Modern Machine-Shop Practice
Chapter 63 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 870.]This could be held as shown in Fig. 869, in which C is the

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 870.]

This could be held as shown in Fig. 869, in which C is the chuck plate, W the work, S a strap plate, and B, B are bolts and nuts, a face view of the work already chucked being shown in Fig. 870. The surface of the work being bolted direct against the face of the chuck plate will be held true to that face, and all that is necessary is to set it true concentrically. While performing this setting, the work should not be bolted too firmly, but just firm enough to permit of its being moved on the chuck plate by light blows, the final tightening of the clamps being effected after the work is set true. The bolts should be tightened upon the work equally, otherwise one end of the plate will grip the work firmly, while the other being comparatively slack, the work will be apt to move under the pressure of a heavy cut.

A form of strap not unusually employed for work chucked in this manner is shown in Fig. 871, its advantage being that it is capable of more adjustment about the chuck plate, because the slots afford a greater range for the bolts to come even with the holes in the chuck plate.

If the work be light, it may be held to the face plate while the holding or clamping plates are applied as shown in Fig. 872, in which F is the face plate or chuck plate, W the work, P a plate of iron, D a rod, and C the back lathe centre. The latter is forced out by the hand wheel of the tailstock with sufficient force to hold the work by friction while the bolts and plates are applied. It is obvious, however, that if the work has no hole in its centre, the plate P may be dispensed with, and that if a strap plate, such as shown in Fig. 871, be employed, it must first be hung on the tail spindle so that it may be pa.s.sed over the rod D to the work. Strap plates are suitable for work not exceeding about 6 inches in diameter. For larger work, bolts and plates are used, as shown, for example, in Fig. 873, which represents a piece of work W held to the chuck plate by plates P and bolts B, there being at E E packing pieces or pieces of iron to support those ends of the clamps or clamping plates P. It is necessary that these packing pieces E be of such a height as to cause the plates P to stand parallel to the face of the chuck for the following reasons:--

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 871.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 872.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 873.]

Suppose that in Fig. 874, W is a piece of work clamped to the chuck plate, and that packing piece E is too high, and packing piece E' is too low, as shown, both pieces throwing the plates P out of level, then in setting the hole in the work to run true it will be found difficult to move it in the direction of the arrow, because moving it in that direction acts to force it farther under plate P', and therefore, to tighten its nut. In the case of plate P, the packing piece E will be gripped by the plate more firmly than the work is, which will be held too loosely, receiving so little of the plate pressure as to be liable to move under the pressure of the tool cut. It is better, however, that the packing piece be slightly above, rather than below the level of the work surface. The position of the plates with relation to the work should be such as to drive rather than to pull it, which is accomplished in narrow work by placing them as in Fig. 873.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 874.]

The position of the bolts should be as close as possible or convenient to the work, because in that case a larger proportion of its pressure falls upon the work than upon the packing piece. For the same reason, the packing piece should be placed at the end of the plates. This explains one reason why it is preferable that the packing piece be slightly above rather than below the level of the work surface, because, the bolt being nearer to the work than to the packing piece, will offset in its increased pressure on the work the tendency of the packing piece to take the most bolt pressure on account of standing the highest.

If a packing piece of the necessary height be not at hand, two or more pieces may be used, one being placed upon the other. Another plan is to bend the end of the clamping plate around, as in Fig. 875, in which case a less number of packing pieces will be required, or, in case the part bent around is of the right length or height, packing pieces may be dispensed with altogether. This is desirable because it is somewhat difficult to hold simultaneously the plate in its proper position and the packing pieces in place while the nut is screwed up, there being too many operations for the operator's two hands. To facilitate this handling, the nuts upon the bolts should not be a tight fit, because, in that case, the bolt will turn around in the bolt holes or slot of the chuck, requiring a wrench to hold the head of the bolt while the nut is screwed up, which, with holding the plate, would be more than one operator could perform. If the holes in the chuck plate are square, as they should be, the bolt may be made square under the head, as in Fig.

876 at A, which will prevent it from turning in the hole. This, however, necessitates that the head of the bolt be placed at the back of the chuck, the nut end of the bolt being on the work side, which is permissible providing that the bolt is not too long, for in that case the end of the bolt projecting beyond the nut would prevent the slide rest from traversing close up to the work, which would necessitate that the cutting tools stand farther out from the slide rest, which is always undesirable. Bolts that are not square under the head should, therefore, be placed with the head in the work side of the chuck plate, because it is of little consequence if the bolt ends project beyond the nuts at the back of the chuck plate.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 875.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 876.]

The heads of the bolts should be of larger diameter than the nuts, because the increased area under the head will tend to prevent the bolt from turning when the nut is screwed up.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 877.]

It sometimes happens that a projection on the work prevents the surface that should go against the surface of the chuck plate from meeting the latter. In this case, what are known as parallel pieces are employed.

These are pieces of metal, such as shown in Fig. 877, the thickness A varying from the width B so as to be suitable for work requiring to stand at different distances from the chuck plate surface, it being always desirable to have the work held as near as possible to the chuck plate so that it may not overhang the live spindle bearings any more than necessary.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 878.]

An example of chucking with bolts and plates and with parallel pieces is given in Fig. 878, in which the work has projections _a_, _a_ and _b_, _b_, which prevent it going against the face of the chuck; E, E are the parallel pieces which, being of equal thickness, hold the inside face of the work parallel to the chuck face.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 879.]

Another example of the employment of parallel pieces is shown in Fig.

879, which represents a connecting rod strap with its in place, and chucked to be bored. B is a small block of iron inserted so that the key may bind the in the strap and P P is one parallel piece, the other being hidden beneath the key and gib. The object in this case is to chuck the true with the face A of the strap, the plates S being placed directly above or over the parallel pieces. This is a point requiring the strictest attention, for otherwise the pressure of the clamping plates will bend both the work and the chuck plate.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 880.]

In Fig. 880, for example, the parallel pieces being placed at _p_, _p_, and the clamping plates at P, P, the pressure of the latter will bend the work as denoted by the dotted lines, and the chuck plate in the opposite direction, and in this case the work being weaker than the chuck plate will bend the most.

As a result the face of the work will not be true when released from the pressure of the bolts and nuts holding it. Parallel pieces should therefore always be placed directly beneath the clamping plates, especially in the case of light work, because if they be but an inch away the work will be bent, or spring as it is termed, from the holding plate pressure. In very large work the want of truth thus induced would be practically discernible, even though the work be quite thick, as, say, three inches, if the parallel pieces were as much as, say, 6 inches from the holding plates.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 881.]

Fig. 881 shows an example of chucking by means of parallel strips in conjunction with parallel pieces. B, B are a pair of clamped by the strips S, S, which are bolted together by the bolts A, A; P, P are the parallel pieces.

The strips being thus held parallel to the surface of the chuck plate, all that is necessary is to set the of the work fair against the surface of the strips and true with the dotted circle, and the bra.s.s bore will be bored at a true right angle to the inside face of the f.l.a.n.g.e. If the inside face of the was true, the parallel pieces might be omitted, but this is rarely the case.

An excellent example of bolt and plate chucking is given in a heavy ring of, say, three feet diameter, and 5 or 6 inches cross section, requiring to be turned quite true, and of equal thickness all over. This job may be chucked in three different ways; for example, in Fig. 882, A, B, C, D are four-chucking dogs, so holding the work that its two radial faces and outside diameter may be turned. This being done, four more dogs may be placed to grip the diameter of the work, and the inside ones may then be removed and the bore turned out. In this way the work would not be unchucked until finished. There is danger, however, that the dogs applied outside may spring the work out of true, in which case it would require setting by a pointer in the slide rest.

Another plan would be to hold the work by dogs applied on the outside, and turn the bore and both of the faces. To these fasten four plates on the chuck plate, and turn their ends to the size of the bore and place the work on them, as in Fig. 883, in which A, B, C, D are the four plates, and are clamping plates. This plan is often employed, but it is not a desirable one in heavy work, because the weight of the work is quite apt to move the plates during its setting. A better plan than either of these is to first turn off one face and then turn the work around in the lathe and hold it as in Fig. 884. The bore may then be turned, and all that part of the face not covered by the plates. Four holding plates must then be applied with the bolts within the bore, and when screwed firmly down the outside plates may be removed, leaving the work free to have the remainder of its face and its circ.u.mference turned up. In this way the work may be turned more true than by either of the two previously described methods, because it has no opportunity to move or become out of true.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 882.]

Cylindrical work to be chucked with its axis parallel to the face plate is chucked by wood workers as shown in Fig. 885, in which B, B are two blocks screwed to the chuck C, and having [V]s in to receive the work as shown; the work is held to the blocks B, by means of the straps S, S, which are held to B, B by screws. An example of a different cla.s.s of chucking by bolts and clamps may be given in the engine crank. A common method of chucking such a crank is to level the surface of the crank in a planing machine, and to hold that surface to the chuck-plate by bolts and plates, while boring both the holes, merely reversing the crank end for end for the second chucking.

This method has several inherent defects, especially in the case of large cranks. First, it is a difficult matter to maintain large chuck plates quite true, and as a result by this method of chucking any want of truth in the surface of the chuck will be doubled in the want of parallelism in the bores of the crank.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 883.]

Suppose, for example, that the chuck surface is either slightly hollow or rounding as tested with a straight-edge placed across its face, then the axial line of the hole bored in the crank will not be at a true right angle with the planed surface of the crank. When the crank is turned end for end on the chuck-plate and again bolted with its plain surface against the surface of the chuck, the second hole bored will again not stand at a true right angle to the planed surface, and furthermore the error in one hole will be in a directly opposite direction to that of the other hole, so that the error in the crank will be double the amount that it is on the chuck surface. To this it may be answered that if such an error is known to exist it may be corrected by placing a piece of paper of the requisite thickness at the necessary end of the crank for both chuckings. But this necessitates testing the chuck on each occasion of using it, and the selection of a sheet of paper of the exact proper thickness, which is labor thrown away so long as an equally easy and more true way of chucking can be found. Furthermore there is a second and more important element than want of truth in the chuck to be found, which is that of the alteration of form which occurs in the crank (as each part of its surface is cut away) as explained in the remarks with which the subject of chucking is prefaced.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 884.]

First, the planed surface of the crank will alter in truth so soon as the crank is released from the pressure of the holding devices on the planer or planing machine; second, that surface will again alter in form and truth from the removal of the metal around the surface of the hole first bored; and third, the planed surface will be _to some extent_ sprung from the pressure of the plates holding the crank to the chuck plate, hence the following method is far preferable.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 885.]

If it is intended to plane the back surface of the crank let that be done first as before, and let it be held to the face-plate by bolts and plates as before, while the hole and its radial face at the large end of the crank are turned and finished. In doing this, however, first rough out the radial face, and then rough out the hole, so that if the work alters in form a fine finis.h.i.+ng cut on both the radial face and the bore will correct the evil. Then release the crank from the pressure of the holding plates; and it is obvious that however the planed surface may have altered in truth from removing the surface metal, the radial face just turned will be true with the bore turned at the same chucking. Now to chuck the crank to bore the second hole, turn it end for end as in Fig. 886, and bolt the face already turned to the chuck plate (as at A in the figure) with one or more bolts and strap plates. To steady the other end of the crank, and prevent it from moving under the pressure of the cut, take two bolts and plates B, and place a washer between them and the chuck surface as shown at C, then bolt the plates to the chuck plate, so adjusting them that their ends just have contact with the crank when it is set true. In setting it true it may be moved by striking the outer ends of the plates.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 886.]

In this method of chucking, we have the following advantages:--

1st. If the chuck plate is not true we may place a piece of paper beneath the crank surface A, to correct the error as in the former method, or if this is neglected, the second hole bored will be out of true to an amount answerable to the want of truth in the chuck, and not to twice as much as in the former method.

2nd. Any alteration of form that may take place during the first chucking does not affect the truth of the second chucking as in the other case.

3rd. The crank being suspended during the second chucking, any alteration of form that may accompany the boring of the second hole will be corrected by the finis.h.i.+ng cut, hence the crank will be bored with its two holes as axially true as they can be produced in the lathe.

It now remains to explain the uses of the pieces W in Fig. 886, simply weights termed counterbalances bolted to the chuck plate to balance it against the overhanging weight of the crank on one side of the chuck plate. If these weights are omitted the holes in the work will be bored oval, because the centrifugal force generated by the revolution of the work will take up any lost motion there may be between the cone spindle journal and its bearings, or if there be no such lost motion the centrifugal force will in many cases be sufficient to spring the cone spindle.

In selecting these weights it is well to have them as nearly as possible heavy enough to counterbalance the work when placed at the same distance from the lathe centre as the outer end of the work. The proper adjustment of the weight is ascertained by revolving the lathe and letting it slowly come to rest, when, if the outer end, or overhanging end as it termed, of the work comes to rest at the bottom of the circle of revolution on two or three successive trials the weight of the counterbalance must be increased by the addition of another weight, or the weight may be moved farther from the lathe centre.

To enable a piece of work, such as a crank for example, to have two or more holes bored at one chucking, a cla.s.s of chuck such as shown in Fig.

887 is sometimes employed. S is a slide in one piece with the hub that screws on the live spindle and standing at a true right angle with the axial line of the cone spindle and made as long as will swing over the lathe bed. It contains a dovetail groove (as shown in the edge view) into which a bar _t_, running across the back of the face plate P, To cause the bar _t_ to accurately fit the dovetail, notwithstanding any wear of the surfaces, a slip G is introduced, being set up to _t_ by set-screws pa.s.sing through that side of the dovetailed piece. The work, as the crank C, is bolted to the face plate, and the set-screws on G are eased so that the plate can be moved to set the work true; when true, the set-screws are tightened, and the first hole may be bored. To bore the second hole all that is necessary is to slacken the set-screws on G, move the plate, which will slide in the dovetail groove, and set the work; when the set-screws are again set up tight, the boring may again be proceeded with. In this way both holes may be bored without unclamping the work. The whole truth of the job, _before being unclamped from the chuck plate_, depends in this case upon the dovetail groove being at a true right angle to the axial line of the lathe cone spindle, it being of no consequence whether the face plate stands true or not. But suppose the removal of the metal to have released strains in the casting or forging, then the clamping plates will have prevented the crank from quite a.s.suming its normal shape after the release of those strains, and the crank, when finished, though true while clamped, will change its form the instant the clamping plates are removed, and the holes bored will in all probability not have their axial lines true one with the other. Another objection is that throwing the chuck plate out of balance on the lathe spindle as well as the crank induces the evils due to the centrifugal motion. This may be offset by increased counterbalancing, of course, but the counterbalancing becomes c.u.mbersome, and is not so easy a matter. For these reasons, chucks of this cla.s.s are not desirable unless it may be for comparatively small and light work. It is obvious that the dovetail groove may be provided with a screw, and the back of the plate with a nut, so as to move the plate along the groove by revolving the screw. This will a.s.sist in adjusting or setting the work, but it will increase the amount of weight requiring to be counterbalanced.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 887.]

When a number of pieces are to be bored with their holes of equal diameters and of the same distance apart, the chucking should be performed as in Figs. 888 and 889; one and the same end of each link should be bored and faced, the links being held by the stem, placed on parallel pieces with plates. A pin such as shown in Fig. 889 should then be provided, its diameter across A being a close sliding fit into the bores of the links; while the length of A should be slightly less than the length of the hole in the link, the part D should be made to accurately fit the hole bored by any suitably sized reamer; a washer B should be provided, and each end should be threaded to receive nuts.

There should then be provided in the chuck plate a hole whose distance from the centre of the chuck must exactly equal the distance apart the holes in the links are required to be, and into whose bore the end D of the pin shown in Fig. 889 must drive easily. The pin should be locked in this hole by a nut as shown in Fig. 889. The bored ends of the links may then be placed on the pin and fastened by a nut as in Fig. 888, which will regulate the distance apart of the holes.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 888.]

Chapter 63 : [Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 870.]This could be held as shown in Fig. 869, in which C is the
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