Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 21 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 229.][Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 230.][Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 231.][Il

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 229.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 230.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 231.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 232.]

To compare the motions of the respective rollers along the line of motion A A we proceed as in Fig. 232, in which the two dots M and N are the same distance apart as are the centres of the two rollers B and C when in the positions they occupy in Fig. 228; hence a pair of set to the radius from the axis of the cam to that of roller B will, if rested at N, strike the arc marked 1 above the line of motion A A, while a pair of set to the radius from the axis of the cam to that of roller C in Fig. 228 will, if rested at M in Fig. 232, mark the arc 1 below the line of motion A A. Continuing this process, we set the to the radius from the axis of the cam to that of roller B in Fig. 229, and mark this radius at arc 2 above the line A A in Fig. 232; hence the distance apart of these two arcs is the amount the roller travelled along the line A A while the cam moved from its position in Fig. 228 to its position in Fig. 229. Next we set the from the axis of the cam to that of the large roller in Fig. 230, and then mark arc 3 above the line in Fig. 232, and repeat the process for Fig. 233, thus using the centre N for all the positions of the large roller and marking its motion above the line A A. To get the motion of the small roller C, we set the to the radius from the axis of the cam to the small roller in Fig. 228, and then resting one point of these on centre M in Fig. 232, we mark arc 1 below the line A A.

Turning to Fig. 229 we set the from the cam axis to the centre of roller C, and from centre N in Fig. 232 mark arc 2 below line A. From Figs. 230 and 231 proceed in the same way to get lines 3 and 4 below line A in Fig. 232, and we may at once compare the two motions. Thus we find that while the cam moved from the position in Fig. 228 to that in Fig. 229, the large roller moved twice as far as the small one, while at 230 the motions were rapidly equalizing again, the equalization being completed at 231.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 233.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 234.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 235.]

We may now consider the return motion, and in Fig. 233 we find that the order of things is reversed, for the small roller has contact at O, while the large one has contact at P; hence the small one leads and gives the most rapid motion, which it continues to do, as is shown in Figs. 234, 235, and 236, and we may plot out the two motions as in Fig.

237--that for the large roller being above and that for the small one below the line A A. First we set a pair of to the radius from the axis of the large and small roller when in the position shown in Fig. 231 (which corresponds to the same radius in Fig. 228), and mark two centres, M and N, as we did in Fig. 232. Of these N is the centre for plotting the motion of the large roller and M the centre for plotting the motion of the small one. We set a pair of to the radius from the axis of the cam and that of the large roller in Fig.

231, and then resting the at N we mark arc 5 above the line A A, Fig. 237. The are then set from the cam to the roller axis in Fig. 233, and arc 6 is marked above line A A. From Figs. 234, 235, and 236 we get the radii to mark arcs 7, 8, 9 above A A, and the motion of the large roller is plotted. We proceed in the same way for the small one, but use the centre M, Fig. 237, to mark the arcs 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 below the line A A, and find that the small roller has moved quickest throughout. It appears, then, that the larger the roller the quicker the forward motion and the slower the return one, which is advantageous, because the object is to move the roller out quickly and close it slowly, so that under a quick speed the cam shall not run away from the roller as it is apt to do in the absence of a return or backing cam, which consists of a separate cam for moving the roller on its return stroke, thus dispensing with the use of springs or weights to keep the roller upon the cam and making the motion positive.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 236.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 237.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 238.]

The return or backing cam obviously depends for its shape upon the forward cam, and the latter having been determined, the requisite form for the return cam may be found as follows. In Fig. 238 let A represent the forward cam fastened in any suitable or convenient way to a disc of paper, or, what is better, sheet zinc, B. The cam is pivoted by a pin pa.s.sing through it and the zinc, and driven into the drawing-board. A frame F is made to carry two rollers R and R', whose width apart exactly equals the extreme length of the forward cam. The faces D D of the frame F are in a line with a line pa.s.sing through the centres of the rolls R R', and the cam is also pivoted on this line, so that when the four pins P are driven into the drawing-board, the frame F will be guided by them to move in a line that crosses the centre of the cam A. Suppose then that, the pieces occupying the position shown in the engraving, we slide F so that roller R touches the edge of cam A, and we may then take a needle and mark an arc or line around the edge of R'. We then revolve cam A a trifle, and, being fast to B, the two will move together, and with R against A we mark a second arc, coincident with the edge of roller R'. By continuing this process we mark the numerous short arcs shown upon B, and the crowns of these arcs give us the outline of the return cam. It is obvious that, while the edge of the cam A will not let roller R (and therefore frame F) move to the right, roller R' being against the edge of the backing or return cam as marked upon B, prevents the frame F from moving to the left; hence neither roll can leave its cam.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 239.]

We have in this example supposed that the frame carrying the rollers is guided to move in a straight line, and it remains to give an example in which the rollers are carried on a pivoted shaft or rocking arm. In Fig.

239 we have the same cam A with a sheet of paper B fastened to it, the rollers R R' being carried in a rock shaft pivoted at X. It is essential in this case that the rollers R and R' and the centre upon which the cam revolves shall all three be in the arc of a circle whose centre is the axis of X, as is denoted by the arc D. The cam A is fastened to the piece of stiff paper or of sheet zinc B, and the two are pivoted by a pin pa.s.sing through the axis E of the cam and into the drawing-board, while the lever is pivoted at X by a pin pa.s.sing into the drawing-board.

The backing or return cam is obviously marked out the same way as was described with reference to Fig. 238.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 240.]

In Fig. 240 we have as an example the construction of a cam to operate the slide valve of an engine which is to have the steam supply to the cylinder cut off at one-half the piston stroke, and that will admit the live steam as quickly as a valve having steam lap equal to, say, three-fourths the width of the port. In Fig. 240 let the line A represent a piston stroke of 24 inches, the outer circle B the path of the outer edge of the cam, and the inner circle C the inner edge of the cam, the radius between these circles representing the full width of the steam port. Now, in a valve having lap equal to three-fourths the width of the steam port, and travel enough to open both ports fully, the piston of a 24-inch-stroke engine will have moved about 2 inches before the steam port is fully opened, and to construct a cam that will effect the same movement we mark a dot D, distant from the end E of piston stroke 2/26 of the length of the line A, and by erecting the line F we get at point G, the point at which the cam must attain its greatest throw. It is obvious, therefore, that as the roller is at R the valve will be in mid-position, as shown at the bottom of the figure, and that when point G of the cam arrives at E the edge P of the valve will be moved fair with edge S of the steam port T, which will therefore be full open. To cut off at half stroke the valve must again be closed by the time point N of the cam meets the roller R; hence we may mark point N.

We may then mark in the cam curve from N to M, making it as short as it will work properly without causing the roller to fail to follow the curve or strike a blow when reaching the circle C. To accomplish this end in a single cam, it is essential to make the curve as gradual as possible from point M to O, so as to start the roller motion easily. But once having fairly started, its motion may be rapidly accelerated, the descent from O to Q being rapid. To prevent the roller from meeting circle C with a blow, the curve from Q to N is again made gradual, so as to ease and r.e.t.a.r.d the roller motion. The same remarks apply to the curve from R to G, the object being to cause the roller to begin and end its pa.s.sage along the cam curve as slowly as the length of cam edge occupied by the curve will permit. There is one objection to starting the curve slowly at G, which is that the port S will be opened correspondingly slowly for the live steam. This, however, may be overcome by giving the valve an increased travel, as shown in Fig. 241, which will simply cause the valve edge to travel to a corresponding amount over the inside edge of the port. The increased travel is shown by the circles Y and Z, and it is seen that the cam curve from W to R is more gradual than in Fig. 240, while the roller R will be moved much more quickly in the position shown in Fig. 241 than it will in that shown in Fig. 240, both positions being that when the piston is at the end of the stroke and the port about to open. While that part of the cam curve from G to M in Fig. 241 is moving past the roller R, the valve will be moving over the bridge, the steam port remaining wide open, and therefore not affecting the steam distribution. After point M, Fig. 241, has pa.s.sed the roller, we have from M to T to start the roller gradually, so that when it has arrived at T and the port begins to close for the cut-off it may move rapidly, and continue to do so until the point N reaches the roller and the cut-off has occurred, after which it does not matter how slowly the valve moves; hence we may make the curve from N to the circle Y as gradual as we like.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 241.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 242.]

Fig. 242 represents a cam for a valve having the amount of lap represented by the distance between circles C and Y, the cam occupying the position it would do with the piston at one end of the stroke, as at E. Obviously, a full port is obtained when point G reaches the roller, and as point N is distant from E three-quarters of the diameter of the outer circle, the cut-off occurs at three-quarter stroke, and we have from N to Y to make the curve as gradual as we like, and from W to R in moving the valve to open the port. We cannot, however, give more gradual curves at G and at M without r.e.t.a.r.ding the roller motion, and therefore opening and closing the port slower, and it would simply be a matter of increase of speed to cause the roller to fail to follow the cam surface at these two points unless a return cam be employed.

We have in these engine cams considered the steam supply and point of cut-off only, and it is obvious that a second and separate cam would be required to operate the exhaust valves.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 243.]

Fig. 243 represents a groove-cam, and it is to be observed that the roller cannot be maintained in a close fit in the groove, because the friction on its two sides endeavours to drive it in opposite directions at the same time, causing an abrasion that soon widens the groove and reduces the roller diameter; furthermore, when the grooves are made of equal width all the way down (and these cams are often made in this way) the roller cannot have a rolling action only, but must have some sliding motion. Thus, referring to Fig. 243, the amount of sliding motion will be equal to the differences in the circ.u.mferences of the outer circle A and the inner one B. To obviate this the groove and roller must be made of such a taper that the axis of the cam and of the roller will meet on the line of the cam axes and in the middle of the width, as is shown in Fig. 244; but even in this case the cam will grind away the roller to some extent, on account of rubbing its sides in opposite directions. To obviate this, Mr. James Brady, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has patented the use of two rollers, as in Fig. 245, one acting against one side and the other against the other side of the groove, by which means lost motion and rapid wear are successfully avoided.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 244.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 245.]

In making a cam of this form, the body of the cam is covered by a sleeve. The groove is cut through the sleeve and into the body, and is made wider than the diameter of the roller. When the rollers are in place on the spindle or journal, the sleeve is pushed forward, or rather endways, and fastened by a set-screw. This gives the desired bearing on both sides of the groove, while each roller touches one side only of the groove. The edges of the sleeve are then faced off even with the cam body, the whole appearing as in the figure.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _VOL. I._ =FORMS OF SCREW THREADS.= _PLATE II._


Fig. 246.


Fig. 247.


Fig. 248.


Fig. 249.


Fig. 250.


Fig. 251.


Fig. 252.


Fig. 253.


Fig. 254.]

Chapter 21 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 229.][Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 230.][Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 231.][Il
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