.-Mr. George Wyer, of Downham Market, "carried a 20 stone sack of flour one mile, leading through the town of Watton, for a wager of 230 guineas, which he performed with great ease in 18 minutes, to the astonishment of a vast number of spectators."

Active preparations commenced for the defence of the county in view of possible invasion. On the 8th several officers and non-commissioned officers of the 47th Regiment of Foot arrived in Norwich to receive the balloted men and subst.i.tutes of the Army of Reserve, the training of whom commenced next day in Chapel Field. A county meeting was held at the s.h.i.+rehall, Norwich, on the 10th, when resolutions were pa.s.sed, a.s.suring his Majesty of the readiness of the county to take defensive measures. A meeting of the inhabitants of Norwich was held at the Guildhall on the 16th, at which a subscription was opened for raising a regiment of Volunteer Infantry. Clerks attended in the porch of the Guildhall to enroll the names of the Volunteers, and the city flag was displayed from the window of the Town Clerk's office. On the following day 702 men had offered themselves, and by, the 20th, the number had increased to 1,085, and the public subscription exceeded 3,000, of which 500 was given by the Corporation. On the 26th the regiment was formed, 800 strong, under Lieut.-Col. Harvey (commanding), Lieut.-Col. Plumptre, and Major Sigismund Trafford. The public subscription then amounted to 6,400. A Rifle Corps was also formed, with Mr. R. M. Bacon as captain.

At Yarmouth, 500 persons enrolled themselves, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Wm. Gould. On the 27th, it was announced that the number of Volunteers in the county enabled the Lord Lieutenant to suspend the compulsory clauses of the Defence Act. The total number was about 7,300.

The Government purchased some properties in Norwich to be converted into temporary barracks for the reception of 800 infantry.


Chapter 5 : APRIL.9.-Henry Ford was executed at Thetford, for stealing a silver watch, coat, and jac
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