Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 48 : By continuing the table for other pitches we shall find that in the first vertical colu

By continuing the table for other pitches we shall find that in the first vertical column the denominators diminish by 4, the second column by 5, and the third by 6; and it is seen that by diminis.h.i.+ng the pitch of the lead screw, we have rendered necessary one of two things, which is, that either larger wheels containing more teeth must be used, or the change gears must be compounded.

a.s.suming that the pitch of the lead screw was 5 per inch, the table would be as follows:--

5 15 20 25 -- 3 = -- -- -- 18 54 72 90

5 15 20 25 -- " -- -- -- 17 51 68 85

5 15 20 25 -- " -- -- -- 16 48 64 80

The wheels in the first column here decrease by 3, the second by 4, and the third by 5.

In nearly all lathes the advance or decrease is by 4 or by 6. In determining this rate of advance or decrease, there are several elements, among which are the following. Suppose the lathe to be geared without compounding, then the distance between the lathe spindle and the lead screw will determine what shall be the diameters of the largest and of the smallest wheel in the set, it being understood that the smallest wheel must not contain less than 12 teeth. a.s.sume that in a given case the distance is 10 inches, and it is obvious that the pitch of the teeth at once commands consideration, because the finer the pitch the smaller the wheel that will contain 12 teeth, and the larger the wheel on the lead screw may be made. Of course the pitch must be coa.r.s.e enough to give the required tooth strength.

Let it be supposed that the arc pitch is 3/4-inch, then the pitch circ.u.mference of a 12-toothed wheel would be 9 inches and its radius 1.432 in.; this subtracted from the 10 leaves 8.568 in. as the radius, or 17.136 in. as the largest diameter of wheel that can be used on the lead screw, supposing there to be no intermediate gears. Now a wheel of this diameter would be capable of containing more than 75 teeth, but less than 76. But from the foregoing tables it will be seen that it should contain a number of teeth divisible either by 4 or by 6 without leaving a remainder, and what that number should be is easily determined by means of a table constructed as before explained. Thus from the tables it would be found that 72 teeth would be best for a lead screw having a pitch of either 8, 6, 5, or 3 threads per inch, and the screw-cutting capacity of the lathe would (unless compounded) be confined to such pitches as may be cut with wheels containing between 12 and 72 teeth both inclusive.

But a.s.sume that an arc pitch of 3/8-inch be used for the wheel teeth, and we have as follows: A wheel of this pitch and containing 12 teeth will have a radius of 7-16/1000 inches, leaving 9.284 in. as the radius of the largest wheel, a.s.suming it to gear direct with the 12-tooth pinion. With this radius it would contain 155 teeth and a fraction of a tooth; we must, therefore, take some less number, and from what has been said, it will be obvious that this lesser number should be one divisible by either 4 or 6. If made divisible by 6, the number will be 150, because that is the highest number less than 155 that is divisible by 6 without leaving a remainder. But if made divisible by 4, it may contain 152 teeth, because that number is divisible by 4 without leaving a remainder. With 150 teeth the latter could cut a thread 12-1/2 times as fine as the lead screw, because the largest wheel contains 12-1/2 times as many teeth as the smallest one; or it would cut a thread 12-1/2 times as coa.r.s.e as the lead screw, if the largest wheel be placed on the mandril and the smallest on the lead screw. With 152 teeth the lathe would be able to cut a thread 12-84/100 times as fine or as coa.r.s.e as the lead screw. Unless, however, the lathe be required to cut fractional pitches, it is unnecessary that the largest wheel have more teeth than divisible, without leaving a remainder, by the number of teeth in the smallest wheel, which being 12 we have 144 as the number of teeth for the largest wheel. In the United States standard pitches of thread, however, there are several pitches in fractions of an inch, hence it is desirable to have wheels that will cut these pitches.

LATHE SHEARS OR BEDS.--The forms of the shears and beds may be cla.s.sified as follows.

The term shear is generally applied when the lathe is provided with legs, while the term bed is used when there are no legs; it may be noted, however, that by some workmen the two terms of _shear_ and _bed_ are used indiscriminately.

The forms of shears in use on common lathes are, in the United States, the raised [V], the flat shear and the shear, with the edge at an angle of 90 or with parallel edges. In England and on the continent of Europe, the flat shear is almost exclusively employed.

Referring to the raised [V] it possesses an important advantage in that, first, the slide rest does not get loosely guided from the wear; and second, the wear is in the direction that least affects the diameter of the work.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 621.]

In Fig. 621, for example, is a section of a lathe shear, with a slide rest shown in place, and it will be observed that the wear of the [V]

upon the lathe bed, and of the [V]-groove in the slide rest, will cause the rest to fall in the direction of arrow A, and that a given amount of motion in that direction will have less effect in altering the diameter than it would in any other direction. This is shown on the right hand of the figure as follows: Suppose the cutting point of the tool is at _a_, and the work will be of the diameter shown by the full circle in the figure. If we suppose the tool point to drop down to _f_, the work would be turned to the diameter denoted by dotted arc _g_, while if the tool were moved outwards from _a_ to _c_ the work would be turned to the diameter _e_. Now since _f_ and _c_ are equidistant from the point _a_, therefore the difference in the diameters of _e_ and _g_ represents the difference of effect between the wear letting the rest merely fall, or moving it outwards, and it follows that, as already stated, the diameter of the work is less affected by a given amount of wear, when this wear is in the direction of A, than when it is in the direction of B. When the carriage is held down by a weight as is shown in Figs. 577 and 578, there is therefore no lost motion or play in the carriage, which therefore moves steadily upon the shears, unless the pressure of the cut is sufficient in amount, and also in a direction to lift the carriage (as it is in the case of boring with boring tools); but to enable the carriage to remain firm upon the shears under all conditions, it is necessary to provide means to hold it down upon the [V]s, which is done by means of gibs G, G, which are secured to the carriage, and fit against the bottom of the bed f.l.a.n.g.e as shown.

Now since lathes are generally used much more frequently on short than on long work, therefore the carriage traverses one part of the shears more than another, and the [V]s wear more at the part most traversed, and it follows that if gibs G are set to slide properly at some parts they will not be properly set at another or other parts of the length of the shears; hence the carriage will in some parts have liberty to move from the bed, there being nothing but the weight of the carriage, &c., to hold it down to the [V]s. Now, the wear in the direction of A acts directly to cause this inequality of gib fit, whereas that in the direction of B does so to a less extent, as will appear hereafter.

Meantime it may be noted that when the carriage is held down by a suspended weight the shears cannot be provided with cross girts, and are therefore less rigid and more subject to torsion under the strain of the cut; furthermore the amount of the weight must be sufficient to hold the carriage down under the maximum of cut, and this weight acts continuously to wear the [V]s, whether the carriage is under cutting duty or not, but the advantage of keeping the carriage firmly down upon the [V]s is sufficiently great to cause many to prefer the weighted carriage for light work driven between the lathe centres.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 622.]

Fig. 622 represents the flat shear, the edges being at an angle and the fit of the carriage to the shears being adjusted by the gibs at _a_ _a_, which are set up by bolts _c_ _c_ and _d_ _d_. In this case there is a large amount of wearing surface at _b_ _b_, to prevent the fall of the carriage _c_, but the amount of end motion (in the direction of B, Fig.

621), permitted to the carriage by reason of the wear of the gibs and shear edges, is greater than the amount of the wear because of the edges being at an angle. It is true that the amount of fall of the carriage on the raised [V] is also (on account of the angle of the [V]) greater than the actual amount of the wear, but the effect upon the work diameter is in this case much greater, as will be readily understood from what has already been said. The wearing surface of the raised [V] may obviously be increased by providing broader [V]s, or two [V]s instead of having four. This would tend to keep the lathe in line, because the wear due to moving the tailblock would act upon those parts of the shear length that are less acted upon by the carriage, and since the front journal and bearing of the live spindle wear the most, the alignment of the lathe centres would be more nearly preserved.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 623.]

Fig. 623 represents another form of parallel edged shears in which the fit of the carriage to the shears is effected at the front end only, the other or back edge being clear of contact with the carriage, but provided with a gib to prevent the carriage from lifting. This allows for any difference in expansion and contraction between the carriage and the shears, while maintaining the fit of the carriage to the bed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 624.]

A modification of this form (both these forms being taken from "Mechanics") is shown in Fig. 624, in which the underneath side of the front edge is beveled so that but one row of screws is required to effect the adjustment.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 625.]

Fig. 625 represents a form of bed in which the fit adjustment is also made at the front end only of the bed, and there is a f.l.a.n.g.e or slip at _a_, which receives the thrust outwards of the carriage; and a similar design, but with a bevelled edge, is shown in Fig. 626.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 626.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 627.]

In Fig. 627 is shown a lathe shear with parallel edges, the fit being adjusted by a single gib D, set up by set-screws S. In this case the carriage will fall or move endwise, to an amount equal to whatever the amount of the wear may be, and no more, but it may be observed that in all the forms that admit of wear endways (that is to say in the direction of B in Fig. 621), the straightness of the shears is impaired in proportion as its edges are more worn at one part than at another.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 628.]

A compromise between the flat and the raised [V]-shear is shown in Fig.

628, there being a [V]-guide on one side only, as at J. When the carriage is moved by mechanism on the front side of the lathe, and close to the [V], this plan may be used, but if the feed screw or other mechanism for traversing the carriage is within the two shears, the carriage should be guided at each end, or if the operating mechanism is at the back of the lathe, the carriage should be guided at the back end, if not at both ends.

In flat shear lathes the tailstock is fitted between the inside edges of the two shears, and the alignment of the tailstock depends upon maintaining a proper fit notwithstanding the wear that will naturally take place in time. The inside edges of the shears are sometimes tapered; this taper makes it much easier to obtain a correct fit of the tailstock to the shears, but at the same time more hard to move the tailstock along the bed. To remedy this difficulty, rollers are sometimes mounted upon eccentrics having journal bearing in the tailstock, so that by operating these eccentrics one half a turn, the rollers will be brought down upon the upper face of the shears, lifting the tailstock and enabling it to be easily moved along the bed to its required position.

In many of the watchmakers' lathes the outer edges are beveled off as in Fig. 629, the bearing surfaces being on the faces _b_ as well as on the edges _a_. As a result, edges _a_ are relieved of weight, and therefore to some extent of wear also, and whatever wear faces _b_ have helps the fit at _a_ _a_.

In the Barnes lathe, as in several other forms in which the lathe is made (as, for example, in screw-making lathes) the form of bed in Fig.

630 is employed. The tailblock may rest on the surfaces A, A', B, C, D, and E, or as in the Barnes lathe the tailstock may fit to angles A B, but not to E D, while the carriage fits to B E, and C D, but not to A, the intention being to equalize the wear as much as possible.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 629.]

The shears of lathes require to be as rigid as possible, because the pressure of the cut, as well as the weight of the carriage, slide rest, and tailstock, and of the work, tends to bend and twist them.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 630.]

The pressure of the dead centre against the end of the work considered individually, is in a direction to bend the lathe shears upward, but the weight of the work itself acts in an opposite direction.

The strain due to the cut falls in a direction variable with the shape of the cutting tool, but mainly in a direction towards the operator, and, therefore, tending to twist the shears. To resist these strains, lathe shears are usually given the [I] form shown in the cuts.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 631.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 632.]

Figs. 631 and 632 represent the ribbing in the Putnam Tool Company's lathe; a middle rib running the entire length, which greatly stiffens it.

The legs supporting lathe shears are, in lathes of ordinary length, placed at each end of the bed, so that the weight of the two heads, that of the work, and that of the carriage and slide rest, as well as the downward pressure of the cut, act combined to cause it to deflect or bend. It is necessary, therefore, in long beds to provide intermediate resting or supporting points to prevent this deflection.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 633.]

Professor Sweet has pointed out that a lathe shears will be more truly supported on three than on four resting points, if the foundation on which the legs rest do not remain permanently level, and in lathes designed by him has given the right-hand end of the shears a single supporting point, as shown at _a_ in Fig. 633.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 634.]

J. Richards in an article in "Engineering," has pointed out also that, when the lathe legs rest upon a floor that is liable from moving loads upon it to move its level, it is preferable that the legs be shaped as in Fig. 634, being narrowest at the foot, whereas when upon a permanent foundation, in which the foundation is intended to impart rigidity to the legs, they should be broader at the base, as in Fig. 635.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 635.]

The rack on a lathe bed should be a cut one, and not simply a cast one, because when a cutting tool is running up to a corner as against a radial face, the self-acting motion must be stopped and the tool fed into the corner by hand. As a very delicate tool movement is required to cut the corner out just square, it should be capable of easy and steady movement, but in the case of cast racks, the rest will, from defects in the rack teeth, move in little jumps, especially if the pitch of the teeth be coa.r.s.e. On the other hand it is difficult to cast fine pitches of teeth perfectly, hence the racks as well as the gear teeth should be cut gear and of fine pitch.

Chapter 48 : By continuing the table for other pitches we shall find that in the first vertical colu
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