Chapter 5 : "But you know something, right?""Look, Martin. I can't help you with

"But you know something, right?"

"Look, Martin. I can't help you with the lad. I'm under orders, and it'll be my head if I screw up." His mouth had gone dry. "I want you to do something for me."

"We're out here until we find him. I'm not your errand boy."

"Martin. Calm down. This is the best I can do, okay?"

"What, then?"

"Keep looking. He could have wandered off. If ... if you don't find him by evening, I want you to go to Juvavum and tell someone one of the librarians."

Kelner was insulted. "A librarian? What the f.u.c.k for?"

"Because I want you to tell him about this, and him alone. A man called Frederik Thaler. It's really important you do. Don't pa.s.s a message on, don't be put off by their black-gowned ways. Him and him alone. Got that?"

"And what's this Thaler going to do? Organise a search? He's a c.o.c.king librarian!"

Buber put his hand onto Kelner's shoulder. "Listen, Martin. I'm really sorry about your nephew."

His hand was thrown abruptly off.

"What aren't you telling me?" Kelner moved up close, so that Buber could smell wood smoke and sap. "This has happened before, hasn't it?"

"I don't know. It's ..." Buber turned his head away. "It's complicated, all right?"

"I don't care how complicated it is, Peter." Kelner reached out and turned Buber back to face him. "This is about a kid. Nine years old."

Buber took a deep breath. Kelner was right. Of course he was right. But the boy had gone, and none of the others had come back.

Tell him enough, then. But not the whole truth.

He pushed Kelner's arm down, firmly but slowly. "There's something out there. I don't know what. I know that the masters know, but they haven't told me anything. I have to a.s.sume the prince knows too, but he hasn't told me either."

"And this something is taking children?"

"Maybe four over the last year. No one sees them go. Kids run away all the time, for all sorts of reasons. But probably four like this. Unexplained." Buber kicked at the stone road. "That's why you need to tell Thaler. Someone else other than the masters needs to know about this."

The urge to fight slipped away from Kelner, and he let go of the horse. "This Thaler? Can he help?"

"He's got all those books. That must mean something, right?"

"The masters, though. They can just cast a spell and find him, can't they?" Kelner didn't want to give up hope.

"That's been tried." Buber shook his head. As far as he knew, it had: the Order could have lied and there'd be no way of telling. Whichever it was, that particular child, a girl, was still missing.

"c.r.a.p. Peter, I can't go back to my brother and tell him some ... thing has taken his boy. What's the prince doing about this?"

"I'm his servant. He tells me what to do, and I go and do it. When I've done it, I come back and tell him I've done it. That's the way it works. And at the moment, I'm not doing what he told me to do." Buber reached up for the pommel again. "Tell Thaler. He'll take this seriously, and you won't get your a.r.s.e kicked by one of the chamberlain's men. Which you will if you go directly to the prince."

He swung himself up, and his horse stepped right, forcing Kelner's kinsman away. Buber took the opportunity to jab his heels and get the animal moving.

"Good luck," he called, and Kelner half-heartedly raised his hand.

Buber felt wretched as he rode away north. Arguing over whether or not to look for missing children wasn't what he'd signed up to do of course he should but there'd be chaos if the Teutons chanced their arm and decided to head straight for the under the prince's control. There weren't just the hors.e.m.e.n to consider, either; it was their baggage train too. Carts of stuff, pots and pans and tents and blankets and weapons and armour and spare tack and clothes, piled onto low-bedded wains and pulled by cart horses. Packed in among the effects, almost as an afterthought, were women and children. Whether or not the women belonged to the men, and the children to the women, was a matter of conjecture. They were there, and they all needed feeding.

Three hundred horse. Pasture alone for that many would make sufficient fields bald to starve the local cows into stopping giving milk. That's if the Teutons didn't just eat the cows, kill the farmer and enslave his family for good measure.

What he was doing was important. He was saving many other Georgs, and their mothers, from going missing. Only if he did it right, though: he had to make sure the Teutons got the prince's message.

The Roman via was a broad road with a dressed stone surface that managed to stay usable in most weathers but he could cut the corner off to get to where he needed to go more quickly.

So he headed up into the wooded hills and lake country where Kelner and his like lived, on tracks wide enough for a wagon and no more. This was Buber's country, too, more so than the high alpine pastures and the naked mountain slopes. He was never happier ... no, not happier, for he was rarely happy, but content. He was at ease, at one with the landscape.

Except for today. When the trees closed overhead, he brooded over what had happened to Georg. He didn't know exactly, but something that could take a unicorn without a single sign of struggle could spirit a child away. Unicorns were tough b.a.s.t.a.r.ds; he didn't let all the romantic talk about virgins and purity cloud his judgement, because he'd never forgotten the look in one stallion's eye as it levelled its horn at Buber's heart across the width of a forest clearing.

They were killers. And something had contemptuously left nothing but the most valuable part of it behind. Twice.

He hoped he'd done the right thing, sending Kelner to find Thaler. This knowledge was a dangerous commodity. He'd told the librarian about the unicorns, but not about the children, because, until now, he hadn't made the connection. Thaler would chew him out for that, since it was obvious.

What else had he missed?

He didn't know, because he wasn't used to thinking like that. His world was it used to be simple. Everything that happened had happened before. It was, if not explicable, predictable.

He kept on going, following the map in his head, through the villages that were no more than a strung-out ribbon of wooden houses by the track. Smoke and cooking smells reminded him he was hungry. He stopped occasionally, ostensibly to feed and water the horse, but really for his own sake. Wherever he dismounted, someone would come out and greet him, ask his business, and, satisfied that he was one of them, either go back in and leave him alone, or return with some bread, or cheese, or sausage, or beer.

Peter Buber, in the company of the dead, was craving the company of the living. He wasn't used to that feeling.

When he finally crested the last rise and saw the Enn in front of him, he was grateful to have something to do. His head hurt.

Simbach was across the wide river, a little Bavarian town with its own market and minor earl in charge. On the Carinthian side, nothing but five houses close to the bridge, and then widely s.p.a.ced farm buildings dotted along the road.

The bridge, though. It wouldn't have looked out of place in a great city like Rome or Byzantium. A low, single span arched over the water, high enough at the midpoint for barges, but its slope sufficiently shallow for the rise to be barely perceptible. Wide, too: traffic could cross north and south and still have room to stop along the way and admire the view.

It was, of course, physically impossible. No stone arch could support its weight shaped like that. But the bridge didn't depend on architecture for its existence, even if it was cast as a single block of black rock. There were engravings on each b.u.t.tress bearing testament to that.

The bridge had been there a long time. The Romans had thrown a pontoon across on their way to conquer the known world, replacing it afterwards, during the time of peace they established, with a concrete and brick construction similar to their viaducts. That, despite the empire's engineering skills, had been swept away again and again. The hexmasters had come once and conjured a marvel, then left it for mortals to use.

Buber used his elevation to scout out the land. Simbach wasn't walled, and the compact centre gave way to farms and gardens. Everything seemed normal there: hazy air over the town, the sense of people moving in the streets, pack animals crossing the bridge.

Over to the west, however, was another, more concentrated source of smoke. That would be the Teutons, then, waiting for their leader to return.

The sun was setting, and had already started to slip behind the ragged mountain peaks to the south. Buber leant forward and patted his horse on the neck.

"Good boy," he said. The horse, sensing the day was almost over, looked around, sniffing at the saddlebags.


Thaler made his way through the town, his gown flapping around him. Nothing had happened in quite the right order that day, from Buber's early message to Kelner's late arrival.

The woodsman's story had left him confused and concerned. Missing unicorns, missing children, and Buber's almost child-like trust in the power of books which he himself couldn't read. Some force an arcane force for sure was at work, and it was becoming clear that the hexmasters couldn't or wouldn't confront it.

Which was deeply disturbing in itself. There was nothing that was collectively beyond them.

And now it was dark, and he was late.

He hurried up the side of the library to Franks' Alley, and then into the open s.p.a.ce at the heart of the town, with its carefully kept ring of ash trees. They were in leaf again after a bare winter, their branches mes.h.i.+ng with their neighbours' and providing a continuous circle of protection for the central pillar, whose top was lost at night in shadow and sky.

Tall, high-roofed houses, rich with money and servants, lined the square, and it was their uncovered lights that shone down and illuminated his way. Gold Alley on the far side was just as bright, even though the a.s.sayers and coiners had long since closed for the night.

Thaler trailed down the narrow pa.s.sage, and came to another crossway in the labyrinth of streets. This alley was in shadow. No magical lights here: just a line of seven flickering candles in a window. It was a sign that a Jew lived there, and that he was at the entrance of Jews' Alley.

He found the right door and knocked on it. Old Aaron was getting a little deaf, so Thaler gave the small bra.s.s knocker some extra taps, loudly enough for faces to appear at other windows in the surrounding buildings. Maybe they recognised the shape of Thaler, or were just satisfied that there was only one man out in the street. Their faces receded, and eventually there was a shuffling behind the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," came the voice raised in complaint. "Who is it?"

"It's Under-librarian Thaler, Mr Morgenstern."

The door had bolts top and bottom, and they thwacked back like axe-blows. A c.h.i.n.k of light appeared and, halfway up, a glistening-wet eye. "Sophia said you might call. I suppose this is about the Maimonides?"

"Partly," said Thaler.

"Partly?" Morgenstern shuffled aside and Thaler stepped into the hallway. "There's something else?"

Thaler dragged his fingers through his thinning hair. "It's been a strange day, Mr Morgenstern."

"You and me both, Mr Thaler." Morgenstern reclosed the bolts on the door. "I'll go and get the book," he said. "Go through to the kitchen."

Morgenstern headed up the narrow stairs on unsteady legs, and Thaler was left to creak along the corridor to the back room.

"Miss Morgenstern," said Thaler. He pulled back a chair from the long table and sat heavily.

"Mr Thaler," said Sophia, without turning around. She had her hair tied back and uncovered, with floury splashes down her ap.r.o.n. "Do sit down."

"I ..." He'd done so already. "Thank you."

Wielding a long-handled wooden paddle, she delved deep into an alcove next to the fire. Then she pulled the paddle back out and deposited a round loaf on the table in front of Thaler.

"Eaten, Mr Thaler?" She knocked the oven door closed with her elbow and stowed the paddle.

"Actually, no. I haven't found the time." He hadn't, either. What with one thing and another.

Sophia tutted. "That's not like you, Mr Thaler. You have to look after yourself. So, some cheese with your bread?" She wiped her hands on her ap.r.o.n. She had a small smudge of flour on her nose.

Disarmed, Thaler acquiesced. "That will be..."

"Acceptable?" She laid three platters on the table and slipped a board under the cooling loaf. Its crust, previously smooth and brown, had just started to shrink and crack. "I'm sure Father will join us shortly."

The ceiling sounded with slow footsteps, and Sophia went into the larder to find the cheese and the b.u.t.ter.

Thaler looked at the low-burning fire, at the sparks rising up the chimney and out into the night.

Why did they do that? he wondered. Everything solid fell to the ground, but fire rose. Like the hexmasters and their levitation spells. Perhaps it was magic. Perhaps some types of wood were more magical than others.

Aaron Morgenstern shuffled into the room, and carefully laid the leather-bound book next to Thaler's place-setting. "The Maimonides."

The boards were rigid, unwarped and well cut, covered with a dark brown calfskin, tanned and stretched and nailed and tooled. He nodded with appreciation, then opened the book and ran a finger down the binding. Nice tight st.i.tching. No loose leaves there. The frontispiece was clear and uncluttered, a Latin script with tightly controlled serifs.

"Good copy," said Thaler. "Berber Spain?"

"I believe so. It's no more than twenty years old, with very few corrections and marginalia."

Thaler turned the first page of stiff, fibrous paper. "Ah ha."

The text was interlinear Latin and Hebrew: he'd not seen that before. The Latin, Thaler could read, and his lips twitched as he muttered the opening syllables. Over the top, Morgenstern spoke the Hebrew, because he could understand both.

When they next looked up, Sophia was sitting opposite Thaler, a wedge of bread on her plate and a chunk of yellow cheese in her mouth. "What?"

"The blessing, child?" said Morgenstern. "Serving our guest first?"

"I swear I'd have starved to death before you two stopped." She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and poured some watered wine from the pitcher into her cup. "Anyway, a reading from Rabbi Maimonides is blessing enough for a feast, let alone a simple supper."

To prove the point, she dipped her bread and chewed the end of it off.

"My daughter behaves more like a goy every day." Morgenstern threw his hands in the air. "Marriage. It's the only thing that'll be the saving of her."

Sophia smiled and dunked her bread in her wine again. "Can I get you anything, Mr Thaler?"

Thaler looked to her father for a lead, but he just shrugged and muttered in Yiddish as he took his seat at the head of the table, where he could warm his bones with the heat from the grate.

"Well, some of everything, I suppose."

Sophia dutifully cut a wedge of bread and leant across to place it on Thaler's plate, then returned with the jug of wine.

"So, will you be relieving me of the Maimonides?" Morgenstern held out his own platter for Sophia to load.

"We have translations, but not a Hebrew text next to the Latin one. Copying should only take a couple of months. It's not a huge book."

"And you have someone who can write Hebrew?"

"Even if they don't understand it, they can copy it."

Chapter 5 : "But you know something, right?""Look, Martin. I can't help you with
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